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Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition/1

From Wuw Archive


Part 1: The Arrival

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Hello, viewers! This is our new reality TV game show, Total Drama Island! Located in Maskoka, Ontario, this is Camp Wawanakwa! I am Chris McLean, your host for this wild ride of a show! Now, in this show, twenty-two campers will be sent to two teams while competing in challenges and spending 8 weeks at this camp. Lemme tell ya, this isn't a luxury resort, fellas. The winning team will win a prize, while the losers decide on who's gonna go. Losers will have to return here, the Dock of Shame, to catch the Boat of Losers, and go home, never to return to the island.

{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: The voting takes place here, at the campfire, where all but one camper on the losing team, get a marshmallow. The one remaining winner will get fame and fortune, but I can't see the fortune lasting long. After all, they are teens, and we know teens like to spend lots of money on nice things. So...who will win? Who will lose? This is the place to find out! You're watching TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut back to Chris at the dock}

CHRIS: Welcome back! It's time for the first eleven campers to meet here!

{Several boats will be arriving, each one holding a few campers.}

{First boat comes by}

CHRIS: Tom! Aruseus! Glad you could make it.

ARUSEUS: Glad to be here, Chris!

TOM: You mean I'm spending 8 weeks at this dump?! Aruseus, that's the last time I let you pick what to do over the summer.

{Second boat}

CHRIS: Hello, Van! Glad to see you here!

VAN: A camp? Now here's something I can relate to.

TOM: Tree-hugging son of a...

VAN: What did you just say? Come here, man. I'm gonna rip you open like a-

{Third boat}

CHRIS: Austin! What's up?

AUSTIN: Just tell me where to put my things...

TOM: Urgh...that's a huge club he's got there...


TOM: Oh crap!

AUSTIN: You say something about me, kid?

{Fourth boat}

CHRIS: Foxx. Hey, man!

FOXX: Ok, this is the resort you promised us?

CHRIS: Ehe...about that...

{Foxx punches Chris in the chest}

FOXX: Yeah, that's right. Now let me get some peace and quiet.

TOM: Jeez, there are so many tough guys here...

ARUSEUS: Eh, don't worry.

{Fifth boat}

CHRIS: Introducing...Jess!

TOM: ...Woah. She's...

JESS: Hey, boys.

TOM: Ehehe...hi. I'm Tom. your shirt...

JESS: Thanks!

ARUSEUS: Looks like someone's in loooove....

TOM: Quiet, you!

{Sixth boat}

CHRIS: Well, well, well...if it isn't the two Auras. Lucas, Tex, how's it shakin'?

VAN: Uh...what the crap? That guy's got no legs.

TEX: I was in a rough fight, okay?!

LUCAS: Seriously, man. He does not want to talk about it.

{Seventh boat}

CHRIS: Aha! The fair Elyssa! You're a friend of Lucas, right?

ELYSSA: Yup. He's my boyfriend.

LUCAS: Woah! You came here too?


{Eight boat}

CHRIS: Ryan! Hey there!

RYAN: Wait a sec, this isn't a resort! Crap! I've been fooled again.

{Ninth boat}

CHRIS: Um...there's bags here, but no camper.

RYAN: Oh, that's just-


RYAN: Fenri...

{Fenri is rolling on the water, he jumps up and crashes on the beach}

FENRI: Ouch...

CHRIS: Fenri! What's up, my man?

FENRI: know how to fix Reploids, right?

CHRIS: What now?

{Tenth boat}

CHRIS: If it isn't Cyrus! Welcome to TDI, man!

CYRUS: So...what? Is this a game show?

CHRIS: Kinda...

CYRUS: Sweet!

{Eleventh boat}

CHRIS: Kyubii! Hey there!

KYUBII: So...where's the buffet?

CHRIS: Oh, the exotic buffet will come soon.

KYUBII: Good, cuz I'm hungry!

{Twelth boat, which is playing the Zelda theme through a speaker}

CHRIS: And here comes Megan!

MEGAN: Hi, Chris! I hope I can win this challenge!

CHRIS: Try hard, Megan, and avoid elimination!

{A Wolfen flies overhead, and Wolf jumps out of it}

CHRIS: Introducing...the aptly named Wolf!

{Wolf tries to land on the dock, but instead falls in the water}

CHRIS: Need any help there, man?

