Have You Been Too Picky To Get A Girl Friend?3002518

From Wikitrix

An awful lot of men find it tough to meet the right woman and go through long periods of time without a girl in their life. Should you be one of those men you must spend a great deal of your time wondering the reason why it is so hard to get a girlfriend and be happy like all those other guys out there that you see with the ideal girl in their arm. It’s not as if you you are clueless when it comes to <a href="http://www.squidoo.com/where-to-meet-women-attract-and-pickup-girls">how pick up women</a> or something of that nature.

It must be seriously tough. Do you believe that you're simply a victim of bad luck and that is the reason why the perfect woman hasn’t showed up in your life yet? Or have you come to the conclusion that it could be that perfect girl simply exists in movies not out there in the real world? To be honest, you are not the first guy to imagine the unattainable. However, I can say to you right now that there is no such thing as the perfect girl. She doesn’t exist anywhere except within your imagination and on motion pictures. Last week, I was checking out this post about <a href="http://www.squidoo.com/dating-tips-for-men4">how to meet women</a> and it suggested that in the majority of situations such as this the problem is to do with not going all out for precisely what you want. Perhaps there is a point there.

The reality of the matter is that the reason the perfect girl has not showed up has nothing to do with your luck, good or lousy, but everything to do with you and the simple fact that you just are busy searching for someone that does not exist. You can not go searching for girls with your eyes closed and an unattainable dream in your mind. You are going to get so caught up on this entire notion of meeting the perfect girl that you neglect to search for the qualities you seek. You haven't met the woman of your dreams because you aren't looking for the stuff that will make them close enough to being ideal for you personally.

You may be so confident that each and every girl you have met couldn't give you whatever you dreamed of. But what was it that you desired in the first place? Once you're sure of what you desire, you are going to know exactly what to look for in your woman. What are the characteristics that you just feel are essential in a woman? Exactly what would be the characteristics you are prepared to make a sacrifice on? Have you seriously considered all these?

Remember, that no one on this planet is perfect. Everybody has their own defects and some are bigger faults than other faults. Some tend to be issues you can overlook and some are faults that you couldn’t ignore on your very best day and if the girl was one of the most wonderful, most sexy woman on this planet.

When you meet a woman, remember, however hard you try to impress other individuals, you cannot control their thought processes. Instead, it’s far better to focus on your own wishes and desires, and how much of what you require will be accomplished if you dated this girl.

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