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The Death of Bell/5

From Wuw Archive

{cut to a pool of subspace on what used to be a Mas Repus graveyard. a Homestar-shaped piler of subspace rises from it. It jumps into the air. The subspace that makes up the being becomes light, and it becomes the shape of Pure Watashi. But, the body becomes pitch black, and the head becomes a familiar blue bell-head wearing a familiar yellow and light-blue propeller cap}

SUBSPACE BEING: I'm BA-ACK! Watch out, Bell! I'm comin' for ya! {cackles, flies offscreen}

{cut to Bell, Tracy, and Sarah sitting in a Japanese house, bored. The being breaks through the wall}


SARAH: Um, I'm sorry, do I know you?

IM A BELL: You seem so familiar...

SUBSPACE BEING: Hello, Bell. Remember me? I'm your worst mistake.

IM A BELL: What are you talking about? Tracy's right here-Oh. You mean Ll e bami, don't you?

SUBSPACE BEING: Of course I do, dumbass.

IM A BELL: But, you died a human! Humans can't be brought back via reincarnation!

SUBSPACE BEING: Of course they can't! But I, however, evolved from the remains of Commander Mi. I am a time lord! Call me... The Inverse!

IM A BELL: What? I HID that power when I designed you!

THE INVERSE: True. But, when I was reincarnated, all barriers hiding powers were overrided. Unfortunately, I was reborn as a human, so my regenerating powers were locked out. But NOW, I am UNSTOPPABLE! {lunges at Bell}

IM A BELL:{dodges} Nice try! {transforms into Perfect Bell, fires arrows made of fire at The Inverse}

{the arrows hit The Inverse's shoulder, knocking his arm off. It bleeds subspace}

THE INVERSE: OW! {grabs a handful of subspace, throws it at Bell, it recharges him slightly}

PERFECT BELL: Thank you. Here's a token of my appreciation. {throws a ball of electricity at The Inverse, charring him slightly}

THE INVERSE:{sparks of electricity flying off of him} OW!

PERFECT BELL:{turns on the sink} Did you know water conducts electricity? {grabs the back of The Inverse's head, forces it into the sink, electricuting both of them}

{the two fall to the ground. The Inverse is seemingly dead. Bell gets up and shakes off the char}

PERFECT BELL: I think he's dead. Good.


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