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Fake pokemon fights

From Wuw Archive

Thank you sandbox.


The game

You can use any 493 pokemon, TF2 characters, users, and mario characters. It is a turn based game, and a referee chooses how much damage each move does. There are some new moves, and you can suggest more on the talk page.


  • Squash - 90 base power, can get through things such as protect or detect, gets hurt by spikes or stealth rock if used, can raise speed. Heavy, mario and Luigi only .
  • Stab - 90 base power, double if your oppenent has full HP. Spy, Sceptile any user and any user only.
  • Suicide - Kills self, makes next teamamtes move double power.
  • Eat - Raises HP and attack, lowers speed.


  • The only stats are speed and HP.
  • You can referee any match you join.



Match booth

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