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! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cef2e0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Did you know...</h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#cef2e0; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Did you know...</h2>
|style="color:#000;"| {{Did you know/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}}}}
|style="color:#000;"| {{Did you know/{{CURRENTDAY}}}}

Revision as of 21:40, 20 October 2008

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2008's featured article

Wikislippy:Today's featured article/March

Did you know...

  • ... that pain travels through the body at the rate of 350 feet per second.
  • ... that Time magazine named the computer its “Man of the Year” in 1982.
  • ... that Time magazine named "You" its “Person of the Year” in 2007.
  • ... the first drive-in theater opened in Camden, New Jersey, in June 1933.

In the news

  • General Motors says goodbye to Pontiac, Hummer, Saturn, and Saab 1
  • Segway and General Motors launch joint venture 2
  • Somali Pirates Drown With Share of $3M Ransom 3
  • Man riding a moped gets sleepy, decides to have a nap. In the middle of the road. 4
  • Impatient man makes a bomb threat at hospital in Florida. 5
  • Teenager changes name to Captain Fantastic. 6
  • Google buys a fighter jet. 7
  • Henry Earl is arrested for the 1333rd time. 8

On this day...

  • 1871 - The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.
  • 1965: Thousands join Martin Luther King in Alabama rally
  • 1979 - A nuclear meltdown occurs In Pennsylvania, resulting in the Three Mile Island accident.

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