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Facing the Past/Prolouge

From Wuw Archive


A little backgrond here and there never hurt.


{Fade in to reveal Tommyspud sitting in a chair. He rocks back and forth, looking at a picture. The camera zooms in on that picture, revealing him and three others, smiling. The all are dressed in red shirts and pants. Tommyspud quickly tosses the picture across the room. It shatters as Tommyspud stands up.}

TOMMYSPUD: It's weird how things change between then and now. Back then, it was a carefree time, going around, killing people for money. Things were good, and the money was great.

{Tommyspud then gets up, and slowly walks to the door}

TOMMYSPUD: We acquired a lot of nicknames, but one stuck to me, the Flame's Shadow, but that nickname has been hidden for quite a long time. Then, I hear that the group I was a part of, the Red Hawks, have actually began killing again... How can they still be alive, I saw them die, right before my eyes.

{Tommyspud quickly opens the door}

TOMMYSPUD: They obviously, want me to find them, and I think I should oblige, don't you think? Soon, oh, so very soon, I will figure out why my past is catching up with me.

{The camera slowly fades on Tommyspud's eyes, shining red.}

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