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Unbridled Rage/eps3

From Wuw Archive


Can someone tell me what stuff constitutes an Class-A absurdity? Oh, right. Lawyers.

Stuff Being Parodied In Order of Chronology To Not-Chronology

  1. Court stuff from Law n' Order, Harvey Birdman, Phoenix Wright, etc. Easy pickings for typical fanfiction plots in terms of two antagonists not-physically duking it out (that DOESN'T relate to Children's Card Games either). In addition, most court stuff from Harvey Birdman is usually ridiculous (but often constitutes a court meeting). In addition, both the defense and the prosecutor in Phoenix Wright games alike have a huge sense of justice (one is usually more warped than the other, though)
  2. The name "Pingas" sounds awkward. So awkward that sophisticated persons like Edgeworth shudder at it. No wonder it's a popular YouTube fad.
  3. The names "Robotnik" and "Eggman" both attribute to the same person. Robotnik sounds better, though. Edgeworth seems to agree that Eggman sounds more awkward than Pingas.
  4. Silver the Hedgehog's time travel abilities make little sense, if any. Sonic 2006's storyline seems to be the first hapless victim of this time travel conundrum.
  5. The Pokemon known as Farfetch'd. I'm surprised his name isn't used in any Teen Girl Squad issues. I'm surprised he hasn't killed anyone through use of that hockey stick he carries.
  6. Random packages that are random. And packages that contain Crashman.
  7. If Tornadoman were ever in a Power Battles 3, I think Crash Bomb would be his weakness.
  8. Plugman ga no Taosenai is an example of a YouTube fad that I bent to my will (From Airman ga no Taosenai to Plugman ga no Taosenai). I can't even get past them disappearing tiles! OH YEA I GOT PAST THEM PLUGMAN HAS BEEN BEATEN!
  9. Chaos Does The World. In this episode, he does it literally.
  10. Bad puns for which I can associate with Tornadoman and his "Tornado Blow" weapon.
  11. Homsar using "Plug Ball" as his "Power Ball".
  12. The fact Homestar doesn't wear pants kills the "XBox being in my pants" fad.
  13. The fact that Strong Bad does not have abs.
  14. Tornadoman turns out to be another antagonist (Roxas). Ever get the feeling that this is a cliche? I think it is, generally because IN NEARLY EVERYTHING THE VILLAIN HAS TO DISGUISE HIMSELF OR HIS ACTIONS to EVERYONE ELSE. Why doesn't anyone catch the villain in the act? It's not hard. Catch him yelling or something.
  15. Too bad it's a little out-of-character to have Roxas be an antagonist. But wait, in Kingdom Hearts 2 he's one! OH SNAPZ CONTINUITY!


{Cut to a courtroom. Silver the Hedgehog is there, dressed up as a defense attorney. Edgeworth, from Phoenix Wright, is the prosecutor.}

SILVER: So, what's going on?

EDGEWORTH: A certain Dr. Ivo Robotnik is suing Tornadoman for copyright infringement. It seems that Tornadoman has a leviathan by the name of {shudders} "Pingas".

SILVER: Oh. Wait, really?


SILVER: Isn't his name Eggman now?

EDGEWORTH: I jest at that name. It sounds even more ridiculous than {shudders again} Pingas.

SILVER: Well, whenever they both get here, I'll be sitting behind this wooden wall. I presume the defense sits here.

EDGEWORTH: There are two wooden walls. I stand behind one, you stand behind another.

SILVER: I get it.

EDGEWORTH: I sure hope you know what you're doing.

SILVER: Back in the future, I studied law school around 9,001 times. I went to different law schools in different time periods.

EDGEWORTH: That sounds a little farfetched... are you sure you know what you're doing?

SILVER: Yeah. I know that my client can plead the fifth if needed.

EDGEWORTH: Certain times usually negate the Fifth Amendment.

SILVER: I made a grocery list of all those times.

{Silver shows Edgeworth a list of "All the Times Fifth Amendment Doesn't Work"}

EDGEWORTH: Once again, I'm gonna go with farfetched.

{A Farfetch'd pops out of nowhere}

FARFETCH'D: Farfetch'd!

{Farfetch'd's name appears on top of Edgeworth as he is getting hit with a hockey stick}

EDGEWORTH: Ow, my prosecuting strategy!

{Farfectch'd continues to hit Edgeworth over the head with his hockey stick. Cut to Namine, drawing Farfetch'd when there is a knock on the door.}

NAMINE: Who could it be this time?

{Namine opens the door to find a package}

NAMINE: I didn't order any not-arts and crafts items! Oh well, the package looks important, so I'll take it in.

