In Europe

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Very nice site!




Title: Car Free Sunday Bruges / Autoloze zondag Brugge

Date: 21 September

Location: Bruges, Belgium

Events planned so far: Bruges city centre is completely car free during the day. Concerts and activities in various locations of the city. Main spot for the sports events is in the city`s main square; with bossaball, deathride, streetsoccer, panna football and extreme trial-bike.

Organizer: Autoloze zondag Brugge

Contact e-mail:

Web address: autoloze zondag.pdf

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City: Zagreb

Organizer: Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia

Date: 17-21 September

Events planned so far: On the 17th we will have a panel discussion where we will present a comparative study of Zagreb's transport system contrasting with ones in other European cities, in order to show the lack of vision in the development of the Zagreb transport system. On the 20th there will be an interactive exhibition on Cvjetni trg (one of the most famous squares in Zagreb), that will be focused on problems caused by urban transport infrastructure taking over public space.

Contact name: Bernard Ivcic

Contact e-mail: bernard (at)

Web address:


Winner of EU Mobility Award for entire continent! is a humble city of 30,000 residents near the border of Hungary with a big vision for transportation.

Events There will be two weeks of events, with many many activities to take part in. Go to the website to see all their events. The highlight activity is:

On Monday,September 22, World Carfree Day the area of 22ha will be closed to motorized traffic ( in comparison with 7.4ha of current pedestrian zone). The area of 12.4ha will be closed to the car traffic on Saturday 20 and the area of 14.8 ha will be closed to car traffic on Sunday 21.The area involves the immediate town center, including the three streets which will be pedestrianized within the three-year period. Several other car-free days have been organized through the year in some other town areas.

Web Address:

Czech Republic

National Summary: Czechs can be proud of being one of the most active nations in European Mobility Week! Forget the Golden Capital, Hradec Kralove for example will celebrate the closing of Riegrovy square to private cars, and Kino Central will project transport related films through the week for students and the public. The World Carfree Network will be represented by a stand in the beautiful historical town Pelhrimov(Vysocina district), where Chris Coleman will make presentations about carfree living to students.

Web Address: National Website for EU Mobility Week


Organizer: Automat

Date: 15-21 September

Location: At various locations in Prague in cooperation with Europe Mobility Week.

Events planned so far: On the 15th they screen the film 'Contested Streets' at Kino Svetozor. On the 17th is an event called Prague Mothers dedicated to get people to stop parking on the sidewalk. On the 19th there will be a political action promoting the 5 point challenge to the city government. On the 21st is the great ride itself from 15h at Rudolfina. The ride last year had 3000 riders, and we hope to have more this year!

Contact name: Martin Skalsky

Contact e-mail: martin.skalsky (at)

Web address: auto*

Additional comments: The site is in Czech, but the location and time of the events are clear enough for those who neumi Cesky. Come join us to help us show Prazaky/Praguers how much better the city looks without cars!

Hradec Kralove

Akce/Actions 16-20 at Kino Centrale they will play(pusti)transport related films to students and the public

21st there will be a Cyklojizda/group bike ride

22nd "Den Bez Aut/Day without Cars": Male Namesti will be closed to cars, the action is called 'Male, ale zive namesti/Small but lively square' with many activities for adults and children!

Contact name: Mr Pavel ��� ubrt

Contact phone: +420 495 707 592




6.-7. september 2. Uus Maailm Street Festival/ New World Street Festival Two days of events on an intersection turned into local plaza with street market, concerts, excursions, workshops and other fun.

See photos:

Date: 22. September, 17.00

Events planned so far: Car Free Day concert in Tammsaare park, Söµpruse Puiestee, games on segways, bikes.

Organizer: Tallinn City.


Date: 22.september 2008

Events planned so far: Bicycle City Tartu - bikeride, starting 17.30 Town Hall Square

Organizers: Estonian Green Movement, Tartu Student Nature Protection Circle etc.





Organizer: Direction Générale des Services

Date: 22 September


Events planned so far: Stands info-transports organisés avec les acteurs locaux Bus Verts et Twisto pour les transports collectifs et Véol pour le vélo sur 4 sites à partir du 22 septembre inclus. Possibilité de diagnostics personnalisés des trajets, de souscription d'abonnements et de demande de tickets d'essais gratuits.

