In Europe

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== Albania ==
Please include information under the following headings, please add countries missing from the list.
== Andorra ==
== Austria ==
General information
- Aktivitäten zum Autofreien Tag am 22.9. & zur Aktionswoche 16.-22.9. siehe []
- List of [ participating Cities in Austria], the official EU website (listed are ONLY the events of governments and administrations of cities and communities)
=== Graz ===
'''title: "Autofrei - ich bin dabei" in der autofreien "Promenade Annenstrasse"'''
'''Date:''' Montag, 22. September 2008, 10-18 Uhr
'''Location:''' Annenstrasse, Graz
'''Events planned so far:''' Programm: []
'''Organizer:''' Stadt Graz, Abteilung für Verkehrsplanung
'''Additional comments:''' Erleben Sie umweltfreundliche Bewegung und erfahren Sie mehr über die Mobilität einst. Geniessen Sie bei Musik, kulinarischen Genüssen oder einer Fahrt mit der Oldtimerstrassenbahn ein buntes Angebot für RadfahrerInnen, FussgängerInnen, Interessierte und Kinder. Kommen Sie und erleben Sie die autofreie Annenstrasse und ihre Betriebe einmal anders. Zum [ Programm].
== Belarus ==
== Belgium ==
=== Bruges ===
'''Title: Car Free Sunday Bruges / Autoloze zondag Brugge'''
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Location:''' Bruges, Belgium
'''Events planned so far:''' Bruges city centre is completely car free during the day. Concerts and activities in various locations of the city. Main spot for the sports events is in the city`s main square; with bossaball, deathride, streetsoccer, panna football and extreme trial-bike.
'''Organizer:''' Autoloze zondag Brugge
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' [] [http://programma autoloze zondag.pdf]
=== Brussels ===
'''Title: A Sunday Without Car'''
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Location:''' Brussels, Belgium
'''Events planned so far:''' The city centre will be closed off to motorized traffic between 9am and 7pm.STIB public transport network free of charge. Walking and cycling tours.
'''Contact name:''' Mrs. Camille Thiry
'''Web address:''' [] []
'''City:''' Brussels, Belgium
'''Date:''' 13 -19 September
'''Location:''' Brussels, Belgium
'''Events planned so far:''' 13th: Formation Velo-Trafic, 19th: Masse Critique
'''Contact Name:''' Eric Nicolas
'''Contact E-mail:''' 
'''Web Address:''' []  []
=== Wavre ===
'''Date:''' 14, 21 September
'''Location:''' Wavre, Belgium
'''Events planned so far:''' 14th: Balade Velo, 21st: Journee de la Mobilite
'''Organizer:''' Les Cyclistes Quotidiens
'''Contact Name:''' Eric Nicolas
'''Contact E-mail:'''
'''Web Address:''' []
== Bosnia and Herzegovina ==
=== Banja Luka ===
'''City:''' Banja Luka
'''Organizer:''' Centar za zivotnu sredinu/Center for environment
'''Date:''' 21,22 September
''Events planned so far:''' On the 21st we will have a bike ride thru the city center where will try to have more than 150 people on the bikes what we had last time on the city bike ride. This ride will be named as "Two wheels enough" bike ride and after that ride we will try to collect the data from the people that would like to be involved in solving the problems related to the urban transport issues in our city. With this bike ride we would like to show the city authorities that there is a plenty people on the bikes and that they do not work anough on fulfilling their needs.
On 22nd we will organize in the morning hanging around with the kids from city kindergarten while the traffic is stoped. With color chalks drawing on the main street. Spreading the flayers about important infomations cosidering the quality of air in general. In midday we will have round table with the theme of EMW "Clean air for all", and we will try to emphasize the quality of air in our city and the EU standards. In the afternoon we will show few films about this topic and we will make some discusion after all.
