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Revision as of 04:38, 30 July 2007 by Jwang09 (Talk | contribs)

Jayon Wang is known for his nickname, Jayno Wang. Other than that...what kind of a name is Jayon?

G3 of 2006 in da houseeeee.Haha. Yes, we all have a very special bond with Jayon Wang, yes we do. Especially, G3, starting in year 2006 of WMACS. Even Created a special chatroom which began as the Jayon/G3 chat, later to G3/Jayon/Sean/Calvin/Alex/Albert Chat, then later "The Cool Chat". The name of the chat room will be kept confidential for reasons you shall not know. We have very special secrets kept between Jayon and G3, which will never be revealed or blabbered, unless within Jayon and G3. We've got lots of love with Jayon kids.

(Wes has been advised by many to stop editing this page. Should he stop now?)


Jayon goes to sidwell friends school in DC and is in the graduating class of '09. He enjoy's casual conversation, is a solid athletic build and plays much tennis during his free time. He is single, and very open to any ideas. he is only one call away.

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