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A Day in the Life of Brooksie

From Wuw Archive

a day in the life of brooksie

transcription of said day

{brooks is in bed asleep}

{he wakes up}

{he is not asleep anymore}

{just to clarify that}

BROOKSIE: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. well i'd better get up today is a busy day yessir

{brooks hops out of bed like a portuguese gymnast and springs into action and by that I mean irc}

BROOKSIE: here is my password I am typing it my password is--


{jicem is in the corner}

guy-CM: now you see how hard it is to be me

{dinoshaur bounces in and violently thrusts his nether regions into jicem's face for roughly ten minutes}

JICEM: ow ow ow ow

DINOSHAUR: yeah you love it

wait this is about brooks

my bad

so anyway

{brooks is on irc}

{he does this for a while you see}

BROOKSIE: well guys here I going to zaxbys now goodlong sobye

{Brooksie goes away much to the dismay of all his loyal frito banditio plankton in a jar}

{he cums back though don't worry}

{he is back now}

BROOKSIE: I am back now

{suddenly noid comes in and he is all}

NOID: stop brooks I am here to put an end to all things that are fun and happy and make them boring and lame just like myself

Brooksie noooo

{brooksie rips off his many shirts to reveal his massive pecs which shoot out like skyscrapers and impale noid to the wall by his eyelids}

noid: you forgot one thing

Brooksie: :o

NOID: {noid's detachable eyelids turn into razor sharp crappy radiohead albums and chase brooks all about}

brooksie: oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

{brooks hops into the computer screen!}

tbc (that is not the brothers chaps by the way}

{now brooks is in the computer zone}

BROOKSIE: where am I?

{I just told you what are you an idot}

BROOKSIE: Image:Wellthumbs.PNG

{yeah okay}

{so brooks meats the computer lord or something}

computer lord: I am lord of all computers. The computers are lorded under me. I--

Brooksie: yeah, okay computer. I get it

{Noid jumps out from his disguise}

BROOKSIE: oh no I forgot radiohead references can summon the noid from afar!!!

{they do not make passionate love on the floor sorry jicem}

{they do however have an epic duel}

{they punch each other I guess}

Noid: punching nooo that is my one weakness

{Noid explodes and the world is once again safe from his suck}

Brooksie: thank goodness

'{brooksie goes to bed}

Brooksie: goodnight nachoman and goodnight bluebry and goodnight noid and goodnight dinoshaur and goodnight mu and goodnight chwoka and goodnight thedenzel and goodnight skullb and goodnight




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