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KPSRTV/Wikian Galaxy Adventure

From Wuw Archive

Toon Category: Major Toons

Commentary by NPP, SR, and Leo

Ninja Pom Pom, and Rad Pom find a mysterious planet. Raiku joins them. Strong Rad bribes NPP. This took place in the Wikian Galaxy era.

Characters(in order of appearance): Ninja Pom Pom, Rad Pom/Strong Rad, Raiku, Luigi, Sir Bunny, Sonic, Keith Pom, Announcer

Places: Pom World, Keron Level 1, Keron Level 2, Invisible Planet, Keron Level 6, NPP's House

Page Title: That's a green planet with yellow stars.


RAD POM: {bubbles}

NINJA POM POM: I found a star up north!

RAD POM: {bubbles}

NPP: Have you found it?

{Rad Pom squints}

RAD POM: {bubbles}

NPP: Oh. Ok. Um, you can comb another planet.

RAD POM: {pointing to a green planet covered with yellow stars that turns out to be Keron} You mean like that?

NPP: Yep. You good at puzzles.

RAD POM: Hmm... It seems suspicious. We should disguise ourselves.

{shows NPP and RP dressed as Mario and Luigi (NPP = Luigi, RP = Mario}

{Raiku as Waluigi shoots everyone.}

NPP: Poms have rubber bouncing skin, you know.

RAD POM: I don't think these disguises would work, though. That's a green planet with yellow stars, not a mushroom shaped planet with a red top and white spots.

NPP: Sorry, I just like Luigi.

RAD POM: You still have those Keronian disguises, don't you?

NPP: Wait, aren't I still...... {turns into a Keroian} Yes.

RAD POM: Well, I can reverse the spell when we come back. {turns into a Keronian} Let's find out.

NPP: Let's bring Luigi. {gets out his Luigi}

RAD POM: {in an unimpressed tone} He's gonna need a disguise too. {turns Luigi into a Keronian}

{All goe to planet, a compy in the wall}

LUIGI AS LUIGIGI: Let me hack. {hacks, then a dinging sound heard} Just a simple firewall.


{A wall falls.}


RP AS RADODO: I DON'T want to talk about it.

{Camera pans right to show a bunch of bunnies eating arms off creatures.}

RP AS RADODO: What are bunnies doing on a frog-related planet?

RABBIT: I'm Sir Bunny, and we are the Animal Eating Accosiation.

RP AS RADODO: I hope you are scavengers because we only want to find out if this planet is safe and then return to our planet in peace.

{Keith Pom comes out of Hammerspace.}

KEITH POM: One piece.

SIR BUNNY: We want the blue meat.


RP AS RADODO: I doubt there's any meat. The last time he went to get his checkup, his doctor said he was full of hot air.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Who said me? Sonic's behind me and I don't want him to die!

{Sonic as Sonini shows up behind NPP as Ninja Pomomo.}

RP AS RADODO: I was talking about us Poms.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Sonini, trashcan!

{Sonini jumps in a trashcan}

RP AS RADODO: We'd best find another blue meat. ... I got it! {throws a Blue Goomba from Hammer Space} There you go. {keeps throwning Blue Goombas from Hammerspace} Is that enough?

SIR BUNNY: Yes, but can we also have the green meat?

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Yes sir. {throws KP to them}

RP AS RADODO: Especially since he didn't disguise himself. {covers where his mouth should be, scared}

SIR BUNNY: I don't care. Just go!


RP AS RADODO: Okay, we might want to explore the rest of the planet, just to be sure.

SIR BUNNY: Fine, I saw two stars. That's it.

{The words LEVEL 1 COMPLETE! appear and disappear on the screen.}

RP AS RADODO: Let's explore the other "levels".

{Cut to the map. RP as Radodo and NPP as Ninja Pomomo go to a new area, the words Level 2 appear, and Level 1 has a Ninja Pompomeranian flag.}

RP AS RADODO: Okay, we might go through this. Let's see what's ahead of us.

{Camera zooms out and then pans right to reveal what's ahead.}

VOICEOVER RP AS RADODO: Okay, that might be hard.

VOICEOVER NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: It's a starball-rolling course! Crap!

VOICEOVER RP AS RADODO: Hmm... There's an ! flag at the end. What does that mean?

VOICEOVER NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: It's hard and if we die thrice we get kicked off the planet.

{Cut to RP and Radodo and NPP as Ninja Pomomo.}


LUIGI AS LUIGIGI: No animation?

RP AS RADODO: No. An ! flag at the end means we're at level 2.1.

RAIKU: Need help?

RP AS RADODO: You'll need a disguise. I see there's Browntants, Jaros, Chorches, etc., etc., etc., etc...

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: I'm gonna wait.

