AZA Programming Bank

From Wikibbyo

Ths programming bank can only be succesful if Aleph's update with their favorite programs.

Please put each program into their most appropriate fold, and if they belong in more than one, list the others at the end of the writeup. Also please rank each program out of 5.


[edit] Social

The most common type of event, it includes any type of socializing within an event. Just about any event falls under this fold. They mostly include programming involving other chapters, programs involving none of the other folds, and the majority of membership drives.

  • Shake Making- Each Aleph uses a number of ingredients to make the grossest or best tasting smoothie he can make. Each Aleph tries a bit of all the other shakes. Can be a competition!

[edit] Athletic

Any Sport, whether existent or a product of one’s mind. Includes trips to professional sports games or any physical program. Also a very common event type.

  • Fruit Baseball- Someone on chapter board (usually the gizbor) goes and buys a bunch of different fruits. Each aleph gets one or more turns to try and smack the fruit with a bat into as many pieces as they can. Can be a competition.

[edit] Community Service/Social Action

Beautifying parks, raising money for Tzedakah, recyclable object scavenger hunts etc. are expamples of Community Service. Also includes participation in rallies or protests with positive causes as Social Action. These often take a lot of planning but can be some of the most rewarding experiences one can have.

[edit] Education

Any program or event in which you learn something. Includes events having to do with different cultures, religions, and holidays; these events include guest speakers, art museums, fairs and festivals, etc.

[edit] Judaic

A regular part of programming that is inherent of the organization. Includes services during events, discussions, chapter Seders, leading synagogue services, etc. Most anything can have a Judaic twist added into it, and anything that involves any Jewish values can be considered a Judaic Fold Program.

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