'''Contact name:''' Tihomir Dakic
'''Contact e-mail:''' tihomir.dakic (at)
== Bulgaria ==
== Croatia ==
=== Zagreb ===
'''City:''' Zagreb
'''Organizer:''' Zelena akcija/Friends of the Earth Croatia
'''Date:''' 17-21 September
'''Events planned so far:''' On the 17th we will have a panel discussion where we
will present a comparative study of Zagreb's transport system contrasting with ones in other
European cities, in order to show the lack of vision in the development of the Zagreb transport system. On the 20th there will be an interactive exhibition on Cvjetni trg
(one of the most famous squares in Zagreb), that will be focused on problems
caused by urban transport infrastructure taking over public space.
'''Contact name:''' Bernard Ivcic
'''Contact e-mail:''' bernard (at)
'''Web address:''' []
=== Koprivnica ===
'''''Winner of EU Mobility Award for entire continent!''''' is a humble city of 30,000 residents near the border of Hungary with a big vision for transportation.
'''Events''' There will be two weeks of events, with many many activities to take part in. Go to the website to see all their events.  The highlight activity is:
On Monday,September 22, World Carfree Day the area of 22ha will be closed to motorized traffic ( in comparison with 7.4ha of current pedestrian zone). The area of 12.4ha will be closed to the car traffic on Saturday 20 and the area of 14.8 ha will be closed to car traffic on Sunday 21.The area involves the immediate town center, including the three streets which will be pedestrianized within the three-year period.
Several other car-free days have been organized through the year in some other town areas.
'''Web Address:''' []
== Czech Republic ==
== Czech Republic ==
'''National Summary: '''  Czechs can be proud of being one of the most active nations in European Mobility Week! Forget the Golden Capital, Hradec Kralove for example will celebrate the closing of Riegrovy square to private cars, and Kino Central will project transport related films through the week for students and the public. The World Carfree Network will be represented by a stand in the beautiful historical town Pelhrimov(Vysocina district), where Chris Coleman will make presentations about carfree living to students.
'''Web Address:''' [ National Website for EU Mobility Week]
=== Prague ===
=== Prague ===
'''Organizer:''' Automat
'''Title: The streets without cars'''
'''Date:''' 15-21 September
'''Date:''' September 20, 2009
'''Location:''' At various locations in Prague in cooperation with Europe Mobility Week.  
'''Location:''' Prague 2, Jugoslavska and Londanska incl. Nam. Miru
'''Events planned so far:''' On the 15th they screen the film 'Contested Streets' at Kino Svetozor. On the 17th is
'''Events planned so far:''' On Sept 20, 2009 entire car traffic will be banned in these places in order to create a car-free zone pleasant and accommodating for pedestrians, kids, pets, cyclists, coffee shops, small restaurants and bistros, performances and YOUR activities /garage sales, used books sales, pet saloons, kids playgrounds etc/ ! We are not going to build large stages for pop stars or/and invite beer and sausage stands. We are interested in small local businesses serving /far trade, organic, shade grown/ coffee/tea on street, street musicians and artists and in YOUR IDEAS how to create our common space with exclusion of cars!
an event called Prague Mothers dedicated to get people to stop parking on the sidewalk. On the 19th there will
be a political action promoting the 5 point challenge to the city government. On the 21st is the great ride itself
from 15h at Rudolfina. The ride last year had 3000 riders, and we hope to have more this year!
'''Contact name:''' Martin Skalsky
'''Organizer:''' The Prague based Auto-Mat association in collaboration with other NGOs, artists, cycling community, ped/ts and Prague citizens
'''Contact e-mail:''' martin.skalsky (at)
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' [ auto*]
'''Web address:'''
'''Additional comments:''' The site is in Czech, but the location and time of the events are clear enough for those
who neumi Cesky. Come join us to help us show Prazaky/Praguers how much better the city looks without cars!
=== Hradec Kralove ===
'''Title: Carbusters Fest'''
'''Akce/Actions''' 16-20 at Kino Centrale they will play(pusti)transport related films to students and the public
'''Date:''' September 22, 2009
21st there will be a Cyklojizda/group bike ride
'''Location:''' Bunkr Parukářka in Žižkov, Prague
22nd "Den Bez Aut/Day without Cars": Male Namesti will be closed to cars, the action is called 'Male, ale zive namesti/Small but lively square' with many activities for adults and children!
