What It Takes To Say Goodbye
From Wrichacir
There once was a maiden, who never knew love, until a man broke her heart...
A soft, sweet smile curved normally serious lips, violet star-eyes bright, as the young woman stepped lightly into the front hall of her lover's manse. Lost Rainbow Maiden wore a new dress, a glimmering shade of violet-blue silk, with flowers and ribbons bound into her hair. It had been a long while, several months, since she had seen Mei, her workload had been unusually heavy, and this was the first time in quite some time that she had been able to take time off.
She frowned a bit, as she walked further into the halls of the Manse, cradling the violet-blue bouquet of heliotrope to her chest as she walked, pale fingers strangely delicate wrapped around the stems. Why was it so quiet...?
And then, as she turned the corner, a sound shattered the silence. A woman's voice, crying out in what sounded like...pleasure?
Rainbow's eyes widened, disbelief running through her. Violet skirts rustled with a whisper of silk, ribbons fluttering behind her as she ran, down the hall towards where the sound came from. Mei's bedroom, and with every step, something in her broke broke broke.
She pushed open the door, quietly, and saw Mei entwined on the bed with a golden-haired man, blue-eyed, Chosen of Serenity.
The flowers fell from her hair, and from her hands, as Rainbow bit back the harsh cry that threatened to overtake her. She slammed the door behind her and turned and ran, ice filling her with every step away, tore the ribbons from her hair and left them behind her, left them with the discarded remnants of her first (and only) love.
Love was the opposite of serenity. Love could never bring happiness.
She waited for him through many winters, until finally, she wept tears like ice, and sang, "My true love is a man who never existed at all." But still, she waited for him, forever.