Web address:

Contact name: Ms Sandrine Magnin

Contact e-mail:


Organiser: uN p'Tit v�©Lo dAnS La T�ªte

Date: each 22 September since 2004

Location: sur une place de parking, place Jean Achard in Grenoble

Events planned so far: libération de parking, On a paying parking, each time a car will leave its place, we'll buy a ticket and park a bike instead. Within the liberated space, we'll picnic, play to the ball, and take the apero. children welcome !

Web Address

Contact e-mail:


Organizer: Vélorution Paris Ile-de-France

Location: Place de l'étoile, Paris

Events planned so far: Masse critique à vélo: tourner autour de la place pour faire rayonner l'étoile et dénoncer les politiques de transport en région parisienne qui tournent en rond.

Date: 22 septembre 2008, 18h00

Contact name: Vélorution Paris Ile-de-France

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Additional comments:


Please visit Germany



Date: September 22nd, 19.00

Location: Kallimarmaron

Events planned so far: We call everyone to arrive in the Kallimarmaron stadium by cycles, on foot, by mass transit, to demand cities with more green areas, less cars, more humanity. We will all gather for the arranged concert "We sing together for green, we sign for life"

Organizer: PEZEE

Contact email:

Website: PEZEE


Title: We can make it - without cars!

Date: 20th and 21st of September

Location: Thessaloniki, Aristotelous street, statue of Venizelos

Events planned so far:

Sept 20th at 12:00: Pedestrians march through the city to protest blocked sidewalks and zebra crossings.

Sept 20th at 14:00: Ferry ride from the harbor along the waterfront of the city to protest the lack of such a service.

Sept 21st at 11:00: Bike ride on the city streets to protest the lack of absolutely any facilities for the bicycle.

Organizer: Co-organized by twelve local citizen groups

Contact name: George Antonopoulos, Grigoris Mavrakis

Contact e-mail:

Web address:


City: Budapest

Title: Critical Mass

Date: September 22

Location: Hosok tere (Heros square) at 18:30 and Moszkva ter at 20:00

Events planned so far: This time, there will not be the traditional 2 hour long ride all together, but there will be two seperate occasions for gathering all together and raising the bikes over the heads. Between these two events, everyone can cycle any where they want to. The idea is to fill the streets with cyclists.


Contact name:

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Additional comments: (MAGYARUL) Pontosan 18:30-kor a Hősök terén van az első helyszín bringaemeléssel. Pontosan 20 órakor a második a Moszkva téren bringaemeléssel. Jöhetsz bármelyikre, vagy mindkettőre. KÖZTÜK NINCSEN LEZÁRT, KIJELÖLT ÚTVONAL! Az autómentes nap miatt végig lezárt Andrássy úton kívül FORGALOMBAN kell közlekedned, a KRESZ szerint. (több infó a holnapon)



Date: 16 to 22 September

Location: Reykjavik, Iceland

Events planned so far: Organised city walks and bike race, bike helmet competition, sustainable travel plans, free concerts and road closures.

Organizer: Department of Environment and Traffic, City of Reykjavik

Contact name: M. Pálmi F. Randversson

Contact e-mail:



Title: Rebel Pedal

City: Cork

Organizer: Cork Environmental Forum and Cork City Council

Location: Cork, Ireland

Events planned so far: Giant bicycle parade through Cork's city centre followed by a picnic party. Various entertainment including juggling, massages, music and dance performance, face painting for children, show of funky bicycles and cycling workshops.

Date: 20 September

Contact name: Patrick Treacy

Contact e-mail:

Web address:












City: In over 20 cities across the country!

Organizer: EU Mobility Week, LOAZ (Landelijk Overleg Autovrije Zondag, countrywide foundation in which 10 organizations co-operate, desk at Milieudefensie office), alongside local organisations

Date: 14th to the 22nd of September

Events planned so far: The 'Week van de Vooruitgang' (Dutch version of European Mobility Week) starts on September 14th with Carfree Sundays in Utrecht and Leiden. On 21 September there are Carfree Sunday in Amsterdam and 21 other cities and towns. In the other days of the week, 64,000 pupils of primary schools from 71 municipalities will participate in the project 'Green Footsteps', which stimulates children to go to school by foot or by bike. There are also several other activities which promote cycling, walking, public transport, responsible car use and alternative attitudes to mobility.

De Week van de Vooruitgang is de Nederlandse versie van de European Mobility Week. In deze week worden wandelen, fietsen, openbaar vervoer, kritisch autogebruik en anders omgaan met mobiliteit gepromoot. Dit jaar is de week in Nederland extra lang: van 14 t/m 22 september!

