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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/2

From Wuw Archive


Part 1: Your Challenge Begins

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers had met eachother and were put on their respective teams. There, some laughed, some chatted, and some almost got a blow to the face. Our two old competitors, Geoff and Heather, had assembled their respective teams, and got ready for a new cast of our show. Campers were also introduced to the food and the cabins they would sleep in. So, will these campers be able to handle the first challenge? Find out here, on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Campground, zoom in on the Gopher Cabin}

PTER: Ah...agh...ah-CHOO!

HEATHER: Keep your cold to yourself, reptile!

PTER: Urgh... {sniff} You try getting a cold with no medicine to help it...I can barely breathe through my nose!

TOM: Just don't sneeze on us.

PTER: I'll try not to...eguh...aah...CHOO! {sneezes on Foxx} Sorry...

FOXX: Grrrrrr... {jumps at Pter}

{Zoom out to show the Gopher Cabin, there are impact noises}


CHRIS: {over intercom} Campers! Please report to the Campfire to learn of your first challenge!

KALE: Here we go...

{Cut to everyone at the Campfire}

CHRIS: Today marks your first challenge. Campers will have to plunge down from that mountain into a ring surrounding the water. However, there is a smaller ring located within it. If you land in the outer ring, there are sharks. The inner ring is your safe zone. Dudes, go for the safe zone. Down there you will find crates with materials to build a hot tub. Best tub wins, and the winners get a wicked party in their tub. Losers will have to choose one person to vote off.

{Cut to the cliff, everyone is wearing a swimsuit of some sort}

TEX: Are you sure this is safe?

CHRIS: Don't worry, dude. You're insured.

TEX: Insurance doesn't matter. I don't want to lose my upper body, too.

CHRIS: Gophers, pick your diver.

BRUCE: Kale, you should go.

KALE: Are you mad?! I'll die in there!

BRUCE: Don't worry! Just go! {pushes Kale off the cliff}


{Kale plunges into the safe zone}

KALE: Huh? Hey, I made it!

{Cut to the top of the cliff}

TOM: Way to take one for the team, Kale!

GEOFF: We're next!


{Ryan plunges into the safe zone}

RYAN: Yes...

HEATHER: Well, one of you go!

{Several people jump}





{Cut to the safe zone, Tom, Megan, and Lucas make it, Tex hits a buoy that makes up the ring}

TEX: Oooooooooooogg....

TOM: Ouch. That might smart.

LUCAS: You okay bro?

TEX: Yeah...urgh...

{Several more people jump}



PTER: {not phased by it at all}

{Cut back to the cliff}

GEOFF: Ashley, you're next!

ASHLEY: Um...I'm a cat. Cats and water don't mix...

CHRIS: Well, there is the alternative...

{Cut to the rest of the campers who jumped, Ashley has a chicken hat}

ASHLEY: Snicker and I'll claw your face open.

{Cut back to the mountain}

BRUCE: Well, I guess it's my turn. {Bruce makes some poses and dives like an Olympic diver would}

{Bruce starts spazzing as he falls}


{Bruce lands headfirst into the safe zone}

BRUCE: Hey...I made it! Alive! YEAH!

{Cut back to the mountain}

AUSTIN: Chris...this is madness! I'm not gonna jump into a ring of sharks!

CHRIS: Oh no, Austin. This isn't madness. This is TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND! {kicks Austin off the cliff}


{Austin misses the safe zone}


{Sharks approach Austin, but they stop, and swim away}


AUSTIN: I thought so.

KYUBII: Urgh...I-I-I don't wanna do it...

HEATHER: Come on, Kyubii, jump. You do want to win, right?

KYUBII: Well...I...yes. Yes I do.


{Kyubii lands in the safe zone}

CYRUS: I'm next! Let's {jumps} GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Cyrus plunges into the safe ring}

CHRIS: How about the captains jump now?


{Geoff makes it into the safe ring}

FANG: Well, Heather?

HEATHER: Nope. I'm not going to jump.

{Cut to Heather sitting with Ashley, wearing a chicken hat}

KYUBII: {mocking Heather} Come on, Kyubii, jump. You do want to win, right?

HEATHER: Shut up, freak fox!

{Cut back to the cliff}

FOXX: {sigh} I guess so. {jumps}

{Foxx lands in the safe zone}


{Aruseus lands in the safe zone}

{Fenri jumps}


{Fenri lands in the safe zone}

FANG: {sigh} Here we go... {jumps} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Fang lands and breaks apart on a rock}

SOME OF THE SG: Oooh...ow...

BRUCE: You still alive?

FANG: I've got mechanical implants, I'm fine...

VAN: Let's hope this isn't like Wikihood...GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! {jumps}

{Van lands in the safe zone}

VAN: Hey! I'm not dead!

WOLF: That just leaves... {jumps} MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

{Wolf lands in the safe zone}

CHRIS: Okay! We have a tie for the first challenge! One of the Gophers, their faithful captain Heather, chickened out! And for the Bass' chicken, Ashley!


ASHLEY: {grumble}

Part 2: Two Tubs By...21 Campers?

CHRIS: Onto part two; building a hot tub! Campers will find their materials in these crates. The pain is, however, carrying them. Get your most brawny and move them along! The best tub wins!

