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Con email.wue/102

From Wuw Archive




Conchris gets the long lost email that he dreaded. "Hilarity" doesn't "ensue"

Cast in order of appearance:

Page Title: lol Bonus Stage Pikachu


CONCHRIS: Okay, now we only have 4 emails left, let's just make it a good one.

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Interesting, email checking? Hah! In my world, no one even bothers to touch their email address, not even Karl.

{Cut to a computer, "Karl" is in front of it, words appear at the bottom of the screen saying "Footage from Rumors that may or may not be true"}

KARL: Hi, I'm Karl, I'm 60 years old and a lefty. I'm going to check email!

{breif pause}

KARL: Nah, maybe later

{Cut back to the spaceship, Conchris has a confused expression}

CONCHRIS: You have a guy named Karl? Like that Rainer is rumored to be a 60 year old lefty named Karl?

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Nah, that guy is different. GET TO CHECKING!

CONCHRIS: Oh no...



{Concrew's Conchris puts his head to the screen, then stands up again}

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Your compy got infected with the Peekachew Virus, so what? Our computers get infected all the time in my world.

{Cut to yet another computer}

CONCREW'S FOREST: What's this?

{The screen turns off then on, it says "LOLOLOLOLOL `/0(_)R (0/\/\P`/ 15 1|\||=3(73|)!!1111 lol"}

CONCREW'S FOREST: Sheesh, this has been, what? The 500th time?

{Cut back to the spaceship, a crash is heard}

CONCHRIS: GAH! What happen?

SHIP'S COMPY: Someone set up us the bomb! We get signal!


SHIP'S COMPY: Main Screen turn on.

{The ship's Main Screen turns on, revealing a Pikachu}

CONCHRIS: It's you.

PIKACHU: How are you gentlemen? All your base are belon- Oh forget it, let's get to the point.

CONCHRIS: What point?

PIKACHU: Ever since virus=very yes, the email, I've been plotting and learnt english. Now I've came back to DESTROY YOU!

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Oh sure, we get villains all the time in my world, even direct rip-offs.

{Cut to a street, Concrew's Conchris is standing there, a hedgehog jumps onto screen}


HEDGEHOG: I am... err.... Shadhfsafjdsghjkdsfhskja the Hedgehog. I am the supreme being of the world, with these... rip-off emeralds, I'll be able to conquer the universe! Hahahahahahahaha!

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: {pause} Good luck with that.

{Cut back to the spaceship}

PIKACHU: Prepare to die! Eh Steves! {Multiple Eh! Steves come on-screen} ATTACK!

EH STEVES: Eh Steve! Eh Steve! Eh Steve! {goes to attack}

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Oh come on! We already fought them before, why waste our own time?

CONCHRIS: Hahahahaha no.


EH STEVE #1: {seemingly speaking english} I attack while they distracted!

{Eh Steve strikes at (Concrew) Conchris, he yells out in pain}


CONCHRIS: Jeez, stolen dialouge. Can it get any more annoying?

EH STEVE #2: EH STEVE! {strikes Conchris with his mysteriously appeared sword}

CONCHRIS: GAH! We would really need 4Wimps now.

{The background changes into a background that was drawn by a 4 year old}

CONCHRIS: {monotone voice} Why are we fighting? We should run through the fields singing happy songs all the time!

PIKACHU: {montone} That's a great idea. I'm coming...

{Everything reverts to normal}

CONCHRIS: Okay, that didn't help. At least we're rid of that Pikachu and his Eh! Steves.

CONCREW'S CONCHRIS: Ugh, I hate it when that happens, we get to the great bit and they just had to screw it up with their "Let's dance around in a field of flowers singing happy songs with episodes that have no violence!" thing. What's next? When I try to stick a knife into Chrionroar, it changes to a harmless thing? {(Concrew) Conchris does the aformentioned thing and the knife turns into a plastic knife} DIE! {The plastic knife bounces off Chrionroar} See? SEE?

CONCHRIS: Well, everything turned out great aft- {screen flickers}

CONCHRIS: That was weird. What just happened?

SHIP'S COMPY: I don't know. What do I look like to you, Stlunko? It's not like I have access to the internet, oh sure, I can allow email checking but that's it, my OS isn't strong enough to access the internet.

CONCHRIS: Wow, what a rant. Let's just end this with something.


FOREST: I have no idea where I am. Let us hope that nobody comes in.

{Stinkoman walks in}

STINKOMAN: Hey look! A challenge!

FOREST: Oh no.


{Stinkoman blasts through Forest, he misses and crashes into the wall, pan left to see his gloves stuck in the wall}

STINKOMAN: Aww man! That double deuce was not so good, maybe the next one will be better. {struggles to get free} Hulliba wha? IS THIS WALL ASKING FOR A CHALLENGE?!

FOREST: Game over, you lose.

{The paper comes down, with the words "Click here to email Conchris, 20X6!"}

STINKOMAN: Once I get out of this wall, you will be sorry!

Fun Facts

Real World References

  • The hedgehog named Shad and then a bunch of random letters is a direct rip-off of Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic Games Series.

Fanstuff References

  • "Karl" was referenced, Karl is pseudo-name for Rainer who wouldn't reveal his age. Homsar started the "Karl" craze.
  • "4-Wimps" was referenced, in the Gunhaver Emails, they are known to tone down stuff and make them happy.

Author's Comment

2/5 - Not bad a remake, including virus=very yes as a virus? remake, that makes 3 remakes.

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