Web Address:

Contact Name:

Contact E-mail:




Date: 16-22 September

Events planned so far: There is an event planned for every day of the week. For details (in Polish only) please visit the websites below.

Web Address:

Contact Name: Mr Michael Babicz



Organizer: um Dia Sem Carros

Date: 22nd September


Events planned so far:

Web Address: um Dia Sem Carros

Contact Name:

Contact E-mail:



Date: 15 to 23 September

Location: Iasi, Romania

Events planned so far: Sustainable mobility debates, role play, workshops, public eco-event.

Organizer: EuroDEMOS Association

Contact name: Catalina Aghinitei

Contact e-mail:


Organizer: Carfree Russia

Web Address:,

Contact Name:

Contact E-mail:


City Moscow

Location Moscow Centre

Organizer: Carfree Russia

Web Address:

Contact E-mail:

Comments: This is regular action orginized by NGO. Officials as usually don't take into account this Day. eventdescription: Making briefing and giving interviews. Press-releases and leaflets dissending.


City Moscow

location: Moscow centre (start from Turgenevskaya square)

Event description: Big group of cyclists start at 20.00 from the center of Moscow. They going via city, making street parties and a lot of fun on the way, dissending leaflets and posters releated to Carfree Day

Web Address:

Contact E-mail:

San Marino


City: Belgrade

Date: 22 September

Location: We will meet at 11.00 am on the cycle path that enters the Savski Venac municipality. We will then ride together towards the head office of the Belgrade Fair.

Events planned so far:

After a short ride at 12.00 am participants will get some refreshments and then the educational part of the program will start in the Festive Room of the Head Office Building. Several important guests from state institutions will address the audience and talk about the main theme of European Mobility Week "Clean Air for All".

Most important will be the information about the air quality in Belgrade from "Institut of Public Health of Belgrade". They are monitoring the quality of air in Belgrade at several parts of the city and they are periodically reporting to the public the figures from their research in order to raise awareness concerning air pollution, CO2 emissions and climate change.

After that there will be a video projection of films. We have chosen six short documentary films from our archive:

Home Sweet Home - Anita Sancha

My CO2 Climate Challenge Film - Defra

EMW 2004 Kids About Mobility

EMW 2004 Best of Smart Moves for Sustainable Mobility

Cycling Friendly Cities Amsterdam, Houten, Copenhagen, Bogota 2006

Ciclovia - Bogota, Columbia

Organizer: Jugo Cycling Campaign

Contact name: Milan Boric

Contact e-mail:

Web address: (in Serbian)




Date: 21 September, Sunday

Location: Vedeckej kniznici (Hlavná 10, Kosice)


Web address:

Contact name:

Contact e-mail:




City: Lund

Date: 16-22 September

Location: Around the town

Events planned so far:

16th of September The city of Lund will be encouraging pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport users by handing out paper bags, pre-printed with "Thanks for walking, biking, going by public transportation". The bags are containing information about the activities during the European Mobility Week together with apples and juice packages.

17th of September The municipality has recently asphalted the last part of Hardebergaspåret, a main bicycle lane from the outskirts to the city centre. To get the publics attention, the city of Lund will celebrate the improved lane with free coffee and cake on site.

18th of September Together with the University, the city of Lund has invited Professor John Whitelegg, UK, to make a public lecture on Time and Transport at the City hall.

19th of September Lundahoj, the bicycle travelling centre by the Central Station in Lund, is promoted by a "walking quiz" that will show the public the different services that are provided around the station area.

20th of September The different administrations of the municipality; Office of Road and Traffic, Office of Parks and Nature, Office of Public Transport, Office of City Planning, Environmental Office and the City Council Executive Office are displaying their work and vision of Lund at Stortorget, the main square. The Mobility management Unit (a section of the Road and Traffic Office) is arranging a Clean Vehicle Exhibition on Mårtenstorget, the largest square. The exhibition contains cars, bikes and other vehicles, supplies and information about sustainable transports.

21st of September Naturbussen, the recreational public transportation, is arranging tours on the theme Clean air for All.

22nd of September A bicycle parade is taking place in the city centre. Several spectacular bikes, from Lundahoj, are shown. Along with information signs on the theme "Thanks for walking, biking, going by public transportation" the parading bicyclists will have yellow helmets and reflector waistcoats to promote traffic safety.

