In Europe
From Wcd
Please include information under the following headings, please add countries missing from the list. Title: Date: Location: Events planned so far: Organizer: Contact e-mail: Web address:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Title: The streets without cars Date: September 20, 2009 Location: Prague 2, Jugoslavska¡ and Londanska¡ incl. Nam. Miru Events planned so far: On Sept 20, 2009 entire car traffic will be banned in these places in order to create a car-free zone pleasant and accommodating for pedestrians, kids, pets, cyclists, coffee shops, small restaurants and bistros, performances and YOUR activities /garage sales, used books sales, pet saloons, kids playgrounds etc/ ! We are not going to build large stages for pop stars or/and invite beer and sausage stands. We are interested in small local businesses serving /far trade, organic, shade grown/ coffee/tea on street, street musicians and artists and in YOUR IDEAS how to create our common space with exclusion of cars! Organizer: The Prague based Auto-Mat association in collaboration with other NGOs, artists, cycling community, ped/ts and Prague citizens Contact e-mail: Web address: