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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/3

From Wuw Archive


Part 1: Run the Course, Eat the Meal

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: The Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers all took the plunge. Well, a plunge off of a cliff into a small ring surrounding another ring full of sharks. Ashley, being a cat, didn't do it, and had to be the "Chicken of the Bass." Heather also chickened out for the Gophers, really angering some Gophers. After the hot-tub contest, it was Heather's fault that the Gophers lost which led to her snobby little butt being the first booted off! After the loss of their captain, it was Tom who took the lead.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: Now that the Gophers have a better captain, will they win this next challenge that we hold for them? Or will the Bass start a winning streak? Find out here, on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISALND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Campground, Kale and Tom are sitting outside of the cabin}

KALE: Well, now begins your first day as captain.

TOM: Yeah. Let's hope we win this time.

KALE: Oh, don't worry. With Heather gone, now our team has no one that will pull something mean like...manipulating the Gophers so that he or she could win the entire thing...

TOM: Hmmm...wait...huh? Oh-oh yeah! No more of that.

CHRIS: {over intercom} Campers! Report to the beach for your challenge!

{Cut to inside the cabin}

PTER: The beach? What is he gonna do...make us build a sand castle?

{Cut to the beach}

CHRIS: Campers! It's time for your challenge! Now...campers here will have to win this obstacle course race to the finish line. You will make your way through the tires, climb the wall, swing the rope over the pit of mud, and finally crawl through the tunnels to the finish line! Okay, GO!

{The campers start running}

PTER: Well the tires are useless since I can fly...

CHRIS: {Grabs Tex and Pter} Oh no, legless ones. You aren't doing this. You guys will just wait at the end.

{Cut to the end of the course}

TEX: So...technically...we won?

PTER: Not likely.

{Tom and Aruseus are neck and neck, but Tom wins the race}

CHRIS: The Gophers win!

{The Screaming Gophers all cheer}


FOXX: What?!

CHRIS: That brings us to the next part of your challenge.

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

CHRIS: Campers! Each team has an entire bowl of...

FANG: It's not gross slop isn't it?

CHRIS: Turkey salad!

{Outhouse Cam: Bruce}

BRUCE: All right! I love turkey!

{Outhouse Cam: Fang}

FANG: I'm actually suprised. The food doesn't look like puke.

{Cut back}


{Both teams start downing their food}

ARUSEUS: This is- {gulp} delicious!

ASHLEY: Shut up and - {chomp} eat!

CHRIS: And we have a winner! The Killer Bass!

{The Killer Bass cheer, some of them burp}

CHRIS: Now...everyone...break time! Nap or something!

{Cut to the Bass Cabin}

CYRUS: Did you see me back there? I was downing that stuff!

ASHLEY: I find it funny, because you're a bird. barely ate any of it!

RYAN: Well there's one good reason! FENRI ATE IT ALL!

FENRI: What can I say? I like turkey!

{Cut to the Gophers cabin}

TOM: I swear, Chris has something planned for us.

FOXX: Don't worry. I'm sure whatever it is we'll win.

{Cut to the Dock, Tom is sitting down}

JESS: Hey there.

TOM: Oh! Hello!

JESS: So...I was just wondering...what's going on?

TOM: Oh, nothing. I just feel like something's up. Chris seriously has some kind of crazy impossible challenge.

JESS: Whatever it is...the Gophers won't lose!

TOM: Thanks, Jess. You're a real inspiration.

CHRIS: {over intercom} Okay, campers! To the Campfire!

Part 2: Not So Sweet Dreams

{Cut to the Campfire}

FENRI: So...who's losing now?

CHRIS: No one! Yet. This is where your final part of the challenge starts.

TOM: Well, what is it now? Jump into a cave full of bears? Stay underwater for an hour? Come on.

CHRIS: The Awake-a-Thon!

TOM: The wha?

CHRIS: Campers must stay awake for as long as they can! There will be soothing classical music...boring stories...{holds up a book called My Antonia} and more. Do whatever you can to stay awake! Last camper standing's team wins!

TOM: Oh the turkey and the running was-

GEOFF: Ways to make us tired!

{Outhouse Cam: Pter}

PTER: Great. Just great. Well, my butt's doomed for elimination; I suck at sleeping late! Well, I have to find out who's a early sleeper on the Bass, and when he drops, I can drop after.

{Outhouse Cam: Cyrus}

CYRUS: Oh jeez. There was this one time where I was at a sleepover, and I fell asleep at like...2 AM. When I woke up, the others drew on my face! It took weeks to get off!

{Outhouse Cam: Aruseus}

ARUSEUS: My Antonia? Jeez. I hated that book.

{Cut back}

CHRIS: Well, there is one exception! Fenri and Foxx are some form of android thing, so they'll sit this one out, and you CANNOT vote them off. Stay cool guys, don't interfere with the Awake-a-thon.

