Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.

Arena Battling: Part 2/Story

From Wuw Archive

The Story so far

NARRATOR: Hello, my name is Mr. I M. Narrator. And this is what happened so far...

The year was 2007, a strange man named Sirhcnoc was taken away and trained in the arts of evilness. His power grew and grew until he outpowered his masters and went on an epic quest to take over Free Country USA. The country, being Free and whatnot, decided that this epic quest should be stopped by another epic quest, so they hire Wiki Users from far-off lands to aid them in their quest to stop Sirhcnoc from taking over FCUSA and eventually, the world.

Sirhcnoc's plan, however, was thwarted by several Wiki Users, and even though he had a legion of evil people, he still lost anyway because he is the main villain and of course, all main villains have to die anyway.

Sirhcnoc decided that instead of dying, he'll use his remaining power to transport the Wiki Users back to their own country and take over the Wiki User country.

Sirhcnoc was a bit successful since the Wiki Users were nearly knocked out for a year and he took over quite a good chunk of the country.

Now, you, one of the Wiki Users, must find out where you are and what happened and, of course, beat the main villain so that we can get on with our lives.

Good luck!

MR. I M. NARRATOR: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and narrate more stories now... {walks off}

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