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Revision as of 00:08, 20 March 2006

Welcome to Wikadelphia

This is a site for Christadelphians to work collaboratively on projects and ideas. Wikis can be edited by anyone, and so a large group of people can contribute to the writing of articles, leaflets, websites, etc. This not only spreads the workload, but also adds balance to the style and content.

For the most well-known example of how wikis can work (and also their drawbacks), take a look at Wikipedia.

To find out how to start editing and contributing, click on 'Help' in the left-hand menu.

This wiki was set up and is administered by Richard Benson, Stevenage (UK) ecclesia. Apologies for the adverts at the bottom of the page - these are how the site is paid for.

The Da Vinci Code

The initial reason for starting this wiki, and its main focus at present, is discussing and producing preaching materials relating to the bestselling novel and forthcoming film 'The Da Vinci Code'.

The Da Vinci Code is a fictional novel. But its heart are claims the author says have a factual basis, namely that the Lord Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, that the Church under Constantine re-wrote the Bible to suppress this 'truth', and that the true story of Jesus is to be found in the Gnostic Gospels (heretical writings not included in the New Testament).

Obviously, we completely oppose such a claim. But instead of being wholly negative about this latest attack on Bible truth, we can use it to show people the true Gospel taught in the Scriptures.

The Da Vinci Code has sold over 36 million copies in 44 languages. In all probability, there are more reading it in the UK at the moment, than there are reading the Bible. And many are convinced that there is some truth in the claims the book makes - at last, here is something that's got 'the man in the street', talking about Jesus. Yes, it's offensive nonsense, but it provides a unique opportunity to show people "a more excellent way".

The basic claim of the book is that the Church has corrupted the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. And that's something Christadelphians agree with. The author, Dan Brown, correctly identifies the pagan origins of elements of Catholic practice, and that the Trinity was a late introduction into the Church. This provides us with a stepping stone to show people how Christendom is astray on so many other points.

We need to move fast. A film version is to be released on 19 May 2006. The interest in this controversy will surely continue for a while, but NOW is the the time to start doing something about - getting it in our schedules for public talks, producing leaflets, booklets, websites, reading up on the subject, dropping it into conversations with neighbours and colleagues. Your help is vital - NOTHING WILL HAPPEN UNLESS PEOPLE MAKE IT HAPPEN.

This site is designed so that we can share ideas, and work together on producing effective preaching resources. Remember - anyone can edit. Please get involved! Thankyou.

Sandbox - if you are new to the wiki concept, this is a test page for you to play about with editing. Don't worry you can't mess anything up!
Preaching Ideas
Talks and Seminars
Contact me
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