'''Events planned so far:''' Carbusters Magazine is proud to present - as an antidote for you all "Autoholics Anonymous" and courageous Carfree Warriors out there - the after show party of World Carfree Day 09 celebrations CARBUSTERS FEST featuring live music from: Duchess and the Kittens (Soul/Jazz/Blues), White Stones (Rock&Roll/Soul), Plastic Ted (Jazz/Pop), Justin Lavash (Blues/Folk), Terror Incognita (Thrash Metal), DJ Dunstan Clarke (Reggae), DJ Pedro Pires (Electronic) with fun and games on offer: CARnival, Juggling, Bicycle Wheel of Fortune, Eco Action Fashion Show.
'''Contact name:''' Mr Pavel � ubrt
Join us on the World Carfree Day celebrations to remind the world that we don't have to accept our car-dominated society!
'''Contact phone:''' +420 495 707 592
'''Organizer:''' Carbusters together with World Carfree Network, Auto*Mat, Greenpeace CZ, DUHA, Arnika, Nesehnuti, Nadace Partnerství
'''Contact e-mail:'''
== Denmark ==
'''Web address:'''
== Estonia ==
== Estonia ==
'''Tallinn, Estonia'''
== France ==
6.-7. september 2. Uus Maailm Street Festival/ New World Street Festival
=== General ===
Two days of events on an intersection turned into local plaza with street market, concerts, excursions, workshops and other fun.
See photos:
'''Title:''' Journée mondiale sans voitures
'''Date:''' September 22th
== Finland ==
'''Location:''' France
'''Events planned so far:''' French carfree day
== France ==
'''Organizer:''' Carfree France
=== Caen ===
'''Contact name:''' Marcel
'''Organizer:''' Direction Générale des Services
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Web address:''' []
'''Additional comments:'''
'''Events planned so far:''' Stands info-transports organisés avec les acteurs locaux Bus Verts et Twisto pour les transports collectifs et Véol pour le vélo sur 4 sites à  partir du 22 septembre inclus. Possibilité de diagnostics personnalisés des trajets, de souscription d'abonnements et de demande de tickets d'essais gratuits.
=== Paris ===
'''Web address:''' []
'''Title:''' Critical Mass
'''Contact name:''' Ms Sandrine Magnin
'''Date:''' September 22th
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Location:''' Place de l'étoile
'''Events planned so far:''' Riding around the triumph arch
=== Grenoble ===
'''Organizer:''' Vélorution Paris
'''Organiser:''' uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête
'''Contact name:''' Vélorution
'''Date:''' each 22 September since 2004
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Location:''' sur une place de parking, place Jean Achard in Grenoble
'''Web address:'''  []
'''Events planned so far:''' libération de parking, On a paying parking, each time a car will leave its place, we'll buy a ticket and park a bike instead. Within the liberated space, we'll picnic, play to the ball, and take the apero. children welcome !
'''Additional comments:'''
'''Web Address''' []
=== Grenoble ===
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Title:''' Liberate this parking !
=== Paris ===
'''Date:''' September 22th, between noon and 2pm
'''Organizer:''' Vélorution Paris Ile-de-France
'''Location:''' Place Jean Achard
'''Location:''' Place de l'étoile, Paris
'''Events planned so far:''' We will liberate a parking : as soon as the cars will leave their parking places, we will park one bike on it and start living in the free space : live music, apéritif, bagmington, kids games...
'''Events planned so far:''' Masse critique à  vélo: tourner autour de la place pour faire rayonner l'étoile et dénoncer les politiques de transport en région parisienne qui tournent en rond.
