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Everything You Know Is Wrong/WWI/Captain Cook

From Wuw Archive


{Noxigar is seen in an Old WWI Era Office, at a desk, along with Sephiroth at another. They are both Wearing Old WWI Army Uniforms.}

GENERAL NOXIGAR: Any news Captain Sephiroth?

CAPTAIN SEPHIROTH: None Whatsoever General!

{Door Knocks.}

NOXIGAR: Enter Soldier!

{Captain Sam The Man Enters}

NOXIGAR: Ah! Captain Sam The Man! What a Pleasant surprise! What are you here for?

SAM THE MAN: BAD NEWS GENERAL! Army XIII Has been Completely Wiped out by a Betraying Officer!


SAM THE MAN: Private Roxas Sir.

NOXIGAR: I Never Trusted him. Capture him, and Bring him to me!

SAM THE MAN: I would, but he has escaped.

NOXIGAR: Drat! Well, make a search for him!

SAM THE MAN: Sir Yes Sir! {Leaves.}

SEPHIROTH: Roxas? A Murderer?

NOXIGAR: It seems so.

{Cut to a Trench, Showing Cyrus, Im a Bell, and Garzel.}

CAPTAIN CYRUS: God, it's horrible in here! And to think, in any given Moment, Old Walrus Face Noxigar could be giving us a mission to go over the top!

LIEUTENANT BELL: Oh Come on Captain! Even though we're living in crap, at least we're with friends! Hurrah!

CYRUS: {Monotone.} Hurrah.

PRIVATE GARZEL: Whoa, you're in a bad mood Captain.


IM A BELL: You don't really mean that, do you Captain?

{Major Znex walks over.}

MAJOR ZNEX: Greetings there, troops! How's the jolly old battle going, eh?

CYRUS: Look out behind you, Major!

ZNEX: "Look out behind you, Major"? What kind of status is that?

CYRUS: Seriously, look out behind you!

{Znex turns up his invisible nose.}

ZNEX: I honestly don't know what you're talking about---

{The three duck down just as a shell explodes in Znex's face, killing him.}

GARZEL: Well, that was a short cameo role...

CYRUS: Oh Crap! Garzel, get this corpse away!

GARZEL: Yes Sir!

{Garzel Leaves, and Comes Back, he starts carving something on a bullet.}

CYRUS: What's that you're carving Garzel?

GARZEL: I'm carving my name sir!

CYRUS: And Why?

GARZEL: You know they say, there's a bullet with your name on it...

CYRUS: Right..

GARZEL: I'm carving my name on it, because it would be unlikely, to be 2 bullets with my name on it, but, If I own the Bullet with my name on it, chances are, I won't shoot myself.

'CYRUS: Shame Really. {Looks at Im a Bell}

CYRUS: Bell, what are you reading?

IM A BELL: I'm reading the Daily Soldier! Insparational Stuff!

CYRUS: Yes... Good for Toilet Paper I suppose...

IM A BELL: Hahahaha!! Good one Captain!

CYRUS: Bell, I am Serious.


{Phone Rings.}

CYRUS: Yes? Yes? I'll be there quick!

IM A BELL: What is it Captain?

CYRUS: General Noxigar wants me to come to his office. Probably a Suicide Mission to go over the top. Well, I'm off.

{Cut to the Office.}

CYRUS: Where's Noxigar?

SEPHIROTH: He's just doing something. {Eye Starts to Twitch.} Ah! Here he comes now!

{Noxigar Walks in.}

NOXIGAR: Ah! Hello Cyrus! Baa!!

CYRUS: You wanted me sir?

NOXIGAR: Yes. You've heard of the Daily Soldier, right?

CYRUS: Eh, not really.

NOXIGAR: You'll be glad to know that the task I give you is not a suicide mission to go over the top.

CYRUS: Oh. That is good then. What is it?

NOXIGAR: Are you or your privates good at art?

CYRUS: They're just as good as a bunch of Blindfolded Mice.

NOXIGAR: Shame really. If anyone there was good at art, they would be sent to Canada, for the rest of the war.

CYRUS: That reminds me! Have you seen the Blindfolded Mice Painting in Vienna?

NOXIGAR: So somebody is good at art then?


NOXIGAR: Good! Because the mission is, a painting for the daily soldier that is truly inspiring!

CYRUS: I'll have it right away sir! {Leaves.}

{Cut Back to the trench.}

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