DOS Games

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Revision as of 17:53, 26 June 2007 by Nerd42 (Talk | contribs)

This is going to be a list of DOS games I like, in the order I want them, along with links to places where you can get them.

Still under construction!


Games List by Comapny

Ideas from the Deep

Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement

  • DDiCI was the very first side-scrolling PC game of it's kind in the world. Download.

Commander Keen

Wallenstein 3D

Spear of Destiny

Blake Stone

Super Noah's Ark 3D


Chex Quest

Quake series



An excellent freely downloadable total conversion of Quake in which you get to play in the world of the Matrix Trilogy.

Quake II

Titanic Quake II

Walk around on a life-size model of the ill-fated RMS Titanic inside the Quake II game engine!

Star Trek:The Quake Simulation

Epic Megagames

Jill of the Jungle

Onesimus; A Quest For Freedom

Epic Pinball

One Must Fall 2097

Jazz Jackrabbit

Ken's Labyrinth



Descent 2

Apogee / 3D Realms

Major Stryker

Captain Comic

This also has an NES port!

Wacky Wheels

Wacky Wheels is TEH BEST Mario Kart clone EVER!




Stunt Island

Misc other comapnies and "one-hit wonders"

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