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Kirbychu's Summer Resort/Hotel/Room 404

From Wuw Archive

Zoo's Room. Somewhat normal, exept for everything.


ZOO977: {walks in, plops down his bags} We're here!

ALBINO: I call top bunk!

ZOO977: There are three of the same beds in here.

DOT: Y'know, why does this room have a bit of nostalgia to it?

ZOO977: I dont know... Aliens?

RYAN: Hey, Zoo! Glad to see K-Chu's Summer Resort is getting more popular!

ZOO977: Hi, ryan!

ALBINO: {rolls out a ladder, begins working on something on the fan.}


ZOO977: {walks up to InsanityDemon} Hi.

INSANITYDEMON: {whispering} How's your relationship going with Dot?

ZOO977: {whispering} Good

ALBINO: Can you pass me that swing set? {points to some swings on the floor}

ZOO977: {to albino} You read way too much lio. {tosses him the swings. albino quickly attaches them.}

ALBINO: {gets on a swing, holds a long wodden pole, which he uses to turn the fan on} Weeeeeeeeee!

{InsanityDemon tries to jam the fan with Albino's long pole. However, the fan is spinning so fast it chops the pole to pieces and sends splinters flying in all directions. dot leaves}

ZOO977: {runing around, avoiding splinters} I rarely get you, albino.

ALBINO: {with a beard of splinters} Ok!

DOT: {walks back, with a huge pair of tweezers} Hold still! {pulls albinos splinter beard all out at once}

ALBINO: OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! {runs into the book case. a wodden bowl falls off it, and bouces off the couch cushion. it hits the fan, and zoo gets a splinter beard}

DOT: {sing songy} Irony! {removes the splinters from dot with the tweezers}

ZOO977: {rubbing her chin} I see why alibno jumped.

IM A BELL:{walks in} Hey, Zo-DOOOOWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! {large spike extends from forehead, legs become two Missingno} OH GOD HELP ME. WHY OH WHY DID YOU MOVE INTO ROOM 404?!!!

ZOO977: Guesuntheid.

IM A BELL: Hmm... Z-B-One-Plus! {disappears, reappears outside the door} Hooray! It worked!

ALBINO: {holds a candy bar} Yum yum!

DOT AND ZOO977: {in unisen} DONT!

ALBINO: Ok! {bites the candy bar. his head catches fire, and he rushes out the door. zoo catches him with a lasso}

ZOO977: Bad cheat! {albino whines like a dog}

// Transcript2HTML: Transcript-to-HTML converter
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// Transcript2Markdown: Transcript-to-Markdown converter
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	return lines.join("\n\n")};

ZOO977: Um... are you ill, or something?

INSANITYDEMON: Yeah. I swallowed my flash drive and now I'm vomiting out all the code I had on it. {vomits}
var $_GET = (function() {
	var a = new Array(), b =;
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	return a;

ALBINO: I've got the straight jacket. {leaves, comes back with one} Hold still! {shoves it over his head. his right arm goes through the head hole, his head through the right sleeve.}

INSANITYDEMON: {unintelligible; vomits}

ZOO977: Thats enough of a distraction. {dot opens a latch in the floor. zoo and dot carry him in. albino closes it}

ALBINO: Hoorah! A room to myself! {jumps on the couch, turns on nickelodeon. he begins to read nick magazine. mltiple sawing and squishing sounds are heard. a splat is heard at one point} I hope he has plenty of insurance. {leaves he opens a door. apparently, a room covered in nacho cheese has a saw through the wall. they are making the sawing, squishing, and splattering sounds} NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

ZOO977: Hi! {walks offscreen. the chainsaw stops, and bouncing can be heard.}


ZOO977: {points at dot. she puts up a sign in front of the secret door that says no one in is in side of this trap door} Now do you understand?

ALBINO: Thats what thats for.

{InsanityDemon starts banging on the trap door.}

ZOO977: {yelling} Don't worry, we'll let you out soon! right after the floppy disc is removed!

INSANITYDEMON: {muffled} It's a flash dr-- {vomits}

ZOO977: {opens the trap door. letters and HTML are covering the way} Eww!

INSANITYDEMON: Sorry. {vomits in Zoo's face}
function gradient(id, startColor, endColor, height) {
  var start = [],
      end = [],
      difference = [],
      color = [],
      interval = [],
      colorString = [],
      i, j, out = "",
      k = (startColor.length == 7 && endColor.length == 7) ? 3 : 2;
  for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
    start[j] = parseInt((startColor[j*2] + startColor[(j*2)+1]), 16);
    end[j] = parseInt((endColor[j*2] + endColor[(j*2)+1]), 16);
    difference[j] = end[j] - start[j];
    color[j] = start[j];
    interval[j] = Math.round(difference[j] / height);
  for (l = 0; l < height; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < k; j++) colorString[j] = color[j].toString();
    var colorMap = "rgba(" + colorString.join(", ") + ")";
    out += "<div style='height: 1px ; width: 100%; background-color: " + colorMap + "; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;'><\/div>\n";
    for (j = 0; j < k; j++) color[j] += interval[j];
  document.getElementById(id).innerHTML += out;

ZOO977: AAAH! Math rounds! Math rounds! {runs into his bedroom}

ALBINO: I don't know whats happening.

