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The Online Melancholy of Aruseus Parker/3

From Wuw Archive

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Lucian, Fang, Zarel, June, Austin

Places: Middleton High Courtyard, Under the School

Started 10:37, 6 October 2009 (UTC)


{Cut to where the story left off in the Courtyard}

LUCIAN: Come on, we gotta get going!

{The two hurry down the stairs}

{Cut to an old underground hallway. The wolf beckons them to a room, they follow, cut to the room}

???: Aruseus and Lucian. Glad you can come.

ARUSEUS: Who are you? You seem familiar to me...

???: Same. But allow me to introduce myself. I am Fang. I was probably one of the first known modulars here. I remember you, Aruseus.

LUCIAN: You two knew each other?

FANG: Yes. So how does it feel to be one of us now?

ARUSEUS: Bad, but good. I'm shunned by my once-friends, but I can kick ass with this stuff.

FANG: I never knew modularity could be looked on as bad...But anyway, it's time to meet your new, modular friends.

ARUSEUS: Wait, what is this? A modular only meeting?

FANG: Quite frankly, yes, though there are more than just us six here not counting you and Lucian.

ARUSEUS: Six! Really?

FANG: Yes, and two you've met before. Gentlemen...and lady?

???: Aruseus! Long time no see!

ARUSEUS: Zarel! You...have clothes now!

{Cut to a shot of Zarel, he sports grey baggy jeans and a blue shirt with "ZL" in yellow on it.}

ZAREL: That I do.

ARUSEUS: So what's your... "new story?"

ZAREL: I got my modularity from a bet I made. I found this mage in the woods near my village, and I wanted to be his apprentice. He wanted to test a charm he had cooked up, and it...well...gave me this. {pops arm off} Then my whole village saw me as some freak, and I got the boot!

ARUSEUS: Ouch...what about you Lucian?

LUCIAN: I don't know entirely, but I believe modularity is inherent, but dormant until puberty. When I turned 13, it happened. My mother had no problem...but my father...he kicked me out. I live with my older brother, Shane, he's about 7 years older than me, and he's cool with it.

ARUSEUS: Damn...I'm lucky.

ZAREL: Your parents still keep you home?

ARUSEUS: Yes. By the way, Where do you live, Zarel, seeing as you got evicted?

ZAREL: With Fang...and his girlfriend.

ARUSEUS: GIRLFRIEND?! You're kidding, right? Fang's probably the most "keep-to-himself" guy I know, and he-

FANG: Yes. I have a girlfriend. Aruseus, I'd like you to meet June.

{A wolf girl walks to Aruseus, she is grey, but a lighter tinge than Fang. She has black, Gwen-like hair, with blue highlights, and standard casual clothing}

JUNE: Hello there! You must be Aruseus.

ARUSEUS: So what's your story? Parents still have you around?

JUNE: Well, used to, but that's because I live with Fang. We're not married, but my parents were okay with it.

ARUSEUS: Cool! What about your parents, Fang-

{Fang looks down in shame}


JUNE: Moving on... {hugs Fang} When I was around 14, my dad wanted me to work at his job; a nuclear-power plant manager. When I was giving a tour there once, I accidentally fell into the waste. The modularity was a side effect, but my parents were just glad I was alive! I tried to keep it a secret from people, even when Fang and I began dating. All of a sudden, Fang accidentally broke due to tripping while we walked hand-in-hand, {Fang groans} and he started to have a nervous breakdown. However, he was relieved by the sight of my head detached! {June laughs a bit}

ARUSEUS: Interesting story. Anyone else?

???: You probably remember me.

ARUSEUS: Austin! You're modular too?

AUSTIN: Yep. Unlike my old life, I'm not as much of an asshole as I was before. But remember...cross me, and I'll make someone modular.

ARUSEUS: Austin, brutal and bloodthirsty as always!

AUSTIN: Yep! Hehe...

FANG: I hope you find company here, Aruseus. Everyone in high school has their circle of friends. This is yours.

ARUSEUS: Wait...only six of like, 300 students or so are modular here?

FANG: Oh not really, there's more, but they must've been busy or scared.


FANG: Just wait till college hits. You can expect one third of the school to be modular.

ARUSEUS: Hell, there may even be some modular faculty!

FANG: I...wouldn't bring that up or expect it. So...we meet tomorrow?

ARUSEUS: I'll be here!


ZAREL: Me too!


JUNE: Can do.

FANG: Okay! Now to the final order of business!

{Fang and June hug and start making out}

ZAREL: Um...expect to see that a lot.



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