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Unbridled Rage/eps7

From Wuw Archive


Raiku meets up with the First Chaos and they both establish a team of Mary Sues to take over the world.

List of Works Being Parodied

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show - The Title proves this.
  • Typical "Take over the world for no reason" plots - OF COURSE!
  • Pinky and the Brain - The partnership of Raiku and the First Chaos.
  • M. Bison - Originates from the Nostalgia Critic's review of the Street Fighter movie.
  • Enoby - Originates from the godawful Potter fanfic "My Immortal", filled to the brim with horrible spellings and OOCness.
  • Sexy Snape - The common portrayal of Snape in fanfics, despite him being described as ugly and horrible in the original books.
  • Chuck Norris - Obvious.
  • Wesley Crusher - A much hated character from "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Described as the first Mary Sue.
  • Interlude - Great to get the plot foward without doing anything!


{Open: A large, open grassland. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the grassland is engulfed in a mighty explosion, leaving it to be a smoky crater. A humanoid figure resembling Protoman walks into the crater.}

????: Right... That was the 19454543th piece of open land I have destroyed today... A NEW RECORD!! MY FATHER.. who is satan by the way WILL BE PROUD!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ..........Oh hell I am so lonely... {???? lies down and then shifts into a fetal position.}

{A few minutes later, another humanoid comes onscreen. He notices the Protoman-like figure on the ground.}

????#2: My My My, what is this? {Walks over to the Protoman-like figure, and pokes it. The Protoman guy jumps up.}

????: What the Hell, Other guy?

????#2: I couldn't help but see you here, crying. Is something wrong?


'????#2: I can sense sadness in you. I repeat, why are you sad?

????: I'm the greatest being in the universe... I mean, I am so powerful that no one takes me seriously... Say... Who are you, anyway?

????#2: I am THE FIRST CHAOS!!! ....And I do too share your sorrow...

????: What do you mean?

FIRST CHAOS: Well, somewhere in 2008, I was created with the premise of being a well developed character... But after some unfortunate consequences, that changed, as I quickly transformed into a universal being of extreme divinity.. I ended up being run over by a car and hit by phoenix flame.. But unfortunately, I survived. With the shame of being so mighty, I sent myself into self-exile, forever roaming the lands to see someone who understands me.. And I think I have finally found him.. So, who are you then?

????: I am Raiku, son of Satan. I was originally created as a Final Fantasy Character ripoff, but due to spriting issues, I quickly devolved into a Protoman duplicate. I was gifted with a vast library of powers, only to be mocked for them.

FIRST CHAOS: We should not be mocked for who we are.. We should be feared! WE SHOULD BE ON TOP OF THE WORLD!

RAIKU: Yeah!

FIRST CHAOS: I've got an idea..

RAIKU: What is it?

FIRST CHAOS: We should create a team of supermen to help us in our highly cliched goal..

RAIKU: Which is?



RAIKU: What the Hell, M. Bison?

M. BISON: I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and I would like to join you.

FIRST CHAOS: Hmm... Vast Muscles... No pupils... Huge energy level... Sure!


{Cut to a story book, showing the 3 characters recruiting different characters.}

NARRATOR: And in their journey, the Mary sues were joined by:

  • Enoby Dark'ness Raven Dementia Way, The Total Goff
  • Mary Poppins, The Housewife
  • Chuck Norris, THE OVERUSED
  • Sexy Snape, The Inaccurate,
  • and Wesley Crusher, the Snarky Smartass Snotnosed Child who everyone hates!

{Cut to the meeting room.}

FIRST CHAOS: Right, just in case any of you were too infatuated with yourselves to listen, I will repeat the plan: Abuse our powers to take over the world!


ENOBY: wehn r we gona kil sum inocents

FIRST CHAOS: In dear time my friend..

MARY POPPINS: Do you know what we should do? I think we should remodel the world to our liking, to make it extra perfect!

RAIKU: That sounds like a good plan.

SEXY SNAPE: I agreeeeeeee.......

EBONY: oh u r sex snap

SEXY SNAPE: I know.. My inaccurate and crappy portrayal of a well developed character makes all the girls swoon...

FIRST CHAOS: Right.. As any good dictator knows, we must hijack a country first, and then work our way from there.. Any suggestions?


FIRST CHAOS: Nah. Think bigger.

RAIKU: England?


SEXY SNAPE: America?


WESLEY CRUSHER: How about Canada? That's good, right?

FIRST CHAOS: Perfect! Big enough to show everyone how mighty we are, but subtle enough to take over! Excellent thinking Crusher!

{Cut to the outside of the room, which is revealed to be a barn. A group of individuals are leaning towards the barn, listening to the plan.}

PAUL MCCARTNEY: Oh jeeves! They're plotting to take over the world! We must not allow this!

DAVID BOWIE: What do you suppose we do?

PAUL MCCARTNEY: We must tell the Canadian Government right away! FOR PEACE!

MICHAEL JACKSON: Why are we even here again?

FREDDIE MERCURY: The charity single we're making, remember?


PAUL MCCARTNEY: Come, my gang of 80's musicians! LET'S RIDE!

{The gang goes into their tour bus and drives off. Cut back to the meeting room.}

CHUCK NORRIS: So, how shall we attack Canada?

RAIKU: Easy, kidnap their leader and ask for a huge ransom, and then with the ransom money, hijack some nuclear missiles and hold the world hostage!!!!!!!

FIRST CHAOS: That is the most unoriginal thing I have heard. .....I LOVE IT! Let's go! {The team of Mary Sues fly out of the barn into the skies. Cut to the heroes.}

DAVID BOWIE: How are we going to get there in time?

PAUL MCCARTNEY: Easy.. Just watch. {Presses a button on the control pad, and the tourbus transforms into a jet.}

MICHAEL JACKSON: This is crazy. I wonder what psycho is writing this?



{Cut to the Interlude scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Cut to the drawing room in the KH2 Mansion. Lexon is there, scribbling in Namine's book. Noxigar comes in.}

NOXIGAR: Huh? Lexon.. What are you doing here?

LEXON: Namine needed to go shopping, so she left me in charge with the mansion. She even let me use her book.

NOXIGAR: {Walks over to Lexon and snatches the book away. He inspects the drawings Lexon has made.} ....What the hell is this?

LEXON: Umm...

NOXIGAR: This is some crazy crap going on here..

LEXON: Come on! It's not that bad!

NOXIGAR: Of course it is! It sucks! It has little plot development, the characters are crappy, and the whole thing just seems like something a 6 year old with ADD could make! .......How does it end?

LEXON: {Annoyed.} The Musicians beat up the Sues and lock them up.

NOXIGAR: Where? Arkham Asylum?

LEXON: For a matter of fact, yes! AND BATMAN WAS GONNA HELP THEM OUT! {Runs off, crying.}

NOXIGAR: Oh jeez.

{End 'Sode.}

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