WOLF: Nah...I'm good...

{Wolf walks over to the rest of the campers}

MEGAN: Hey, I know you! You're from Super Smash Bros, right?

WOLF: That I am, kid. That I am.

{Thirteenth boat}

CHRIS: Pter! Whazzup?

PTER: I figured flying here would tire me out, so I just took the boat like everyone else.

TEX: Hey! Someone I can...wait...that lucky jerk can fly!

PTER: Hm? You wanna tussle with me?

{Fourteenth boat}

CHRIS: Fang Wolf. Pleasure to see you!

FANG: Just tell me where I sleep and I'm good to go.

{Fifteenth boat}

CHRIS: Kale! How ya been?

KALE: Hey! There are more people I can relate to then at school!

{Kale walks up to Tom}

KALE: Hey!

TOM: Hey. Nice to meet you. I'm Tom.

{Sixteenth boat}

BRUCE: This is Total Drama Island, right?

CHRIS: Correctamundo, Bruce!

{Bruce walks up to the other campers}

BRUCE: So...anyone wanna see me make my gut ripple?

TOM: No.


AUSTIN: I'll pass.

{Seventeenth boat}

CHRIS: Ashley! You're looking nice today!

ASHLEY: Ugh, I was thinking this camp would look better and not smell...

KALE: Glad you could make it, Ashley!

ASHLEY: Yeah. I tried to get Campy in this, but he's off at some Poetry Slam or something...

TOM: {whispers to Aruseus} That Campy guy sounds a lot like Strong Sad...

CHRIS: Ok! Welcome to Total Drama Island. You twenty up for the Wawanakwa challenge?

VAN: Wait, twenty? There's supposed to be twenty-two, right?

CHRIS: That's what's coming up!

{Two boats sporting the Killer Bass and the Screaming Gophers logos ride in}

CHRIS: Introducing...your team captains! Very campers from last TDI's Final 6! Representing the Screaming Gophers, we have Heather!

HEATHER: How did I get roped into coming back here...

TOM: I'm with ya, girl.

CHRIS: And for the Killer Bass, Geoff!

GEOFF: What's up, my fellow dudes and dudettes? {To Aruseus} Hey, you're the guy that tried to pull off the motif of me last Halloween, right?

ARUSEUS: Um...yeah?

GEOFF: You and I are going to be great buds. Am I right?! WOOHOO!

ARUSEUS: He is my kinda guy.

CHRIS: Ok, captains! Time to pick your teams!

Part 2: The Bass and the Gophers

{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: Campers. The two captains have a plate with 10 marshmallows on it. When you are given a marshmallow by that captain, you are on their team, and you cannot switch.

{Outhouse Cam: Heather}

HEATHER: I've got to go for the most gullible, so that I can win this time...

{Cut back}

CHRIS: Since she made it farther last time, the first pick goes to Heather!

HEATHER: Right. I choose...Tom.

TOM: Anything for winning, I guess.

CHRIS: Geoff?

GEOFF: Aruseus, definately.

ARUSEUS: All right!



GEOFF: Hm...Lucas! Come on up!

HEATHER: Kyubii.

GEOFF: Wait, Lucas, the half-guy is your bro right?

LUCAS: Pter?!

GEOFF: No, the blue one. I pick him. You can't split brotherhood when it comes to this!

LUCAS: Thanks!


TOM: Yesss...

HEATHER: What was that?

TOM: Nothing...

GEOFF: I choose...

LUCAS: {quietly to himself} Please take Elysaa...

GEOFF: Elyssa!

ELYSSA: YES! Now all three of us are on a team!


GEOFF: Hm...Fenri.

HEATHER: Who's left...How about...Van.

VAN: Alright!

GEOFF: Austin!

{Heather gasps}

{Outhouse Cam: Heather}

HEATHER: They got Austin?! He's probably one of the only guys in my life that's ever scared me...d-d-did you see the size of his club? Well, the only way to fight brawn is with equal brawn.

{Cut back}


GEOFF: Ryan!

HEATHER: Kale. You're on the Gophers!

KALE: Well, at least I got on the same team as you, Bruce.

GEOFF: Ashley!

{Outhouse Cam: Kale}

KALE: Oh jeez, Ashley's got more brains than both me and Bruce put together! Which...really only counts for me...

