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Stinkoman's Escape/Episode 1

From Wuw Archive

Synopsis: Thursday night is hamburger night, but Super Sam forgot the buns! An adventure of hilarious proportions occurs as Super Sam is forced out of the house and told not to come back without one of the primary ingredients of the night's meal.

TIME: 12:40

{Joshua is sitting on the couch watching the news. Shadow Scythe is busy preparing a sandwich whilst Super Sam rifles through the fridge.}

SUPER SAM: Hmm, I can't see to find the Aldi Brand Cola. {raises voice slightly} Josh, did you re-arrange this fridge after I went shopping yesterday?

JOSHUA: No, I didn't touch your stupid cola. It's on the third shelf like it's always been.

{Super Sam looks downwards slightly. There is a 12-pack of Aldi Brand Cola sitting on the third section.}

SUPER SAM: Oh, there it is. {Super Sam removes a can and places it on the kitchen bench.}

{Shadow Scythe moves to the pantry and removes a condiment. He briefly scans the shelves as if looking for a non-essential item.}


SUPER SAM: {turning head towards Shadow Scythe slightly} Yeah?

SHADOW SCYTHE: Did you get the buns for hamburger night yesterday?



{Super Sam is pushing a trolley half-full of grocery items down a supermarket aisle. He gets to the bun section and notices that there are only two packets of hamburger buns remaining.}

SUPER SAM: That's pretty convenient. Just the amount I needed.

{Super Sam marks 'buns' off the shopping list. He then reaches for the buns but his gaze is suddenly averted by a display of chocolates two aisles down.}

SUPER SAM: Oh, sweet, chocolate is on special today. {looks at shopping list} Yeah, we have enough to spare to get a few blocks of chocolate.

{Super Sam wheels the trolley over to the chocolate display and spends the next five minutes pondering what varieties of chocolate to get.}

SUPER SAM: I think I'll just get the Dairy Milk.

{Super Sam gets two blocks of said Dairy Milk chocolate. He looks at the list to see what he needs to get next.}

SUPER SAM: Let's see, bread...



JOSHUA: Please don't tell me I'm hearing that you forgot something for hamburger night.

SUPER SAM: Okay I forgot the buns. It shouldn't be a problem, we can always move hamburger night to tomorrow night, right?

{Joshua jumps up and moves over to Sam, standing about half a metre from him.}

JOSHUA: You are going to get those buns today, alright? If you refuse, we will have no chance but to escort you out of the house by force.

SUPER SAM: C'mon, it shouldn't be that big a deal, we'll just ha- HEY

{Joshua has nodded at Shadow Scythe and the two are now dragging him towards the front door.}

SUPER SAM: Alright, I get it, I'll go!

{Super Sam is released. Shadow Scythe hands Super Sam his keys.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Have a nice trip!

SUPER SAM: {with a hint of sarcasm} Your kindness is appreciated.

{Super Sam exits through the front door, which Joshua then locks.}

JOSHUA: We're not letting you back in without those buns!

SUPER SAM: Got it, stupid head!

{Joshua sits back down and Shadow Scythe returns to his sandwich.}

JOSHUA: He better get those dang buns. Pass me his cola, will you?

{Shadow Scythe throws the unopened can of Aldi Brand Cola to Joshua.}


See also the stupid meme version.  

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