'''Organizer:''' association uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête
'''Date:''' 22 septembre 2008, 18h00
'''Contact name:''' top secret
'''Contact name:''' Vélorution Paris Ile-de-France
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:''' [ uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête]  
'''Additional comments:'''
'''Additional comments:'''
== Germany ==
== Germany ==
Please visit [[Germany]]
=== Berlin ===
== Greece ==
'''Title: CARambolagen "PARK(ing) Day" action'''
'''City:''' Thessaloniki
'''Date:''' Friday, 18. September 2009, 16pm
'''Title:''' We can make it - without cars!
'''Location:''' vom Mauerpark zum Helmholtplatz
'''Date:''' 20th and 21st of September
'''Activities planed so far:'''CARambolagen startet am Helmholtzplatz an diesem Tag die Kampagne "AG Autofreier Helnholtzplatz"
'''Location:''' Thessaloniki, Aristotelous street, statue of Venizelos
'''Web address:''' []
'''Events planned so far:'''
''Sept 20th at 12:00:'' Pedestrians march through the city to protest blocked sidewalks and zebra crossings.
'''Title: autofrei leben! World Carfree Day
''Sept 20th at 14:00:'' Ferry ride from the harbor along the waterfront of the city to protest the lack of such a service.
'''Date:''' 22/09/2009
''Sept 21st at 11:00:'' Bike ride on the city streets to protest the lack of absolutely any facilities for the bicycle.
'''Organiser:''' [ autofrei leben! e.V., Berlin section]
'''Organizer:''' Co-organized by twelve local citizen groups
'''Contact name:''' George Antonopoulos, Grigoris Mavrakis
'''Title: Aktionstag "Zu Fuss zur Schule und zum Kindergarten - Mobil ohne Auto"'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Date:''' 22. September 2008
'''Web address:'''
'''Organizer:''' Arbeitskreis Mobilitätserziehung Berlin (ADFC-Berlin; Fuss e.V.; BUND-Berlin; Per Pedes; VCD-Nordost e.V.)
== Hungary ==
'''Contact e-mail:''';;
'''Web address:''' []
== Iceland ==
=== Reykjavik ===
=== Munich ===
'''Date:''' 16 to 22 September
'''Title: Streetlife-Festival'''  
'''Location:''' Reykjavik, Iceland
'''Date:''' 12-13 September 2009
'''Events planned so far:''' Organised city walks and bike race, bike helmet competition, sustainable travel plans, free concerts and road closures.  
'''Web address & contacts:''' []
'''Organizer:''' Department of Environment and Traffic, City of Reykjavik
'''Contact name:''' M. Pálmi F. Randversson
'''Title: PARK(ing) DAY'''  
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Date:''' 18. September 2009
'''Location:''' Tal, Munich
== Ireland ==
'''Actions planed so far:'''17 Parkplätze werden am Aktionstag in PARKs, Ausstellungsräume, Leseecken und Lounges verwandelt.
=== Cork ===
'''Organizer:''' Green City e.V.
'''Title: Rebel Pedal'''  
'''Web address & contacts:''' []
'''City:''' Cork
== Greece ==
'''Organizer:''' Cork Environmental Forum and Cork City Council
== Hungary ==
'''Location:''' Cork, Ireland
=== Budapest ===
'''Title:''' Critical Mass Budapest
'''Events planned so far:''' Giant bicycle parade through Cork's city centre followed by a picnic party. Various entertainment including juggling, massages, music and dance performance, face painting for children, show of funky bicycles and cycling workshops.
'''Date:''' 22 September 2009
'''Date:''' 20 September
'''Location:''' Town Hall (near Deák Ferenc Square)
'''Contact name:''' Patrick Treacy
'''Events planned so far:''' demonstrating around the town hall, then cycling in town, returning and [ hold-up :)]
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:''' [] []
== Iceland ==
== Italy ==
I'm not wotrhy to be in the same forum. ROTFL
A piece of eudrtioin unlike any other!
== Latvia ==
== Latvia ==
God, I feel like I suhlod be takin notes! Great work
== Liechtenstein ==
== Lithuania ==
== Luxembourg ==
== Luxembourg ==
== Macedonia ==
== Macedonia ==
== Malta ==
== Malta ==
I told my granmdother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”
== Moldova ==
== Monaco ==
== Monaco ==
== Montenegro ==
== Montenegro ==
Knocked my socks off with kownldege!
