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Kirbychu emails.pie/kirbychuhr'd.egg

From Wuw Archive



Kirbychu rips off samtheman.egg, Sam the Man wasn't happy with it.

Cast (in order of appearance): Kirbychu, Sam the Man, Robo-Sam, Strong Bad, Zoo977, Homestar (easter egg), Robo-Sam Head (easter egg).

Places: Kirbychu's Computer Room, Sam the Man's House, Strong Bad's House, Kirbychu's house, a cliff, Kirbychu's living room, Kirbychu's lab (easter egg).

Date: March 18, 2008


{Cut to Kirbychu's Computer Room. The lights are off and the computer is dusty. The DS is charging next to the computer. Kirbychu then walks in, turns on the lights, dusts off his laptop, and unplugs The DS.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: {opens Outlook Express} It's been a while, hasn't it.

KIRBYCHU HR'D: That's an interesting idea Not Sam, why don't you use proper grammar? {clears screen} Well, it's a good idea, but I should tell Sam first. {walks off}

{Cut to Sam the Man's house. Kirbychu walks up and knocks on the door. Sam the Man walks out.}

SAM THE MAN: Oh, hello Kirbychu! What do you want?

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Just thought I'd tell you I'm gonna rip off your e-mail show. And I need your computer. {He walks in the house. A rumbling is heard. He then walks back out carrying Sam's computer.} THANKS!!

SAM THE MAN: HEY, GIVE THAT BACK!!! {He runs after Kirbychu, only to have a cage fall on top of him.} DANGIT!

{Cut back to Kirbychu's computer room. Kirbychu knocks his laptop off the desk and puts up Sam's computer.}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Now to turn on the Sambot!

{Kirbychu walks off. A robot Sam the Man walks and sits down.}

ROBO-SAM: Tine to check my emily. {softly} It's e-mail. {regular} Oh, e-mail. {Brings up e-mail option, it says "0 NEW MESSAGES}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Oh, I forgot that part. I'll just get Strong Bad to send one.

{Cut to Sam The Man running over to Strong Bad's House}

SAM THE MAN: I've got a plan.

{Rings doorbell. Strong Bad comes out}

SAM THE MAN: Strong Bad! I need your help!

STRONG BAD: Okay. I'll listen while putting on these glasses that make my eyes look awake.

SAM THE MAN: No, listen. There will be Cold Ones involved.

{Strong Bad raises eyebrows}

STRONG BAD: I'm listening.

SAM THE MAN: Okay, here it is. Qe send an email to Kirbychu about-

{Cuts back to Sambot outside Kirbychu's house, zoo is there, paying the flute.}

ZOO977: Sam, why are you all... square?

ROBO-SAM: {robot voice} What are you talking about? I'm your average Sam The Man. Yes, yes. That is me.

ZOO977: {with a strange look} I've played my flute too long. {leaves}

ROBO-SAM: Well, I should check my e-mails again. {walks off}

{Cut back to Kirbychu's computer room. Robo Sam walks in and sits down.}

ROBO-SAM: Email, email, whatever. {brings up an e-mail}


Dear Scam the Man,
I think you should jump off a bridge.
Hoping you explode, er... don't die,
Strong Bad

ROBO SAM: Well, if you want me to, I guess I will.

{Cuts to a cliff, a bride is in the background}

ROBO SAM: Here I go. Say goodbye to my-my robo wife.

{Jumps off the cliff. You can hear an explosion. Strong Bad and Sam The Man come out of hiding.}


{Both high-five each other. Cuts to Kirbychu sitting down in a chair in his living room. Sam The Man stands in front of him}

SAM THE MAN: You know now that was wrong.


SAM THE MAN: Good, were still friends.



KIRBYCHU HR'D: Before we party I need to make it up to you, you can be a main character in my e-mail show!


KIRBYCHU HR'D: Now I just need to do one thing. {runs off}


{The DS comes down reading "Kirbychu is busy building... something I can't talk about in front of Sam. Click Here to e-mail him.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "building" to see what Kirbychu is working on.

{Cut to Kirbychu in his lab. There is a blueprint labeled "SamBot 2.0"}

KIRBYCHU HR'D: Lets see, I could add laser eyes and maybe... {Sam the Man walks up.}

SAM THE MAN: Kirbychu!

KIRBYCHU HR'D: BYE! {runs off}

SAM THE MAN: {picks up the blueprints} Hmm... not a that bad of an idea, actually.

{The DS comes back down reading "Okay, I told him. So sue me, or click here to e-mail Kirbychu"}

  • Wait a while after the first easter egg to see another scene.

{Homestar walks in carrying a control pad and Sam-Bot's head.}

HOMESTAR AND SAMBOT HEAD: {at the same time} Hey Sam, have you seen Kirbychu? He gave me this remote to control Sambo with. I also found the Sambo's head.


  • This is the first time Kirbychu's talent in science has been shown, other than re-building The DS.
  • This reveals that Zoo can play the flute.
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