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Irrational Researchings/Raiku

From Wuw Archive


Userpage Exerpt


  • Was Strong Bad in Homestar Office on the HRF Wiki.


  • He goes on a lot of Interactives.
  • Tends to make fanstuff that is a carbon copy of other people's work.
  • Absolutely loves Megaman recolors.
  • Gets offended at most things
  • Tends to use his age and autism as a crutch
  • Creates lots of fanstuff, most unfinished and forgets about them, only to create even more.

Misc. Info

  • He is twelve.
  • Has the biggest block record at 40
  • Was orignally on as Raggon in Feburary 2007


You're not the best, but you're so not Micah or Inner Bad,'re about a 7.5/10. You're a good guy. TJ the Red Fox 19:25, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
True. Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay
Sorry, I was wrong. You are a 9/10.
You're constructive, and you contribute well. My only issue with you is just that you sometimes {Do this wrong}, but that can be fixed. You're a good user. Killer Queen 19:28, 2 September 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay I am like on 19 hours a day. Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay

Your pretty good, nice, and have a... Well, sexy name PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I give you a 9.70/10. Melon Demon 00:07, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
...--Kirbychu!Kirbychu HR'DKirbychu Again!Kirby too! 02:37, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
5/10. Stop joining everything and I'll bring it up. Thus Spake Lilfut
Not even 1/10 for dictating over fanstuff. Strong Rad TGCE
We are friends!
JUST THE LETTER J WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 23:35, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
honestly, you really shouldn't create copy's of other peoples work...... that's kind of like trolling, it takes up the websites hard drive you know, unfortunately you are a copy machine (a kind of troll i just made up). but alas, we are still friends, i give you a 7.5/10 --Homoon 11:17, 12 September 2009 (UTC)

I used to have respect, but now... Meh, I'm not going to sugarcoat it anymore. I find you really annoying, frankly. I somewhat dislike you now. Killer Queen 17:06, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

Raiku to be frank I hate you a lot - NINJADUCK 21:08, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

as an innocent bystander I believe you are rude
but you are simply expressing your opinion and I respect that WHY NOT? WYNAUT. Chaos "77" Wynauts!WHY NOT? WYNAUT. 05:12, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
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