YoYo Lao Shi

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Revision as of 18:30, 10 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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A private tribute made by adoring camper, Albert Chu, for his most favorite person during his time at WMACS.

Gao Lao Shi, the Folk Sports teacher at WMACS in 2006, was known to most campers and counselors as, "YoYo Lao Shi"; she captured the hearts of many aspiring young pimps with her amazing yo-yo tricks and charming good looks. Many campers such as Albert Chu and Calvin Yu admit that the year of 2006 under YoYo Lao Shi was the only one that they had actually learned new tricks on the Chinese Yoyo. But for all her amazing talent and naturally blesssed good looks, YoYo Lao Shi was always humble and gracious, taking pictures alongside any camper who wished her company. The entire entity of boy and girl campers at WMACS wishes her continued return to the camp we all love.

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