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Unbridled Rage/eps17

From Wuw Archive


In this episode, everybody dies.

Things Parodied

  • Fanfics that kill off important characters for no reason.
  • OOCness in characters.


{Open: Namine's room. Namine is sitting at the desk, drawing. Lexon comes in.}

LEXON: Hey Namine!

NAMINE: Hey Lex... Say, do you know who ate all the cookies I made? I was saving them for later.

LEXON: Oh yeah... That was me.. Sorry.

NAMINE: {Increasingly angry} Darn it! I put all my work into making those! 6 hours!

LEXON: Jeez, I said I was sorry... Don't blow a casket!

NAMINE: {Calmer, but still annoyed.} It's okay... It was just a mistake...

{Lexon leaves while Namine facepalms.}

{The next day, Namine is in the kitchen, making a new batch of cookies. She puts them on the counter and then leaves. Lexon pops up and grabs them. He leaves. A minute later, Namine comes back and sees the empty tray.}

NAMINE: NOT AGAIN!! .....I swear, I'm going to kill him....

{Night time. Cut to Lexon's bedroom. He is in his bed, sleeping. Namine creeps in and walks towards him.}

NAMINE: This will teach you to steal my bakery!

{She pulls out Saix's claymore and raises it. Cut to the exterior of the mansion. A chopping noise is heard, followed by a yelp.}

{The next day, Namine is sleeping in her bed. Noxigar runs in and wakes her up.}


NAMINE: What? What happened?

NOXIGAR: I found him in his room, with Saix's claymore embedded in his chest.

NAMINE: That's a shame... {Thinking.} Oh god.. He found the body... I'll need to dispose of him now... {Talking again.} Say, um.... Do you want to have a walk around twilight town to get around this unfortunate ideal?

NOXIGAR: Sure.... Alright.

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