Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.

Corruption II: The Reckoning

From Wuw Archive

{JCM is sitting on the front steps of the school, sighing. People pass him by without a thought. The winter winds nearly blow off his trademark red hat, but JCM keeps a good hold of it.}

JCM: Man, I wanna be like those second-gens and get all the hot chicks... but at the same time, I want to be a person who can set a good example, a shining bastion of what it's like to have pride!

{Suddenly, a man puts his hand on JCM's arm.}

???: I can help you.

JCM: R-really? Who are you?

SOULJA BOY TELL 'EM: I'm Soulja Boy Tell 'Em, and I can help you. I've got this new dance. It's called the Soulja Boy.

{Soulja Boy and JCM do the Soulja Boy for ten hours straight, only stopping because JCM got kinda tired.}

JCM: Thanks, Soulja Boy. I feel a little better now.

SOULJA BOY TELL 'EM: No prob. You wanna go mess around later?

JCM: I would, but I've got contemplating to do.


{Soulja Boy mopes off.}

JCM: {JCM sighs once more.} I just wish I knew what to do...

{Cut to the sysops' lounge. Shadow Scythe, Bluebry, Super Sam, and The Mu are sitting at the table. Shadow Scythe is looking quite dour--unusual, given his personality. Bluebry is sipping from a can of soda, and Super Sam looks distracted, for some reason.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Sysops, we have a problem.


SHADOW SCYTHE: We have an influx of rebellious behavior from the third gens.

SUPER SAM: Yes, I've noticed that too.

THE MU: So... do you impose we do something?


SHADOW SCYTHE: Let third gens be third gens--that seems to be the best reasoning to go with right now.

SUPER SAM: I say we put some new rules down, rules that-

BLUEBRY: Don't you think we're taking this too far? I mean-

THE MU: Quiet, Bluebry! You're new here... you don't understand.

BLUEBRY: {Bluebry yells with a sudden burst of anger, unusual for him.} Hey!

{The other three sysops quiet down and look at Bluebry.}

BLUEBRY: ... I believe I know just how these third gens function.

SHADOW SCYTHE: True, you are a third gen yourself.

SUPER SAM: {mumbling} God knows what we were thinking...

SHADOW SCYTHE: Sam, please! ... Don't denounce Bluebry for being a third gen-

SUPER SAM: You know what, Shadow? These third gens have caused so much trouble that I believe I do have grounds to stereotype. ... God, I... I don't know.

{Super Sam holds his head in his hands.}

SUPER SAM: I started this wiki with the belief that no person will ever be stereotyped for how old they are, their race, their beliefs... nothing would get in the way of what was important... But now look at me!

{Bluebry, The Mu and Shadow Scythe look at Super Sam, stunned.}

SUPER SAM: I'm basing my thoughts on what generation the users are... and even Bluebry!


SUPER SAM: DON'T! ... D-don't say anything. I've hurt you in a way I would never believe I would... back when I started.

BLUEBRY: Don't be so hard on yourself, Sam. It's not your fault.

SUPER SAM: ... Gentlemen.

THE MU: Sam...

SUPER SAM: I believe this third gen problem... has gone way out of hand. I don't think it will ever end.

SHADOW SCYTHE: What do you mean?

SUPER SAM: What do I mean?

{Super Sam slams the desk with his hand.}

SUPER SAM: I mean that there is no solution! ... I say we watch. We need to see what's causing this all so we can get to the root of the problem.

THE MU: ... Agreed.


BLUEBRY: I agree.

SUPER SAM: Good. ... Bluebry, you're going to need to get out there and see what's going on. They trust you the most.

BLUEBRY: Sir, they hate me.

SUPER SAM: True, but who do you think they hate more than you?

BLUEBRY: ... I see. I'm on it, sir.

{Bluebry exits the room, but not before looking back at Sam. Sam nods at him, as if to say, "Go." Bluebry nods back and leaves.}

{Cut to the school grounds. Bluebry steps outside, when he is suddenly accosted by some third-gens.}

IM A BELL: Hey! If it isn't one of the second gens!

