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Chaos Emails.exe/Hangout

From Wuw Archive



Chaos, Cow Puncher, Ryan and Sam The Man have fun somehow.

Cast(In order of appearence}: Chaos, Ryan, Cow Puncher, Sam The Man, The Cheat.

Places: Chaos' Basement, The Field, Bubs' Concession Stand

Computer: BELL 2999

Date: November 18, 2007


CHAOS: I never seem, to have bad days, on my emai-ai-lll-s.

{Types "Rune", Email appears onscreen.}

{Clears screen}

CHAOS: {While typing} Ok, guys. I'll just stay here, and wait for you guys, and turn to the right...

{Chaos turns to the right to see Cow Puncher and Ryan, making Chaos jump off of his chair and land perfectly.}

CHAOS: GAH! I need to inform people to enter from the left side of the screen, where there's more room! Now, let's go to the Field, where we can find fun. {Walks offscreen with Ryan and Cow Puncher}

{Cuts to the field, Where Sam The Man is standing, with his eyes closed.}

CHAOS: Oh. Hello. Well. What're you doing here, Sam?

{Red text reading "Sam The Man" appears onscreen, and he wakes up, startled.}

SAM THE MAN: Whoa! I was practicing standing up and sleeping at the same time. What're you guys doing?


COW PUNCHER: We're looking for fun!

RYAN: Funtime!

CHAOS: {Flatly} Yes. Yes we are.

SAM THE MAN: May I join you guys?

CHAOS: Of course.

{The 4 head offscreen, and go to Bubs' Concession stand, where The Cheat is running the stand.}

CHAOS: whazzup Cheat-se Wheel? Why're you here?

THE CHEAT: {Cheat noises}

CHAOS: You Took it from Bubs after you saved him?

THE CHEAT: {Cheat noises}

CHAOS: Oh, right. The trial. I hope Jhonka gets his money from him.

THE CHEAT: {Agreeing Cheat noises}

CHAOS: Can youst spare a man and his comapny some free foodstuffs?

RYAN: Let me handle this. {Pushes Chaos out of the way, Then clears his throat and starts making Cheat noises.}

{The Cheat sends a wagon full of chips, soda, cookies, and cupcakes towards Chaos and his friends.}

COW PUNCHER: What'd you say?

RYAN: I'd gladly pay him tuesday for junk food today.


{The three look at the wagon, to see that Chaos is carrying the wagon with his hands and flying away.}

CHAOS: Try and catch me now Sucke-{Hits tree}


{Ryan and CP dash for the Wagon, whereas Sam Hops down a hole.}


{Screen cuts to Chaos' house, with Chaos' nose in a cast adn everyone eating junk food.}

CHAOS: well, at least we have the sweets!

RYAN: True that.

{Cut to Cow Puncher, lying on the table with a distended stomach.}

COW PUNCHER: Me {burps} too!

SAM THE MAN: Well, I guess I should go. I have my own emails to check! {disapears offscreen}

CHAOS: Wow. He is magic.

COW PUNCHER: True {burps} that.

RYAN: Don't you have to wrap up the Email or something?

CHAOS: Well, you guys did Email me. But I have no way to wrap it up.

COW PUNCHER: Ohh. Well, {hiccups} than, maybe we should wait a while.


Fun Facts

Easter Eggs

  • After waiting for 15 seconds, dialogue continues:

CHAOS: Well, see you all next time folks!

RYAN: It took you 15 seconds to think that up?

COW: Whatever. I'm gonna go find Bell. Wait, first, MARK OF SPARTA!

{Cow poofs}

RYAN: You could've done that sooner, Chaos!

CHAOS: Mental block! Guh!

RYAN: Guh?!

CHAOS: {bobs head down} Let's just leave it at that.

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