{Cut to the Bass}

GEOFF: Ok, guys. Just do like it's done in the instruction book and we're done. Aruseus, Lucas, go use these buckets to get water.

ARUSEUS: Aye aye, sir!

LUCAS: {simultaneously} Yes, sir!

{Cut to the Gophers}

HEATHER: Come on, Gophers! The Bass are way ahead of us now. We can't kick off this competition with a losing streak! Now, I need to do my makeup, and if this Tub is not perfect by the time I'm back, you'll so regret it.

{Heather leaves}

BRUCE: Jeez. Girl's got issues.

TOM: Yeah...she's a real crappy captain. She's not like Geoff at all. Look at those Bass, so much teamwork, and all because of their captain!

FANG: I wouldn't worry about it...let's get back to work on this. So...what do we do next?

TOM: I dunno. Who's got the instruction book?

FOXX: Last person who had it was...oh no.

KALE: Heather! That two-timing little...

KYUBII: Wait. I have a plan.

PTER: What?

KYUBII: Ok. Here's the deal. Gophers, huddle!

{The Gophers huddle up. Kyubii starts whispering}

KALE: Y-You can't possibly think that this'll even remotely work.

{Fade in and out. Heather is walking back, holding the instruction book, she looks at it}

HEATHER: Oops. I seem to have taken the instructions with me. No matter, my team will win anyway...

{Heather returns to the Gopher's hot tub, which...really sucks}

HEATHER: {gasps} I said it had to be perfect!

TOM: Well maybe if SOMEONE didn't take the instruction book...

HEATHER: Well, a good captain needs his or her team to work well without instructions.

KALE: Well, maybe a good captain needs to be much nicer and keep an eye on their team's work!

HEATHER: Well maybe if we didn't have such idiots like YOU {points to Bruce} on our team, we would've done better!

KALE: No one calls Bruce stupid except for me and Ashley! {punches Heather in the face}

HEATHER: just gave me a black eye! Oh, you're in for one!

CHRIS: Ok! Bass, let's see your hot tub...

{Cut to show a perfectly built hot tub}

CHRIS: let's see the Gophers...

{Cut to a pretty ramshackle tub. It's leaking and held together with badly hammered nails and ductape}

CHRIS: Gophers, I expected better...looks like the Bass win!

{The Killer Bass cheer}

HEATHER: This is you're fault, fox-boy!

BRUCE: You can't just blame me! I put in my fair share, too!

CHRIS: Gophers, to the campfire ceremony!

Part 3: O, Captain, My Captain

{Cut to the Campfire at night}

CHRIS: Campers, you've all cast your votes.

{Outhouse Cam: Heather}

HEATHER: It's Bruce's fault that we lost. If I didn't get stuck with such a big idiot, maybe we'd have won!

{Outhouse Cam: Tom}

TOM: Heather was a total ass. Not just to Bruce, but to the rest of the team too! We seriously need a new captain.

{Outhouse Cam: Kyubii}

KYUBII: Well, at leat I didn't chicken out on the jumping!

{Outhouse Cam: Pter}

PTER: I've never been stuck with such a snob!

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Chris, just letting you know...the black eye on Heather's face was my vote.

{Cut back to the Campfire}

CHRIS: The camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must walk the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and never return to Total Drama Island. Ever. The first marshmallow of the night goes to...

{Chris tosses a marshmallow to the following:}

CHRIS: Kale.

KALE: Phew...

CHRIS: Tom. Pter. Kyubii. Foxx. Fang. Van. Megan. Jess.

{One marshmallow is left D:}

CHRIS: The last marshmallow of the night goes to...

{Bruce is scared out of his mind, Heather looks positively smug}

CHRIS: Bruce.

{Bruce catches the marshmallow, Heather is in shock}


CHRIS: The Dock of Shame awaits, m'lady.

HEATHER: You cannot just do this. This is not happening! Playback the votes!

CHRIS: Surely.

{Chris playbacks the votes on a TV}

HEATHER: A total ass?! A snob?! You guys cannot just treat your captain that way!

TOM: Oh, you're not our captain anymore.

BRUCE: Goodbye, Heather!

{Cut to the Boat of Losers, Heather is being sailed away}

HEATHER: This isn't over! I will be back!

{Cut back to the Campfire}

CHRIS: Campers! It's time to vote again!

FOXX: But we just booted her off the team! What now?

CHRIS: Vote for your new captain.

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Well, I must say, Tom's one of the only people on my team that's ever been nice to me...well...except for Bruce. I vote Tom.

{Outhouse Cam: Pter}

PTER: Eh...Tom's okay.

{Outhouse Cam: Bruce}

BRUCE: I like that Foxx guy. We need a nice, but still tough leader. Heather was just...tough.

{Cut back}

CHRIS: And the "Marshmallow of Captainship" goes to...Tom!

{The Screaming Gophers cheer}

{Cut back to the Gopher Cabin}

VAN: I guess everyone won tonight. We got rid of Heather, and the Bass got their party.

TOM: I agree with ya, Van.

KALE: Well, good night...captain.

TOM: Thanks, Kale.


Fun Facts

  • Obligatory 300 reference!
  • In Kale's bio on Furthia High's site, Kale's quote is repeated in this episode.
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