BLUEBRY: ... Bell, I'm a third gen.

IM A BELL: ... W-well... you... hang around second gens a lot! That makes you one by now!

BLUEBRY: {sighs} Great comeback, Bell. What do you want?

BADSTAR: We don't want you here, Bluebry. Get out.

BLUEBRY: Get out of what? The place I'm protecting for you?

IM A BELL: Yeah! We don't need you here, as long as I'm protecting the wiki!

BLUEBRY: Protecting from what? Differing opinions on what stupid shows you like?

BADSTAR: DON'T INSULT HARUHI! She's the closest thing I have to a girlfriend!

BLUEBRY: ... Regardless, I need to go. Get out of my way.


BLUEBRY: ... I don't think you heard me right.

{Bell pushes Bluebry back.}

IM A BELL: You're not going anywhere.

BADSTAR: Y-yeah! You're leaving, that's what!

IM A BELL: But that would be going- ah, screw it.

{Suddenly, NachoMan steps in.}

NACHOMAN: Don't hurt him!

IM A BELL: Well! If it isn't Bluebry's gay lover!

NACHOMAN: Step back, kids. Bluebry needs to get through.

IM A BELL: {sarcastic} Really? Does he?

NACHOMAN: ... Listen, you self-important prick.

{Nacho takes Bell by the collar and hoists him to eye-level.}

NACHOMAN: Either you let Bluebry through or I'll take you and rip that ugly little 'tache right off your face. Got that?

IM A BELL: {whimpering} Y-y-y-yes!

{Nacho drops Bell on the ground. Bell quickly gets up and runs off, Badstar right behind him.}

NACHOMAN: ... Sorry, Bluebry.

BLUEBRY: {sighs} It's okay, Nacho. They're kids. We've been in their shoes before.

NACHOMAN: But what they said, didn't it get to you?

BLUEBRY: I've got thicker skin than that, Nacho. Don't be stupid.

{Bluebry walks off.}

NACHOMAN: ... He's a good guy.

{Nacho walks into the building.}

{Cut to the far end of the playground. JCM and Strong Intelligent are sitting on a bench, catching snow on their tongues.}

JCM: ... How do you do it?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: {not turning his head} Hm?

JCM: How do you manage to stay out of the gen war, SI?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: ... It's hard, most of the time. All the time, it's going on. People being ridiculed or prejudiced based on their gen. I'm trying to ignore it, but sometimes... I do get the urge.

{Strong Intelligent finally turns his head to meet JCM's gaze.}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: I've wanted to say what's on my mind for the longest time, and I'm sure that would get me some respect in some circles... but I can't. I can't stoop to their level.

JCM: Who's they?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: You know, people like Bell and Badstar.

{The camera pans over to show Bell cursing to himself while Badstar sits, huddled to himself, on a park bench.}

STRONG INTELLIGENT: They're the ones who feel like it's "cool" to be the bad guy.

JCM: ... They are pretty mean.

STRONG INTELLIGENT: That's why I'm trying not to be one of them. That kind of mentality only fosters the kind of thinking that will get you in prison. Or at least 4Chan.

JCM: Don't say that! ... They're not going to 4Chan... are they?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: I wouldn't put it past them.

JCM: ... SI, you're a good person.

STRONG INTELLIGENT: I'm not a "good" person at all. I'm just staying off of sides, that's all.

{Strong Intelligent sighs as he gets off the bench and heads inside. JCM keeps sitting, wondering still what he should do.}

{Cut to the back of the school. Noid, Chwoka, Brooks and Skullbuggy are there, listening to music.}

SKULLB: ... I've gotta ask you guys. Am I really "in" with you, or is this a really intricate joke?

CHWOKA: No way, man. You're not like those other thirdies.

THE NOID: Yeah, mang. You're like a diamond in the rough, nah'mean?

SKULLB: ... I guess so.

BROOKS: Don't worry, Skully. We're cool with you.