{Cut back}


FANG: Oh, joy.

GEOFF: Wolf.

WOLF: Hm. So I on get the party guy's team.

HEATHER: {thinking} Oh, crap. I can either go with legless cynic, or the bird, but the bird looks smarter...


PTER: Whatever.

GEOFF: Guess that leaves me with you, Cyrus.

CYRUS: Guess so!

CHRIS: Oh-ho-kay, campers! Now that your teams have been picked, it's time to meet...your living quarters. {Chris motions to two cabins}

TOM: WHAT?! Oh no, no way I'm staying in a smelly old cabin with him? {motions to Bruce}

BRUCE: Hey! I'm not that bad! {farts}

TOM: {whispers to Kale} Does he snore?

KALE: I don't know...

CHRIS: I have to say, they're not the best, but be glad you don't sleep in a tent!

ARUSEUS: He's got a point.

AUSTIN: Quiet, you.

Part 3: Cabins, Food, and Sleeping

{Cut to the Gopher Cabin}

TOM: Well, these beds can't be that bad...

{a spring pops out of Tom's matress}

TOM: This will be the worst 8 weeks of my life...

JESS: Oh, don't be such a worrywart! Things will be ok!

TOM: I hope...

KYUBII: So...these challenges, what kind of challenges are they?

CHRIS: Eh, physical, mental, eating, all that good stuff...

KYUBII: We're insured, right?

CHRIS: Yep! No need to worry!

{Cut to the Bass Cabin}

AUSTIN: Okay, Bass. One rule with me and this cabin. Wake me up and I'll kill you. Okay?

GEOFF: {whispers to Aruseus} Dude's got issues...

AUSTIN: What was that?!

ARUSEUS: Nothing!

ASHLEY: Um...whoever you are, don't you think that bed's too big for you?

FENRI: Nah, I'm good.

{Fenri hops on, the bed, suprisingly, stays intact}


CHRIS: {over intercom} Campers! Come grab some dinner! Chef Hatchet's waiting!

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

CHRIS: Now, what I usually do with Total Drama Island is I have the two teams sit together, but for tonight, sit wherever you like! Meet people! Make friends...or enemies!

TOM: What the hell is this slop?! Ah well, I'll eat it...

ASHLEY: This barely looks appetizing...bottoms up... {She scoops a spoonful and eats it, gags, then hisses} This sucks!

CHEF: Listen, cat girl. I do the best that I can!

TOM: So...even though we're on opposing teams I never got to meet you...I'm Tom. {offers to shake hand}

ASHLEY: Ashley. {shakes hands with Tom} Nice to meet you, adversary.

ARUSEUS: does it work, Geoff? This TDI thing...

GEOFF: Well, we start out on two teams, but eventually-

CHRIS: Upupupup! No spoilers, Geoff.

GEOFF: Okay...

AUSTIN: What is this crap anyway? Whatever it is... {eats} It's not half bad...

CHRIS:'ll get used to it.

RYAN: Eh...I eat anything, so what do I care...

{Ryan downs his meal}

TOM: So...Kale, where you from?

KALE: Well, I'm the only human in a highschool full of anthros. Ashley and Bruce are my friends there. I'm not used to seeing other humans that much. But seems so diverse.

TOM: What happened? Nuclear war? Animal takeover?

KALE: No! I don't even know how it happened...You know, that Ryan guy reminds me so much of Bruce.

TOM: I agree.

{Cut back to outside the cabins}

CHRIS: Ok, campers! You should get a good night's rest, because you first challenge starts tomorrow.

{Cut to the Gopher Cabin}

KALE: Well, it was real nice meeting everyone. Now let's get ready for tomorrow.

FOXX: Good night.

TOM: Well, I'm bushed, so I'm hitting the hay. Night, everyone.

{Tom turns the lights off and falls asleep. 5 seconds later}

BRUCE: {snore}

TOM AND KALE: Well, he does.

{Cut to the Bass Cabin}

GEOFF: Well, g'night dudes!

RYAN: Night.

WOLF: Night.

{The lights go out}


Fun Facts

  • Bruce, Kale, and Ashley are from a webcomic called Furthia High. The banner at the top has from left to right: Bruce, Kale, Ashley, and Campy (who was mentioned but not a camper)
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