Caldas in English

From Wikipaisa

Caldas is a department of the Republic of Colombia named after Colombian patriotic figure Francisco José de Caldas. It's part of the Paisa Region and its capital is Manizales. The population of Caldas is 1,030,062, and its area is 7,291 km².

It makes up the Colombian Coffee-Growers Axis along with other two departments.


  1. Aguadas
  2. Anserma
  3. Aranzazu
  4. Belalcázar
  5. Chinchiná
  6. Filadelfia
  7. La Dorada
  8. La Merced
  9. Manizales
  10. Manzanares
  11. Marmato
  12. Marquetalia
  13. Marulanda
  14. Neira
  15. Norcasia
  16. Pácora
  17. Palestina
  18. Pensilvania
  19. Riosucio
  20. Risaralda
  21. Salamina
  22. Samaná
  23. San José
  24. Supía
  25. Victoria
  26. Villamaría
  27. Viterbo
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