== Netherlands ==
I had no idea how to approach this before-now I'm locked and loeadd.
'''City:''' In over 20 cities across the country!
'''Organizer:''' EU Mobility Week, LOAZ (Landelijk Overleg Autovrije Zondag, countrywide foundation in which 10 organizations co-operate, desk at Milieudefensie office), alongside local organisations
'''Date:''' 14th to the 22nd of September
'''Events planned so far:''' The 'Week van de Vooruitgang' (Dutch version of European Mobility Week) starts on September 14th with Carfree Sundays in Utrecht and Leiden. On 21 September there are Carfree Sunday in Amsterdam and 21 other cities and towns. In the other days of the week, 64,000 pupils of primary schools from 71 municipalities will participate in the project 'Green Footsteps', which stimulates children to go to school by foot or by bike. There are also several other activities which promote cycling, walking, public transport, responsible car use and alternative attitudes to mobility.
De Week van de Vooruitgang is de Nederlandse versie van de European Mobility Week. In deze week worden wandelen, fietsen, openbaar vervoer, kritisch autogebruik en anders omgaan met mobiliteit gepromoot. Dit jaar is de week in Nederland extra lang: van 14 t/m 22 september!
'''Web Address:''' []
'''Contact Name:'''
'''Contact E-mail:'''
== Norway ==
== Poland ==
== Poland ==
=== Wroclaw ===
'''Date:''' 16-22 September
'''Events planned so far:''' There is an event planned for every day of the week. For details (in Polish only) please visit the websites below.
'''Web Address:''' [] []
'''Contact Name:''' Mr Michael Babicz
== Portugal ==
== Portugal ==
Please keep trhoiwng these posts up they help tons.
'''Organizer:''' um Dia Sem Carros
'''Date:''' 22nd September
'''Events planned so far:'''
'''Web Address:''' [ um Dia Sem Carros]
'''Contact Name:'''
'''Contact E-mail:'''
== Romania ==
=== Iasi ===
'''Date:''' 15 to 23 September
'''Location:''' Iasi, Romania
'''Events planned so far:''' Sustainable mobility debates, role play, workshops, public eco-event.
'''Organizer:''' EuroDEMOS Association
'''Contact name:''' Catalina Aghinitei
'''Contact e-mail:'''
== Russia ==
== Russia ==
IMHO you've got the right anewsr!
'''Organizer:''' Carfree Russia
'''Web Address:''' [], []
'''Contact Name:'''
'''Contact E-mail:'''
'''City''' Moscow
'''Location''' Moscow Centre
'''Organizer:''' Carfree Russia
'''Web Address:''' []
'''Contact E-mail:'''
'''Comments:''' This is regular action orginized by NGO. Officials as usually don't take into account this Day.
eventdescription: Making briefing and giving interviews. Press-releases and leaflets dissending.
'''City''' Moscow
'''location:''' Moscow centre (start from Turgenevskaya square)
'''Event description:''' Big group of cyclists start at 20.00 from the center of Moscow. They going via city, making street parties and a lot of fun on the way, dissending leaflets and posters releated to Carfree Day
'''Web Address:''' []
'''Contact E-mail:'''
== San Marino ==
== Serbia ==
== Serbia ==
'''City:''' Belgrade
Date: 22 September. 10:00am - 1:00pm
'''Date:''' 22 September
Location: Novi Sad
'''Location:'''  We will meet at 11.00 am on the cycle path that enters the Savski Venac municipality. We will then ride together towards the head office of the [ Belgrade Fair].
Events planned so far: bike ride across the city, press-conference in City hall, Round table discusion about cycling in Novi Sad and current problems and solutions.
'''Events planned so far:'''
Organizer: Cycling club "Novi Sad" ^ City of Novi Sad
After a short ride at 12.00 am participants will get some refreshments and then the educational part of the program will start in the Festive Room of the Head Office Building. Several important guests from state institutions will address the audience and talk about the main theme of European Mobility Week "Clean Air for All".