RAIKU: No I don't. Everyone knows who I am, and they are ALL afraid of me.

RP AS RADODO: I wonder what'll happen if you help us...

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Luigi, you can help them while I try to break the ball while it's rolling.

RAIKU: Alot of people will die.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Um, I should of said evil Goomba Raidors.

RP AS RADODO: But those are Robots.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Robot Goomba Raidors?

{NPP as Ninja Pomomo has a "O_o" on his face}

RP AS RADODO: I doubt you played Stinkoman 20X6.

{The words FLASH 7 OR HIRE REQUIRED appear at the bottom of the screen.}

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Don't forget Megaman, though I want to.

RP AS RADODO: You should look at the article on the wiki.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: Anyways, the rabbits know we're disguised. So why are we still in them?

RP AS RADODO: So that the Keronians don't know.

NPP AS NINJA POMOMO: I already told them.

RP AS RADODO: Okay, maybe we should finish all 6 levels.

NPP: {turns back to normal} NOW we can.

RP: {turns back to normal} Okay, what skills do you have?

RAIKU: I can... you guys know what I can do.

NPP: The only way to break the ball is to get to the end.

RP: I know if I turn into Strong Rad again, I can shoot projectiles.

NPP: I can bounce high with something between my legs!

RP: ...

NPP: So I can bounce the ball to the other side!

RP: {takes ball and puts it in one of his pockets for protection and turns to Strong Rad} Okay.

{NPP grabs ball and bounces to other side. LEVEL 2.1 COMPLETE! appears. Cut to a screen with a picture of SR, NPP, and Raiku and the words TRY LEVEL 2.2 appear, then cut to Level 2.2. The words START PLAY temporarily appear.}

NPP: It''!

{Cut to the path ahead.}

SR: It's a trap!

{NPP runs to it laughin crazy, then gets run over.}

SR: Told you!

{NPP gets up and grabs the food, revealing the power star}

NPP: But it's real food!

SR: I see a power star.

NPP: {runs around in a circle} FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD!

SR: I SAID I SEE A POWER STAR! {clothing changes to a male cheerleader outfit} GIMME AN OW! {hits NPP with a bat}

NPP: FOOD! {runs to power star and eats it}

{SR's outfit returns to normal. NPP licks fingers. Cut to a Stinkoman 20X6 style boss cutscene.}

NPP: Who we fighting?

{Rick Astley appears and rickrolls NPP, Raiku, and SR}


{Raiku shoots Rick Astley, killing him.}

NPP: Well, that was stupid and unpredictible. Let's do it again!

SR: Are you the boss?


NPP: Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Let's do it again!

SR: What's next?

NPP: {shrugs}

RAIKU: Let's go to the invisible planet!

NPP: 'Kay.

SR: No, we go to Level 3.


NPP: I just want a cookie!

SR: I hear there's a cookie at the end of Level 6. Can you get that on the invisible planet?

RAIKU: You can get two.

NPP: {Trance-like} ME HAX FOR COOKIE! {gets "Super Jump"}

SR: You can only get that on Invisible Planet according to the Uncyclopedia.


SR: Okay, Raiku, YOU can go to Invisible Planet.

{Raiku drags the others to the Invisible Planet}

RAIKU: There is no known way off.

{NPP super jumps to the cookies}

SR: Good thing I can reverse time. {reverses time to before Raiku drags the others} Okay, Raiku, YOU can go ot Invisible Planet, emphasis on YOU because there are four levels left.

{Raiku strips him of his abilities and takes them back.}

SR: Very funny. And we have 4 levels left. Why not destroy Invisible Planet?

RAIKU: No, let's just go. {Raiku sends Keron into a black hole for a while.}

SR: Okay, is that temporary?

NPP: ME STEAL ALL THREE COOKIES! {runs around in a circle}

SR: Hopefully this is a bonus level with the boss being a cookie, am I correct?

{A giant cookie boss appears.}

NPP: CoOkIe! {swallows boss whole}


{SR turns all enemies into cookies, NPP runs and swallows each one whole still running, and goes FAR offscreen. SR has a "O_o" face.}

SR: This might get us back to Level 3 (from Level -0)

{Cut to NPP, SR, and Raiku beating Level 6.}

NPP: What do I win?

ANNOUNCER: A cookie!

{An arm pops out of hammerspace and gives NPP a cookie. Cut back to SR and Raiku}

SR: And me?

ANNOUNCER: You're still beginning the game....again.

SR: That's it!

{Cut to SR and NPP in NPP's room playing a virtual reality video game. Raiku is standing there levitating with Maroon eyes. SR takes his helmet off.}

SR: I'm done with this game.

{The Paper goes down, saying "Click here to email Strong Rad, Click here to email Ninja Pom Pom, or click here to play the Wikian Galaxy Adventure."}

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