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Unbridled Rage/eps2

From Wuw Archive


Sephiroth features prominently in this (as Lexon Darkheart). Not the FF7 Sephiroth. Anyway, he's onto Cloak and Dagger.

List of Things Being Parodied (In Order Of What Gets Parodied First)

  1. Namine's role in KH: Chain of Memories; it directly involves remembering stuff not related to them. At all.
  2. Plantman from Megaman 6; he'd totally be like one of those flowers given to people randomly. At least he's not a daisy.
  3. The typical RPG hero and how they suddenly know of every minion the antagonist has despite not even meeting them.
  4. McDonald's and their [in my opinion] obnoxious commercials.
  5. Pokerface by Lady Gaga; that song is so catchy. Fo realz.
  6. Cloak and Dagger are two different parodies in this episode: Dagger is the bored, sarcastic henchman where Cloak is the enthusiastic, sadistic henchman.
  7. WUW fads: this one I made up; "I'm <name>, but you can call me Handsome Guy!"
  8. When a main character is incapacitated or distracted, I don't see why sidekicks/henchmen can't be selfish and just go on without the main character.
  9. Once again, parodying the concept of redshirts. And the uselessness of hiring mercenaries only to see them get killed hour(s) later.
  10. I had made a Wikihood Redux episode about a dinner and a date for some reason. Maybe to eccentuate more comedy, or something. Anyway, I mock my own idea here, as I truly found it ridiculous moments after.
  11. Homestar complained about Marzipan dating The Cheat that one time.
  12. Namine, in terms of her drawing capabilities, has the potential to be a professional godmodder.
  13. Certain tables and seating giving out views and others not. Meh.
  14. Villainous duos can come out of nowhere. Why? I don't know!
  15. Obscurities are a form of social awkwardness. Such as the concept of a leviathan named Pingas.
  16. TornadoxSplash. IT IS CRACK!
  17. Coach Z. And his creepiness/depressedness.
  18. User:Sephiroth is usually known for making Black Adder references, or so I remember him that way. Tornadoman interferes and ends the episode before a reference can be made.


{Namine is drawing Noxigar fighting against Freezeman from Megaman 7 when the doorbell rings again. She gets the door, Lexon Darkheart being there}

LEXON: Hey! Remember me? A blast from the past!

NAMINE: Oh, hi! Yeah, I remember you! I remember everyone and make people forget about others at times, too.

LEXON: 'Kay, you're weird. But nevertheless, I brought you flowers.

{A bouquet of Plantmans from Megaman 6 jump up and down happily.}

NAMINE: Uh... thanks?

LEXON: Thou art welcome. Now, I must go and fight some Cloak and Dagger duo: they remind me of Team Rocket.

NAMINE: Cloak and Dagger? Don't they work at McDonald's?

LEXON: Thanks for telling me their location. I shall reward you later with two beef patties with lettuce and onions on a sesame seed bun!

NAMINE: I'm not loving it...

LEXON: Put a smile on, milady!

{Lexon summons a bunch of orcs who dance to Pokerface by Lady Gaga}

LEXON: Puh puh puh Pokerface puh puh Pokerface!

ORC: My my my my!

{Lexon dances on with the orcs. Cut to Cloak and Dagger seeing Lexon on a television screen}

DAGGER: You have got to be crapping me.

CLOAK: This guy's a Nobody too! Notice how his rock-hard abs must feel like when they get crushed by Tornadoman's leviathan!

DAGGER: You're WAY too eccentric about that guy's abs.

CLOAK: I'd like to see what they look like after they're digested by Pingas.

DAGGER: Don't talk to me.

CLOAK: What?


{Several orcs look at him oddly}

ORC 1: Doesn't he know we're done?

ORC 2: I personally don't think he cares.

ORC 3: He's got that attitude: "I'm Lexon but you can call me Handsome Guy!"

ORC 4: Let's go get Cloak and Dagger. While he's being distracted, we can get money!

ORC 2: 'Kay then.

{The orcs leave. They head towards a McDonald's. When they head inside, the McDonald's explodes, them with it. Upon hearing the explosion, Lexon stops dancing.}

LEXON: Aww, man! I hired them mercenaries just an hour ago!

NAMINE: I can compensate by taking you out to a restaurant.

LEXON: Why would I want dinner and a date at a time like this?

NAMINE: Perhaps to cheer you up?

LEXON: Uh... sure... if it's okay with Noxigar.

NAMINE: He's not Homestar; he won't hurt you. Not if I can help it, anyway.

{Namine draws Noxigar at the restaurant as a reservations creator. She draws herself and Lexon at the restaurant, too. Suddenly, they're there.}

LEXON: Well that was fast!

NAMINE: Thanks?

LEXON: You're welcome.

NOXIGAR: Hello, can I help you two with- uh... Namine?

NAMINE: Oh hey Noxi.

NOXIGAR: You brought Lexon? Awesome. Well, there's a back left table for you two...

{Namine and Lexon both head on over for the back left table}

LEXON: Roomy. And I get a view from a window that is awesome.

NAMINE: Exactly why I chose this table.

{A waiter with a nametag saying Giuseppe arrives}

GIUSEPPE: Bonjour, sir and madam. What would you both like?

{Giuseppe gets killed by Cloak and Dagger.}

DAGGER: That was easy.

CLOAK: But it was satisfying.

NAMINE: Creepy...

CLOAK: Silence! We must feed a Nobody to Pingas!

LEXON: Who is Pingas?!

CLOAK: You mean you don't know?

DAGGER: ... Duh. He doesn't. I don't think he knows who even owns Pingas.

{A television screen activates. Tornadoman is there.}

TORNADOMAN: Hello, Lexon.

LEXON: Tornadoman?! But... wha... how are you the antagonist?

TORNADOMAN: Splashwoman bought me a leviathan, and I named it Pingas.

NAMINE: Once again... creepy.

{Coach Z walks onscreen}

COACH Z: Did someone say creepy?

LEXON: No. Go away.

COACH Z: Awwr...

{Coach Z walks away, head looking towards the ground in depression.}

TORNADOMAN: Before you pull a Black Adder reference, I must end the episode. I'd..uh...forget otherwise.


{End credits}

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