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Arena Battling: Part 2/Strange Meadows

From Wuw Archive


This meadow is all green and shiny, a town is nearby, prohibiting level 1 heroes from passing for some reason. In the far mountains, a small village is barely visible.

Where do you wish to go?

  • Whimsy Town - The sign on it says: "Level 1 Heroes are prohibited due to safety regulations"
  • Mountain Village - An uncreative name for a village...
  • Slime Village - This village is filled with slimes that can talk. Where else do they come from?
  • Generic Mine - This mine is so generic, they have dwarves and goblins in it! Isn't that exciting?!


CHWOKA: >look for monsters

{A generic slime attacks Chwoka!}

CHWOKA: >stab grass

{A strange slime comes out, but it's a different colour (colour, color, whatever.)}

SLIME: YOWCH! Watch where you're stabbing! I'm a rare species of slime! A golden slime! So, is anybody gonna help me or not?

CHWOKA: >ask slime if he is friend or foe

SLIME: You tell me. I sure am a friendly. I was kicked out of the Slime Village for looking like nobody else. I mean, they wanted boring colours! It all started when I fell into a bucket of golden paint when I was wondering about, and it couldn't wash off ever since. You look like a hero, why don't you help me?

CHWOKA: >say yes and ask where Slime Village is

SLIME: The Slime Village is just all the way down that way. {nods to the north}

Chwoka has unlocked Slime Village!

Slime Village is now open to all quest takers of the Gold Slime's offer.

SLIME: Don't bother me to come with, I'll just sit here and hope another hero comes along. {hides back into the grass}

CONCHRIS: Oi! You Gold Slime! Get out of that grass! {fires a random laser gun bullet into the grass}


CONCHRIS: Sorry. But, you look stressed. What's wrong?

SLIME: {sighs} I got kicked out of Slime Village because the king is evil and wants boring colours. Will you help me? The other hero I sent didn't come back... I wonder if he's hoarding all the treasure there...

CONCHRIS: Consider it done.

SLIME: Good! Now if you'll excuse me I've got some hiding to do! {jumps back into the grass}

Conchris has got a new Side Quest!

CHWOKA: >go bottom of mountain

{Chwoka finds a cave, several bats fly out of it, mining gear is also nearby}

CHWOKA: >wait for new page and something funnier

{Fenix suddenly falls out of the sky, landing on his head.}

FENIX: Ow. Urgh...Where am I?

{He then notices the grass rustling}

FENIX: Hmm...Hi-yah! {thrusts his arm into the grass, attempting to grasp the suspicious movement}

SLIME: HEY! WATCH IT WILL YA?! {slips out of Fenix's grasp} I was trying to count the types of grass I've seen so far!

FENIX: Oh, sorry! You just seemed suspicious is all. Umm...Where are we?

SLIME: How should I know? It's not like I've seen anyone falling from the sky lately.

FENIX: Okay...If I'm gonna find out where I am, I've got to find civilization. And I don't mean the best-selling video game series. That mountain looks good.

{Lemon kicks a rock around like a hackey sack}

{The rock flies off-course, hitting the slime in the head}


LEMON: Yeah whatever, where's that Gold Slime...

SLIME: Dude! I'm right here! Though I think my goldeness isn't as shiny as it used to be.

LEMON: Ohh! ... Got any quests?

SLIME: Yes, apparently, the new King Slime has become corrupt, I heard this from that Old Man in that there Mountain Village, I don't suppose you can help, right?

LEMON: Okay!

SLIME: Okay, good luck then! I'll be hanging out here with an exclamation mark above my head, so come back to me when you retrieve the King Slime's sceptre. {somehow pulls out a sign with the symbol "!" and somehow puts it above his head}

{A few hours later, Lemon runs in with a sceptre}

LEMON: I did it!

SLIME: Wow, really? I was getting tired of pretending to spot Solid Snake peeking through the undergrowth. Anyway, used jokes aside, I think the sceptre and that experience and Wiki Coins you got from the battle is reward enough, but I'll pitch in for a bit.

Lemon gained 200 experience points and 100 Wiki Coins as a reward for completing the Gold Slime's quest!

SLIME: Guess I'll go back into hiding for now, I don't want to be here for the next time the new Slime King decides that he should abuse his power. {jumps back into the grass}

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