Organizer: Lunds Kommun

Contact name: Mr Anders Söderberg

Contact email:

Contact tel: +46 46-35 69 83

Web address:


Basle / Basel

Titel: Clever unterwegs - 1 Mal Basel autofrei

Datum: 20. September 2008


Veranstalter: VCS beider Basel, Grüne Basel-Stadt, Pro Velo beider Basel, Ökostadt Basel, Club des Autofreien (CAS), junges grünes bündnis, umverkehR, Greenpeace, BastA!

Details: Clever unterwegs - 1 Mal Basel autofrei

Am 20. September 2008 sind wir in der Basler Innenstadt clever unterwegs. Verschiedene Plätze und Strassenstücke stehen an diesem Aktionstag für die saubere, sichere und spassige Mobilität zur Verfügung. Dieses Jahr scheint die Stadt noch nicht ganz reif für ein autofreies Innenstadt-Ypsilon. Wir konnten aber ein grosses Gebiet um die Sankt-Alban-Vorstadt, den Birsigparkplatz, einen Teil der Hammer- und der Drahtzugstrasse für das Strassenfest "erobern". Wir bespielen auch die Claramatte, den Rümelinsplatz und die Rheinterrasse bei der Mittleren Brücke).

Um 12 Uhr findet auf der Rheinterrasse die Eröffnung statt. Hier kann jede/r auf dem 14m hohen SkyBIKE himmelwärts radeln. Auch frisch gewählte GrossrätInnen und RegierungsrätInnen werden für die umweltschonende Mobilität abheben. Hier sind auch alle Infos zu den verschiedenen Aktionen erhältlich und die Stempelkarten für den Stadt-Parcours, der die Festplätze verbindet. Volle Stempelkarten nehmen an einer attraktiven Verlosung teil.

Weitere Highlight des Tages sind: Downhill Skateboard-Ripp am Mühleberg, Liegestuhloase auf der Hammerstrasse, Solarkino auf der Claramatte und ein Strassenfest mit Beizen, Musik, Wasserparcours und Mini-Eisenbahn auf dem Birsigparkplatz.

Von 12 bis 18 Uhr finden Aktionen an den verschiedenen Orten statt. Von 20 bis 23 Uhr zeigt das Solarkino die Filme "The Immigrant" von Charlie Chaplin und den senegalesischen Film "TGV" von Moussa Touré.


Titel: St.Galler Strassenparade

Datum: 20. September 2008


Veranstalter: PRO VELO Region St.Gallen

Details: StrasenParade 08 - Mobil ohne Auto

Am 20. September findet die zweite St.Galler Strassenparade - Mobil ohne Auto statt. Ab 13.30 Uhr treffen wir uns auf dem Bahnhofplatz beim Lämmerbrunnen. Von da aus startet gegen 14.00 Uhr die fröhliche Kundgebung zum Blumenmarkt. Zu Fuss, oder mit dem Velo setzen wir ein Zeichen für die Mobilität ohne Auto. Originelle Ideen, Fahrradklingeln, Instrumente, geschmückte Velos, lustige Kostüme etc. sind willkommen. Hauptsache dabei sein und Spass haben.

Nach dem Umzug, ab ca. 14.45 Uhr beginnt auf dem Blumenmarkt das Fest für eine lebenswerte Stadt. Das Konzert von SCHOEDO und weitere Darbietungen sowie leckeres Essen und erfrischende Getränke von der Velochuchi laden zum Verweilen ein. Das Fest dauert bis ca. 18.00 Uhr. Für die Kinder gibt es auf dem Festplatz eine Spielecke.

Zurich / Zürich

Titel: Velodemo

Datum: 22. September 2008


Veranstalter: Junge Grüne Zürich

Details: Wir treffen uns um 18.00 Uhr am Bürkliplatz zur grössten Velodemo der Schweiz! Check für mehr Information und drumherum. Schreib: bei Fragen und Anregungen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Title: Zurich Multimobil

Date: 28 September

Location: Zurich, Switzerland

Events planned so far: Road closures. Public information about sustainable transport. Recycle stalls for drinks cans and bottles.

Organizer: City of Zurich

Contact name: Cordelia Oppliger

Web address:


Date: 21 September

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Events planned so far: Kyiv - city-park, not parking!


Web address:

Contact e-mail:

United Kingdom

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