{Brooks grins. SkullB grins back, albeit for a small instant. Bluebry walks over.}

SKULLB: Hey, Blue!


THE NOID: 'Sup, mang?

BLUEBRY: Hey, guys. ... Listen, I need an opinion.


BLUEBRY: About... the third gens. No offense, Skully.

SKULLB: None taken.

THE NOID: Thirdies? I hate them!

SKULLB: ... I'll just assume you're not talking about me.

THE NOID: It's like they have no "shut up" reflex in their tiny little heads! They do nothing but raise pointless arguments and if you say one thing that makes sense they go apesh-

BLUEBRY: NOID! Please. Not around Skully.

SKULLB: I'm fine, Blue! ... You don't have to protect me.

BLUEBRY: I know, but... I know how it feels. I'm a third gen too, you know.

SKULLB: I know, I know...

BROOKS: Look, if they want to be third gens, let them! They're just going to kill each other anyway. That's how natural selection works.

BLUEBRY: ... Good point. It's best to just let them be.

SKULLB: I don't know, I think they need to be dealt with in another way.

BLUEBRY: I realize that, but we can't take any decisive action just yet. We need to see how it plays out.

SKULLB: ... Right.

THE NOID: Well? You should probably get going, Blue.

BLUEBRY: ... I probably should.

{Bluebry leaves.}

{Cut to a large sandbox. Many people are there. JCM is sitting by himself at the edge.}

JCM: ... I just don't know what to do...

{Suddenly, a bunch of sand hits JCM in the face. He quickly gets the sand out of his eyes and sees that several users are having a sandbox war.}

RAIKU: {offscreen} GET OUT!

{The camera pans over to show Lemon Demon and Raiku hurling sand at each other from afar. JCM starts to head over to break up the fight, but is stopped by Strong Intelligent.}

JCM: SI...!

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Stay out. If they want to act like children, let them. It's not your problem.

JCM: ... So what do I do?

STRONG INTELLIGENT: Wait. Something's gonna happen. Trust me.

{Bluebry notices the war from afar and runs up to the two.}

BLUEBRY: Hey! Hey! Break it up!

RAIKU: Stay out of it, second gen!

LEMON: Yeah, get out of here!

BLUEBRY: {yelling} Backup! I need backup!

{Quickly, Skullbuggy runs over.}

SKULLB: Quit it, you two. Now.

RAIKU: ...

LEMON: ... Alright.

{The two stop fighting.}

SKULLB: Now I'm going to have to write you two up for this, you know.

{SkullB walks away with the two "criminals".}

JCM: ... Wow.

BLUEBRY: Oh. Hey, JCM. How's it going?

JCM: Why is it that they respect Skullbuggy more than you, Bluebry?

BLUEBRY: ... It's because of Skully's roots. They think that, because he's one of "them", that he'll be easier on them--not to mention I've got a bit of a history with those two...

JCM: That's... that's insane! They need to respect you more! You're a sysop, for crying out loud!

BLUEBRY: Well, you know what? Until this stupid gen war stops, I don't think any sysop is going to get respect.

{Bluebry leaves. JCM holds his head in his hands and sighs.}

JCM: If only there was some way... to make it all better.

{Cut to the back of the school, after school. NachoMan, The Noid, Chwoka, Brooks, and SkullB are there.}

NACHOMAN: Did you hear? Raiku and Lemon got busted. Again.

SKULLB: Yeah, I was the one who turned 'em in.

CHWOKA: Huh. I didn't think you were that diligent.

SKULLB: Are you kidding? I'm the laziest mod there is!

NACHOMAN: No, no... There have to be lazier ones!

SKULLB: Ah, don't try getting my ego up. It's alright.

{JCM approaches the group reluctantly.}

SKULLB: ... JCM? What are you doing here?

JCM: H-hey, everyone...

CHWOKA: Get out, JCM. This isn't third gen territory.

JCM: No, I want- I want to ask you something!

CHWOKA: Come on, Skully. You're a mod, right? Get him out.

