Dream Factory

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In one of Yu-Shan's most remote areas lies an unassuming

warehouse. Sidereals are seen coming and going at all hours, but

the place practically hums from sundown to sunup.
This is the Dream Factory. The Favored of all Five Maidens work

here, but it seems as if the Chosen of Serenity, the Chosen of

Endings, and the Chosen of Secrets work here the most.
If one unfamiliar with such things walks into the factor, the

first thing they might percieve is chaos. Everyone is

constantly moving, and large, brightly-colored relics of the First

Age move in a way that looks disjointed to the naked eye. It is a

caphocony of sound and color. Most Sidereal who know of the

Factory's existence want at least a tour, if not a

To work for the Resplendent Loom of Dream Weaving, falling under

the Bureau of Humanity, one must have Essence 2, a strong ability

to be creative in any form--a creative way of killing enemies, for

example, counts--and the ability to resist the temptation to

tamper in one's own dreams. Of course, there are Safeguards, but

it helps if the applicant has a high Temperance. A bit of self-

tampering is allowed, to the extemt of lessening nightmares and

the like.
It also must be said that tampering in the dreams of friends,

enemies, and relatives is forbidden. A very heavy Audit will be

placed on the Sidereal caught tampering in the dreams of those he

Dreams begin as empty crystal shells. They are then filled with

liquid Dream Essence, the substence that allows the body (and

spirit) to recognize the dream for what it is. Then, the other

elements of the dream are added in, a bit at a time, at a station

built for dreamweaving. (They call it weaving, because when

they're done, the dream elements combine into a fabric-like

substance that lines the crystal sphere.)
If a dream is to be a pleasant one, it goes to the Dream Station

currently being unused. All Sidereals start with Dreamweaving.

Nightmare-weaves are a lot trickier, and consequently go to more

experienced staff.
Due to creativity burnout, turnover is rather high--the average

Sid only spends about a century or so weaving dreams.

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