FOXX: Whatever.


{Fenri and Foxx walk off}

CHRIS: Now...let the Awake-a-thon...begin! Good night!

TOM: Ok, Gophers. Let's keep our eyes open.

GEOFF: Bass, stay cool. Don't crash just yet.

TEX: Damn! I should've brought my PSP! This is going to suck.

RYAN: Don't worry! I brought a game.

{Cut to the Bass sitting around in a circle playing the "I've Never Ever" game.}

RYAN: Ok. I have never ever licked someone's armpit.

GEOFF: Uh...dude...we still all have ten fingers up. No one busted here.

LUCAS: Ok! My turn! I've never ever...broken someone's leg.

AUSTIN: Damn. You got me. {folds one of his fingers back}

{Everyone on the Bass stares at Austin}

AUSTIN: What? He pissed me off.

CYRUS: So who's next?

{Cut to the Gophers}

TOM: Okay, it's 11 PM. Everyone still awake?

KYUBII: {yawn} I dunno, Tom...

TOM: No. Do NOT yawn! {shakes Kyubii} WAKE UP!

KYUBII: I kid! I kid! I'm wide awake!

TOM: Good. So...any plans?

{Cut to the Bass}

GEOFF: Ok...what time is it, Ryan?

RYAN: Midnight! Everyone okay?

CYRUS: Oh jeez...I shouldn't have ate that much turkey...I feel like I'm gonna drop...

GEOFF: No, falcon dude! You have to stay awake!

CYRUS: I'm trying!

{Cut back to the Gophers}

TOM: It's 12:45. Everyone... {yawn}


{Bruce splashes cold water in Tom's face}

TOM: {annoyed}...okay. Well I'm awake now...brr...

CHRIS: Okay guys! Story time! {Chris opens a book} Once upon a time...there was a very dull kingdom. There lived a king there who did nothing...

{The campers look dead tired}

TOM:'s 1:30...

PTER: Oh no...I feel light-headed...

KALE: No, Pter! You have to...stay awake...

GEOFF: Ok, Bass...just try to ignore the...


GEOFF: What was...oh no.

{Cyrus is on the ground snoring}

BASS: 9/10


PTER: least I didn't drop first.

KALE: And now we wait.

{2:45 AM}

{The following are asleep: Cyrus, Pter, Kale, Ryan, Aruseus}

BASS: 7/10


VAN: Ugh...I'm beat... {falls over}


{3:10 AM}

TEX: Hey, bro?

LUCAS: {yawns} Yeah?

TEX: Remember that time when forgot what to say, I'm so bushed...

LUCAS: You wanna just crash now?

TEX: Eh...whatever...

BASS: 5/10

{3:45 AM}

BASS: 3/10


BRUCE: It's just me...Fang...Kyubii, and Megan now...



BRUCE: Well, there goes Megan...

{4:20 AM}

GEOFF: No...It's just me and Wolf now...urgh...

{Geoff falls alseep}

BASS: 1/10

{6:00 AM}

CHRIS: We have a winner, the Screaming Gophers!

{Fang falls asleep}

CHRIS: Sweet dreams, you winner! {blows an air horn} Wakie wakie!

{Everyone wakes up}

CHRIS: The Gophers win this: A good night's sleep with these comfy sheets, to make up for the grueling hours they stayed up! The Bass...go choose someone to vote off!

{Outhouse Cam: Fang}

FANG: {snore}

Part 3: Seeing Red

{Cut to the Campfire}

{Outhouse Cam: Geoff}

GEOFF: It was real tough to vote someone off. I like my team!

{Outhouse Cam: Ryan}

RYAN: If only you stayed awake longer...but no hard feelings.

{Cut back}

CHRIS: Remember, the camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must walk the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and get off of this island with no return back. Now, the first marshmallow of the night goes to...

{Chris tosses a marshmallow to the following:}

CHRIS: Geoff. Fenri. Ashley. Austin. Ryan. Tex. Lucas. Wolf. Elyssa.

{There is one marshmallow left, with the dramatic pause :D}

CHRIS: Aruseus.


CHRIS: Cyrus, sorry. You gotta go now.

{Cut to the Dock of Shame}

CYRUS: Well, it's been nice.

GEOFF: We're really gonna miss you! You were an asset to the team! However...rules are rules.

ARUSEUS: Sorry, Cyrus.

CYRUS: No worries. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with home.

{Cyrus is sailed away, Cut to the Boat of Losers, Cyrus is watching the sea}

CYRUS: Thank you, Killer Bass. Now I'm finally off of that damn island.


Fun Facts

  • Ooh. Shortest ceremony yet.
  • My Antonia was one of my summer reading books. Do not read it. Ever.
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