{Namine closes the door, carrying the package also. She puts the package on a coffee table next to her sketchbook. Lexon Darkheart can be seen in a robe with a 5 o'clock shadow and a mug of coffee in his hands}

LEXON: {yawns} What's it for?

{Namine opens the package to find Crashman in it}

NAMINE: I got... Crashman? Why him and not Woodman? He's actually a decent boss.

LEXON: Crashman fits your personality. Explosive.

NAMINE: How am I even close to explosive?

LEXON: You have more hot than a cow has moo, that's why.

NAMINE: Say one more pick-up line and I will sick Crashman on you as target practice.

LEXON: Crashman might be Tornadoman's not-Megaman 9 weakness.

NAMINE: Wouldn't Plugman's weapon work better?

LEXON: Plugman ga no Taosenai!

NAMINE: Uhm... okay...

{Cut to Chaos and the World in a hotel room}

CHAOS: I hope you're ready.

{The World gets thrown into a bed, Chaos with it. Cut back to Namine and Lexon.}

NAMINE: What just happened?

LEXON: No idea.

{Cut back to the courtroom, only this time it is ruined. Megaman 7 boss battle music plays as Silver is fighting Tornadoman.}

TORNADOMAN: Tornado Blow!

{Several tornadoes send Silver sky high}

TORNADOMAN: That is the best blow jorb I've ever accomplished.

{Coach Z walks onscreen}

COACH Z: You sorck! Jorb is my word yer misusin'!

{Tornadoman uses Tornado Blow again. Coach Z flies out of the ruins of the courtroom}

TORNADOMAN: I don't suck... I blow!

{Homsar walks onscreen, dressed in purple and yellow}

HOMSAR: rrrraAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaa... I think I haven't lost my spark!

{Homsar takes out a Plug Ball and kicks it}

HOMSAR: You play nice with my power ball, now hear?

{The Plug Ball hits Tornadoman in the face, electrocuting him in the process. An explosion ensues}

TORNADOMAN: Looks like Tornadoman's blasting off again!

{Tornadoman becomes a small star in the sky. Cut back to Homsar}

HOMSAR: IIIIIIIIII don't need no spinach to beat a Coach Z with fans on his wrists! I can just use my Jenga jam!

{Cut to Homestar and Strong Bad in the basement.}

STRONG BAD: Hey Homestar, have you seen the XBox?

HOMESTAR: It's wight hewe. In my pants...

STRONG BAD: You don't even wear pants, Homestar! There ain't no XBox in nonexistent pants!

HOMESTAR: {head looking towards the floor} Oh...

{Tornadoman appears from the ceiling and lands on Homestar.}

STRONG BAD: Ah! Coach Z! When did you become a Megaman boss?


{Cloak and Dagger warp, grab Strong Bad, and leave. Tornadoman goes with them. Cut to Tornadoman's swimming pool, where Pingas resides.}

STRONG BAD: Put me down! I don't want to get eaten! I have like a million more emails to check!

TORNADOMAN: That's too bad... Pingas! Lunch time!


{Pingas arrives}

STRONG BAD: Oh crap a leviathan!

{Cloak and Dagger grab Strong Bad and throw him to Pingas, who swallows him whole}

CLOAK: Oh, I can't wait to see what happens to Strong Bad's abs!

DAGGER: He doesn't have abs, moron.

CLOAK: He doesn't?

DAGGER: He doesn't.

CLOAK: He doesn't?

DAGGER: He doesn't.

CLOAK: He doesn't?

DAGGER: Shut this up already. Strong Bad does not have abs.

CLOAK: So what do we do now?

DAGGER: What else, imbecile? We get Noxigar over here to meet the same fate! And when Nobodies are digested they fade to darkness! We can get rid of every Organization XIII member remaining using this method!

CLOAK: I thought it was just him and Roxas.

DAGGER: Don't forget that girl who makes fun of everyone by drawing them in a sketchbook.

CLOAK: She's a member?

DAGGER: I don't know. Sources just tell me.

CLOAK: Let's give her the slow and painful!

DAGGER: No, we should spare her because if we do not, then Tornadoman would tan our hides! Now let's go and get some Nobodies out of the fridge for Pingas!

{Cloak and Dagger leave. Tornadoman grins malevolently.}

TORNADOMAN: {softly} Little do those fools realize that...

{Tornadoman takes off his costume. He is really Roxas}

ROXAS: {softly again} I am Roxas! And I will eliminate them as soon as they eliminate Noxi! My plan is foolproof!

{End credits}

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