SKULLB: ... No, let him talk for a second.

JCM: Well, I wanted to ask you guys if... if I could join you!

THE NOID: ... Seriously?

JCM: Yes. I want to be one of you. I don't want to be prejudiced against anymore. Please, help me out!

CHWOKA: No way, kid. You're never going to be one of us.

SKULLB: Chwoka, seriously! Will you stop being so aggressive for just a second?

CHWOKA: That's a tall order, Skull.

NACHOMAN: Please... Chwoka, let him talk.

CHWOKA: ... Alright, alright. Just this once.

JCM: Wh-what do I have to do... to be one of you guys?

THE NOID: Well, that depends. Can you drop the goody two-shoes shtick for a bit?

JCM: But... I just want to make this place into something nice...

CHWOKA: The most important step is to be passive-aggressive about the wiki. That's what you need to do.

JCM: ... R-really? I think I can do that much...

CHWOKA: You also need to be sarcastic. That's the humor of choice for us second-gens and also Skull and Bluebry.

JCM: ... Alright. I can do that. I think...

CHWOKA: Well? Let's see you try it out!

JCM: Alright! I'm going to go be the best I can be!

{JCM walks off. Once out of earshot, Chwoka starts laughing.}

CHWOKA: Ahahaha! He's going to get so blocked for this!

SKULLB: ... Chwoka! Why?

CHWOKA: The opportunity was right there, man! How could I not do this?

SKULLB: But... he's going to get blocked! Do you know how that's going to affect him?

CHWOKA: I know--he's going to be speechless!

SKULLB: ... Chwoka, I thought you were better than that.

NACHOMAN: Yeah... Chwoka, you're cold.

CHWOKA: ... W-well, I...

THE NOID: Come on, Chwoka. You're not that way... are you?

SKULLB: Maybe we were wrong...

CHWOKA: ... Skull... we were cool!

SKULLB: Well, you know what? ... I don't know anymore.

{SkullB runs off.}

THE NOID: ... I wonder where he's going?

{Cut to the front entry of the school. Super Sam is heading out the front door when JCM stops him.}

JCM: Oh! Well, if it isn't our favorite sysop!

SUPER SAM: Hello, JCM. I trust you're well?

JCM: Oh, just super. Of course, you'd know. Right?

SUPER SAM: ... JCM, I've never heard you talk to anybody like that.

JCM: So? What's it to you?

SUPER SAM: JCM, you should watch your step.

JCM: Pssh! Like you can do anything to me.

{SkullB runs up to JCM.}

JCM: Ha! What are you here for?

SKULLB: JCM, stop! You're being tricked!

SUPER SAM: JCM... who put you up to this?

JCM: Nobody! I'm doing this all on my own!

SKULLB: Don't listen to him, Sam--he was set up for this!

JCM: Oh, shut up, thirdie!

SKULLB: Who are you calling a thirdie, JCM?

SUPER SAM: Both of you, j-

JCM: I'm a better user than you, Skull! I've always been better!

SKULLB: You call brown-nosing good behavior? I oughta strangle you!

SUPER SAM: Both of you, BE QUIET!

{JCM and SkullB stop yelling.}

SUPER SAM: JCM... your behavior was completely uncalled for. I'm going to block you for a day, seeing as this is your first offense.

{Suddenly, the color drains from JCM's face as his jaw drops in shock.}

JCM: ... B-but... I was...

SKULLB: You were set up, JCM. Chwoka wanted to see you crash and burn.

JCM: ... Oh, my God... I was so... stupid...

SUPER SAM: Hopefully you'll learn after your block.

{Super Sam leaves.}

JCM: I... I can't believe this!

SKULLB: JCM, I'm sorry, I-

JCM: It's... it's not your fault.

SKULLB: ... What are you going to do now?

JCM: ... I'm leaving.

SKULLB: ... Oh, my God... really?




{Everybody starts dancing to this.}



SHADOW SCYTHE: Gee whillickers I am angry!!!

SKULLB: I had no idea how to end it.





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