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WMACS, or the Washington Metropolitan Association of Chinese Schools, is (as its name implies) an organization of Chinese Language Schools in the Greater Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan Area. WMACS facilitates communication amongst its member schools and is a member association of the National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (see external links). WMACS also sponsors teacher workshops and speech and calligraphy contests for students, and also hosts an annual field day and track meet for its member schools.

"WMACS" is also often used to refer to the annual summer camp that the organization sponsors for Chinese youth between the ages of 8 and 17. This weeklong residential camp has been offered since 1989. For some reason or another, this camp is immensely popular among its attendees and sees campers returning year after year, even returning as counselors after graduating high school. The camp has been held at:

WMACS Member Institutions

External links

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