INSANITYDEMON: I'm sick. So sick I'm vomiting code. {vomits}
var $_COOKIE = (function() {
  var a = new Array(), b = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/);
  for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
    var c = b[i].split(/\=/);
    a[c.shift()] = decodeURIComponent(c.join("=")) || true;
  return a;

DOT: You need medical attention. {puts InsanityDemon on a rolling bed, pushes him away}

INSANITYDEMON: {unintelligible; vomits}

{Dengaku Man appears out of nowhere.}

DENGAKU MAN: I know how to cure him. He just has to eat some grilled tofu dipped in miso on a stick!

ZOO977: {running} MATH ROUND! QUELVE! ORANGES! {runs over dengaku man} FROGS ARE YELLOW! {runs through the bathroom door.}

IM A BELL:{walks back in} Hay guess what! I fixed my 404 allergy! {notices Dengaku Man, squees, jumps at him}

{zoo runs back out of the bathroom. a glue bottle is stuck to his feet. he's coered in rubber ducks}


INSANITYDEMON: I don't know. {vomits}
var Observable = {
	Add: function(node, id, fn) {
		if (node.addEventListener) return node.addEventListener(id, fn, true); // using w3c system by default
		else if (node.attachEvent) return node.attachEvent("on" + id, fn); // no w3c system, using ie system
		else { // no w3c system and no ie system, but we can't give up yet
			var _id = "on" + id;
			while (typeof node[_id] != "undefined") _id = "_" + _id;
			while (_id != ("on" + id)) node[_id] = node[_id.substring(1)];
			node["on" + id] = node["_on" + id] ? function() {
				node["_on" + id].apply(this, arguments);
				fn.apply(this, arguments);
			} : fn;
			return fn;
	Remove: function(node, id, fn) {
		if (node.removeEventListener) return node.removeEventListener(id, fn, true); // using w3c system by default
		else if (node.detachEvent) return node.detachEvent("on" + id, fn); // no w3c system, using ie system
		else { // no w3c system and no ie system, but we can't give up yet
			var _id = "on" + id;
			while (node[_id] != fn) _id = "_" + _id;
			while (typeof node["_" + _id] != "undefined") node[_id] = node[(_id = "_" + _id)];
			return fn;
	Fire: function(node, id) {
		if (node.fireEventListener) return node.fireEventListener(id, true); // using w3c system by default
		else if (node.triggerEvent) return node.triggerEvent("on" + id); // no w3c system, using ie system
		else return node["on" + id]();

{Dengaku Man feeds InsanityDemon some grilled tofu dipped in miso on a stick. InsanityDemon then vomits out his flash drive, finishing the curing process.}

ZOO977: I need a nap. {walks into the bathroom, turns on the bath tub.}

BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO: {offscreen} There you are, Dengaku Man.

DENGAKU MAN: Wha? {turns around; sees Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo behind him; looks embarrassed} I was just trying to help InsanityDemon.

BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO: And is InsanityDemon a member of the Nonsense Nine?

DENGAKU MAN: No. He's just some ordinary guy.

INSANITYDEMON: Ordinary!? I'm a mental hospital graduate!

BOBOBO-BO BO-BOBO: I don't care if you're a high prophet! {starts glowing yellow} Super Fist of the Nose Hair!!

ZOO977: {hits bobobobobobobo and the weird marshmallow guy with a hammer, knocking them both unconsious. he drags them out of the room, and walks in} Thats better.

INSANITYDEMON: Brought down by 1 blow with a hammer? I'm starting to wonder who that guy is and what he's done with Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.

ZOO977: Ok?

IM A BELL: ... {gets up, punches Zoo in the face, runs out, drags Bo-bobo and Dengaku Man's bodies back in} It's simple. This world has drained their power, since they have not been here before.

ZOO977: {dazed} The deep fried floor was a blunderful mixture! Evacuate the punch bowl, please.

INSANITYDEMON: They're from Earth. It's just that they live in the year 300X, not the 21st century.

ZOO977: {snapping into reality} Woah, what happened?

IM A BELL: And in Japan.

ZOO977: Anyways, to somewhere! {runs off}

ALBINO: This room just makes less and less sence.

DENGAKU MAN: {offscreen} He said evacuate the punch bowl. If I was you, I'd do what he says.

ALBINO: Restart the room! {walks offscreen. the floor opens, and everyone falls through the floor. albino, dot, and zoo walk back in}

DOT: That's better.

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