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From Worldofseasons

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People > The people of Ellatha have long since adapted to the harsh winters their winter brings. The people of the region have been dubbed the name Ellathians. They wear clothing fit for winter months: heavy pants, coats, hats, and gloves. Scarves are a bare necessity and, surprisingly enough, are very rare to find in Ellatha -- here is a high demand by the people for scarves, especially for their children. Those of Ellatha have also built up a strong immunity against colds and fevers given from harsh winters or cold days.

Leader > The leader of those of Ellatha is like a Tsar of Russian times, meaning that Ellatha is under a monarchy rule. The Tsars of the past have varied through personality -- from cruel and unforgiving to gentle and kind -- and through these personalities shows the up and down economy and living of Ellathians. The Tsar of Ellatha resides in a large manor in Athanas, as well as a smaller manor in Agathe.

The current Tsar is female.

Animals > You're probably asking "What the hell can live in a region like that?" aren't you? I bet you are. However, the animals that roam through Ellatha are all well-adapted to winter climates. Arctic Foxes, which are actually kept as pets, are seen a lot, as well as White Bears (Polar Bears), Tundrian Wolves, Shaggy Oxen (Musk Oxen), and Caribou. Oxen are used to pull large carts for transportation and are kept as work-creatures; the Caribou are hunted for food; tundrian wolves and white bears are often hunted for their coats, which is used to make various forms of fashion.

However, as of late, a law has been passed banning the hunting of Tundrian Wolves.

Climate > Cold, snow, and white. That is the easiest to explain Ellatha's climate. It's rare for it to not snow in Ellatha though, however, during the Spring and Summer months the snowfall seems to retreat for two weeks at a time. During the Fall and Winter months there are long periods of darkness, usually ranging between twelve to eighteen hours, and severe winter storms.


People > Most people of Neshwar are nomadic and are always on the move, they have no set home. They are limited with technology, but they do understand the basics of magic -- a lot of those living through Neshwar are shamanic and vary in skill of magic. Their fruits are gathered from the tropical rain forest and their drinking water comes from the oasis.

Leader > There is no set leader for the whole country. Instead there are two heads of the country: High Priest(ess) of Nestra and Chief of Arjun. They set meetings to discuss things and must either agree or disagree together. They work as a team.

Animals > Camels are the most seen animals in Neshwar. The people are always either riding them across the deserts to get to other villiages and settlements, or they are seen pulling cargo. It's rare to see a wild camel. Sheep are herded along and used for food, their wool sells well on the trading market. Snakes and other lizards -- poisonous and not -- roam the desert; even though there an anti-venom for snake bites it is expensive and hard to get a hold of, which explains why death-by-snake is a high occurance. Other various animals can be found roaming the desert as well.

Climate > Hot in the morning and afternoon and cold during the nights. The hottest that the Neshwar deserts get is up to 80°, however in some areas it has been noted that the temperature rose to over 90°. During the nights, however, is a different story. At night the temperature drops down to 10° to 20°


People > Even though Fugenzo is one of the most war-oriented sort of Regions, the people of the region are the most hospitable and open types. They are oriented with the Japanese culture, which reflects within their dressing and structure of buildings. They also have a very distinct sort of accent, however with much practice it is easy for their accent to be dulled down.

The warriors of the land are trained especially in sword fighting and martial arts though there are clans across Fugenzo that are styled in the art of assassination. Those who call themselves 'ninja' also roam the lands and have 'hidden' villages.

Leader > The War General and Emperor (one of the same person, regardless of age) rules over the land of Fugenzo. There are few who go against his word and those who do find no mercy at his blade. Regardless of age -- however, the Emperor has always been over the age of sixteen -- any male of the royal lineage may become Emperor. Even if their is already a naturally born heir to the throne those others beneath the heir have known to uprise and set a murder. To be War General and Emperor of Fugenzo is a high honored role... Within the history of the world there has only been one Full-Reigning Empress.

Animals > Spotted Bears (Panda Bears) are usually found within the bamboo groves that line most of the roads and they can also be found within the Emperor's castle. The main animal of transport and use of war are horses or, though very rare and endangered, dragons. Other animals that can be found along the region of Fugenzo are tigers, carp, deer, and monkeys. The monkeys are found at Himajima Resort and aren't afraid of humans at all; they will join in with the bathing at the hot springs.

Climate > Close to half of the Region is more or less covered by thick forest and vegetation, as well as various mountain ranges and volcanoes. The tallest and most noted mountain is Mt. Fuhima. However, the temperature varies slightly from southern Fugenzo to North Fugenzo; Northern Fugenzo (Hokkai Islands, Himajima Resort, and Yaisoku) have a tropical sort of climate and can get very hot during the summer months. The Southern Fugenzo has many rainy and humid days.


People > Ranging from pure drunkards to gentle and caring mothers Aldawine is the most mixed of Regions. People from the other three regions move into Aldawine to make a living. There are very few pure-blooded Aldawine families (one of sorts being the DelYuvon-Aldawine family). Most of the people of Aldawine are fisherman or farmers.

Leader > King Arigon DelYuvon-Aldawine the XIII rules over Aldawine with a dull and boring fist; however, as old as he may be King Arigon still has a slight fighter's spirit. His only son is next in the line to take the throne.

Animals > Moogles are rumoured to be living in underground tunnels under a few villages of Aldawine. Truth behind these are unknown, though some do say they have seen these furry little creatures. Other animals that roam the Region are wolves, deer, moose, small mammals, black bears. Main form of transportation are horses.

Climate > Cool and breezy, Aldawine is littered with falling leaves the color of the Autumn sky. Mornings, afternoons, and nights are usually the same, slightly cool temperature all year long.

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