I can help with...

From Wikadelphia

How can you help?

I can help with information proving that Brown ironically corrupts the true Christian message (and its history), even more than the Church he blames for doing exactly this. I can also show how the 'elements of truth' in Brown's argument (which have been grossly distorted by him), provide a far more rational and comprehensible understanding of Christianity when truly understood. (Fortigurn)
I can offer free Windows2003 hosting with FTP if the person who builds the site wants that environment, as long as there is not streaming audio or video on the site, as this is outlawed by our co-location agents in their terms and conditions. I appreciate that whoever builds this site may well prefer Linux, which I can't offer, but please be assured I will not be offended if this offer is not taken up. We have ASP, ASP.NET, mySQL, Persits aspUpload, aspEmail and aspJpeg available. We do not have MS SQL Server (Can't afford the licence to make it legal!) or Perl (we don't use it). (Bro. Peter Cresswell, Derby UK [1])

Sandbox - if you are new to the wiki concept, this is a test page for you to play about with editing. Don't worry you can't mess anything up!
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I can help with... - if you have a skill that may come in handy (website stuff, design, etc), let us know.
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