Jessica Chen

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Revision as of 01:55, 1 September 2006 by SeanHb5 (Talk | contribs)

Jessica Chen, sister of Daniel Chen and one of the premier campers at WMACS, was born on March 9th, 1991 in Reston, Virginia. Commonly known as LJ (Little Jessica, paired with Jessica Chau, BJ), Jessica currently attends Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County. Yeah, it's in the middle of nowhere, but according to Jessica, it is "the beastest thing EVER." Despite being such a long distance from everyone else, she maintains contact with WMACSers via AIM or phone and visits Maryland every so often.

Outside of WMACS, Jessica Chen is only a speck of the vast populace, but within WMACS, she's a celebrity whom everyone knows. Of course, it is quite possible she is only a figment of our imagination because after WMACS, she disappears into the abyss of daily life, entrenched deep in schoolwork and more.

Additionally, Jessica has VERY bad balance, because in Traditional Dance, Sean Huang and Franklin Zheng could BARELY keep her up for more than like two or three seconds, tops. Also partially because one time she stepped on Sean's chapstick in his pocket and hurt her foot...but by the end of the week and during performances, she FINALLY got her balance, could stand up long enough, and could open BOTH her fans (initially only the right one was opened and the left was either closed, half-open, or backwards). Good job to her!

edit more later... dun dun DUN!!!!

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