Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.

The Wiki Tiki House/1

From Wuw Archive

RAIKU: Rick, start the appetizers, Meg, get ready, Lemon, stand, Raggon, umm, sweep!

{Lemon rushes over to the Salad Bar to be the Sneeze Patrol}

RAIKU: The billionare Cam Benson is here! He's from Brazil with American blood.

LEMON: Okay, I'll make sure he doesn't sneeze on the salad bar.

{Nelson Powers, Cameron Blue, and Eric Bailey walk in}

{Meg seats Cameron, Nelson, and Eric together. She seats Cam alone.}

{Raggonix walks up to Cam. Meg walks up to the Trio.}

MEG: What would you like to order?

NELSON: Yes, we will have 10 Fried Shrimps, Egg Benedict, Fish N' Chips, 3 slices of Whipped Lemon Pie, 2 Prune Juices, 3 Monsters, and then we will go to the Salad bar.

RICK: Got it! {fries the shrimps, makes the benedict, fries the codd and fries, makes the pie, serves the prune juice and monsters, and give it all plus three salad bar tickets to Meg. She gives them to the three.}

NELSON: Thank you. C'mon guys, Let's go to the salad bar.

{They walk to the salad bar and pick out food. Eric almost sneezes, but Lemon points a gun at him}


{They sit down and eat}

{After they eat, Meg comes by.}

MEG: That will be 113 dollars, 63 cents.

NELSON: Cameron, I need an extra 10 dollars, you got any

CAMERON: Yeah, here's a ten. {Hands Nelson the 10}

NELSON: Here you go, thanks for the service. {Hands Meg 113} Know what, we'll come here every day! This gourmet was excellent.

ERIC: Oh, and here's a tip. {Hands meg an extra 5 dollars}

{A ding sound is heard, and a counter shows that meg has 117 dollars and Rick earned 56 in counting.}

RAIKU: Lemon, as you don't earn any money, I'm promoting you to Su Chef. You don't have to, though.

{Raggonix seats Gilligan.}

RAGGONIX: What would you like to order, sir?

GILLIGAN: {Looks at menu} Well, to start, I think I'll have the fried shrimp.

RAGGONIX: Rick, fried shrimp. What would you like to drink sir?

{Rick fries the shrimp, but burns his hand. He gives it to Gilligan.}

GILLIGAN: ... {Quickly writes in a notepad. Puts notepad away} I think I'd like the milk please. And put it in a bowl.

{Rick does so. Raggonix hands it to Gilligan.}

LEMON: Rick, should you be working with a burnt hand?

RAIKU: Guys, a food critic is coming! {to gilligan} Hello sir, have you seen the food critic?

RICK: There are no other chefs.

GILLIGAN: {Eats a shrimp} {Mutters under breath, unheard} Decent... {Writes down in notepad} ...Oh. Food critic? No, I haven't seen any food critics.

RAIKU: Okay. {walks off.}

GILLIGAN: ... {Chuckles. Takes a drink of milk, but spews it out instantly} E-e-excuse me!

RAIKU: Sir, cats are lactose intolerant.

GILLIGAN: ...One: If you haven't noticed I'm a catHUMAN. Two: This milk is spoiled.

LEMON: Sorry. {Gets new milk and puts it into a bowl}

GILLIGAN: {Quickly writes something in notepad.} {Drinks some milk} Much better. Thank you. Now I think I'll go get some salad. {Walks over to salad bar} Lets see he- ...ah...ahhh... AHHH... CH-


LEMON: Raiku promoted me to a sous-chef, and I accepted.

RICK: Then i will do it. {jumps in the way, is sneezed on.}

{Cam walks in.}

CAM: Raiku, what a pleasant suprise. Table for two, for me and Ku.

{Raggonix seats them.}

RAGGONIX: What would you like?

GILLIGAN: ... {Writes something down in notepad. Sighs and shakes head} {Picks up tongs and starts putting salad on plate}

CAM: Hmm, I will take some Aish Merahrah for appetizer, it's delicious, and Raiku here will take some fried shrimp.

RICK: Lemon, start cooking.

LEMON: Yes sir.

{Lemon makes the Aish Merahrah and fries the shrimp, but slips it into the deep fryer while sauteing it, making deep fried shrimp. He takes the shrimp out of the deep fryer a few minutes after it slipped in and serves it anyways.}

{Cam eats the Aish, but Raiku chokes. Lemon takes Raiku to the trash and does the Heimlick Menuever. A shrimp flies out. Barbara and Chloe Hazel walk in.}

GILLIGAN: {Looks creeped out} {Writes something down in notepad} Waiter?

CHLOE: Table for two please.


BARBARA: ... When will we get a table?

{Longer pause}

CHLOE: ...


{Raggonix seats them, and collapses.}

RICK: To Wiki User Hospital!

CHLOE: ... Anyways, we'll have some sushi and 2 slices of carrot cake

{Lemon assembles the sushi, adds Wasabi, and cuts a carrot cake into two slices, and serve. The sisters eat, then wait for the bill.}

RAIKU: Do you guys care? Wait, Rick, you look diffe- {faints}

BARBARA: Hold on, I know what to do. {kicks Raiku, then kicks Raggonix. It doesn't work.}

GILLIGAN: {Frustrated} Excuse me, may I PLEASE get a waiter?

{Meg walks over. She feels faint.}

MEG: Hello sir...

GILLIGAN: I'm about ready for an entree. I would like the-

{Meg faints. Rick calls an ambulance.}

GILLIGAN: ...Maybe I should come back later.

LEMON: No, don't leave. {Kicks Meg. It fails.}

CHLOE: I think I'll damn faint if I don't get my bill...

{Rick gives the bill.}

BARBARA: Wait, before I pay this, I have to say something. GET THE HELL UP, MEG, RAIKU, RAGGONIX. {They move, but are too lazy to awake}

GILLIGAN: ...I'm just gonna come back later.


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