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From Wuw Archive

{Cut back to MB's house. Bling opens the door, carrying bags of food}

ERIC: Hm, I have a deja vu feeling...

MATURE BLING: I'M HOME! {drops the food when he sees the burn mark and the shirts} OH GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?!

{suddenly, the door busts open. UT runs in}

ERIC: Hey there, Unreal Tournam--wait a minute...

MATURE BLING: AAH! OH GOD! {pulls out a gun, shoots UT in the head} Ah! T-Tracy, it's just you. Wh-what HAPPENED here?!


UNHOLY TRACY: Well, as you can probably guess, Bell and Sarah are dead.




MATURE BLING: Say, y-you seem different...

ERIC: No, he's the exact same as he was in the last... thing, which was the EXACT SAME AS THIS ONE.

UNHOLY TRACY: I am. I have been infused with what remained of Bell. I am no long Tracy, nor am I Bell. I am Unholy Tracy.

MATURE BLING: ...I see...

UNHOLY TRACY: I'm sorry, Bling, but I couldn't stop him... None of us could.

MATURE BLING: Couldn't stop WHO?!

UNHOLY TRACY: It's hard to explain. You see...

{cut to a while later}

UNHOLY TRACY: ...And then I became Unholy Tracy.

ERIC: Although I'm still rather amused how those two sentences were fused together with that cut.


UNHOLY TRACY: Well, goodbye, Bling. I hope to see you again, but it isn't likely that I will.


UNHOLY TRACY: Ciao! {warps off}

MATURE BLING: ...They're gone. They're all gone. First the two Skullbuggies three years ago, and now the rest of them. Hehe. Hahaha. AHAHAHA. BWAHAHAHAHA! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! {rips off shirt, pulls out a sword, runs off}

ERIC: Well at least it's finally some original content. Seriously, why would you make someone watch something bad twice?

{cut to MB

ERIC: Hey there, M. Bison.

standing on a tree branch. The sword is sticking up out of the ground, with the handle embedded within the concrete. Many people are watching MB. He pulls out a remote control labeled "DESTROY ALL BLING CLONES", and presses the button on it.

ERIC: It's a multi-functional control where all buttons destroy bling clones, I guess.

MB then jumps out of the tree, many people scream,

ERIC: --but not all--

and he lands on the ground,

ERIC: --but not on the sword--

with the sword stabbed into his chest.

ERIC: --which probably deattached itself from the ground and just jumped onto him right now.

While he is doing all this, he is laughing maniacally.

ERIC: But you only tell me that now! I can only picture him laughing after he was mysteriously impaled by that sword.

Cut to a padded cell in an insane asylum. Mature Bling is thrown onscreen, in a straitjacket. Slamming off the cell door is heard. MB is still laughing. Cut to a year later,

ERIC: Again, with no indication of such.

outside an insane asylum. MB walks out of it, with no shirt, and a large scar on his chest}

MATURE BLING: Hmm... I wonder what has happened in the year I have been stuck in there. {Average soul reaper clothes appear on him, and he walks offscreen}

ERIC: Another apparition of the BioSkin clothes, with the new invisible feature.

{cut to outside Bell and MB's houses. MB warps in and kicks down the door to Bell's house.

ERIC: Wait, he warps in, I suppose in the house, and THEN kicks the door? I think the baloney sandwich I'm eating right now makes more sense than this entire page.

Cut to inside the house, with the camera filming the door. The door breaks down,

ERIC: --by itself--

and MB walks in}


ERIC: Do these guys love oxymorons or what?

{the camera spins around, to reveal the walls covered in blood, black ink, and measuring tape.

ERIC: why measuring tape

There are destroyed copies of House

ERIC: why blue text

of Leaves scattered everywhere. There is also the number "2645" scrawled all over the walls. One large one is 2645 in roman numerals

ERIC: --for a change of pace--

(MMDCXLV) scrawled in what appears to be blood on an otherwise empty, white wall, which is strange, considering the rest of the walls are pastel blue}

MATURE BLING: ...Jesus Christ, what the hell IS this? I can understand the H

ERIC: why blue text again

oL remnants, but "2645"? What-Wait...

ERIC: "What-Wait", I like this new word.

{pulls out a calculator, presses some buttons}

ERIC: Ah'm ken't doo basic mah-the-mah-teecs wif mah heads

OH. OH GOD. Wait... When did I-Hmm... {presses some more buttons on the calculator} ...2667? That was the year I-THE CURSE! IT'S REAL!

ERIC: Oh yes, because that just made a whole lot of sense to the viewer. Nobody's going to be clueless at all.

{screams, runs out}


ERIC: Please, don't.
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