Web address:
Most important will be the information about the air quality in Belgrade from "Institut of Public Health of Belgrade". They are monitoring the quality of air in Belgrade at several parts of the city and they are periodically [ reporting to the public the figures from their research] in order to raise awareness concerning air pollution, CO2 emissions and climate change.
Way to use the itenrnet to help people solve problems!
After that there will be a video projection of films. We have chosen six short documentary films from our archive:
Your cranium must be prtoceintg some very valuable brains.
''Home Sweet Home'' - Anita Sancha
== Spain ==
''My CO2 Climate Challenge Film'' - Defra
=== Basque Country ===
''EMW 2004 Kids About Mobility''
''EMW 2004 Best of Smart Moves for Sustainable Mobility''
'''Title: '''Car free day event'''
''Cycling Friendly Cities Amsterdam, Houten, Copenhagen, Bogota 2006''
'''Date: '''Tuesday, September 22nd'''
''Ciclovia'' - Bogota, Columbia
'''Location: '''In front of La Perla (on Paseo de la Concha)'''
'''Organizer:''' Jugo Cycling Campaign
'''Events planned so far: '''In recognition of “World Carfree Day”, Kalapie, the Urban Cyclists Association of San Sebastian, is going to offer snacks and bicycle bells to all urban cyclists, between 17:00 and 20:00. Open invitation to all cyclists.'''
'''Contact name:''' Milan Boric
'''Organizer: '''KALAPIE, the Urban Cyclists Association of San Sebastian'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact e-mail: ''''''
'''Web address:''' [] (in Serbian)
'''Web address: ''''''
== Slovakia ==
== Sweden ==
=== Kosice ===
On the 22th of september 2009 the Swedish environmental action group [ Klimax], the 40 years old environmental and urban planning organization [ Alternativ Stad (=Alternative City)] and the public transport activists in [] are creating a car free zone in the center of Stockholm. The action is also a protest against all the new road projects like Förbifart Stockholm and Södertörnsleden which are planned in the Stockholm area. Our demand is investments in public transport instead of more crazy road projects!
Time and localisation for the action is 22/9, shortly before 5 PM at the crossroad of Sergels torg and Hamngatan in the center of Stockholm.
'''Date:''' 21 September, Sunday
Join us! Together we create a social space without noise and air pollusion!
'''Location:''' Vedeckej kniznici (Hlavná 10, Kosice)
== Switzerland ==
'''Web address:''' []
'''Title: Journée Sans Voiture : CycloParade & Parking Day'''  
'''Contact name:'''  
'''Date:''' 22/09/09
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Location:''' Place du Cirque
'''Events planned so far:''' CycloParade : RDV Pl. du Cirque 17h • Depart 17h15, ParkingDay : Pl. du Cirque 18h
== Slovenia ==
'''Organizer:''' ROC - Reseau Objection de Croissance
'''Contact e-mail:''' Thibault Schneeberger, 
== Spain ==
'''Web address:''' []
=== Zurich ===
== Sweden ==
'''Title: Velodemo 2009'''
'''City:''' Lund
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Date:''' 16-22 September
'''Location:''' Buerkliplatz, Zurich
'''Location:''' Around the town
'''Events planned so far:''' Demonstration by bike trough the city
'''Events planned so far:'''  
'''Organizer:''' Junge Gruene
'''16th of September'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
The city of Lund will be encouraging pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport users by handing out paper bags, pre-printed with "Thanks for walking, biking, going by public transportation". The bags are containing information about the activities during the European Mobility Week together with apples and juice packages.
'''17th of September'''
'''Web address:''' []
The municipality has recently asphalted the last part of Hardebergaspåret, a main bicycle lane from the outskirts to the city centre. To get the publics attention, the city of Lund will celebrate the improved lane with free coffee and cake on site.
'''18th of September'''
== Ukraine ==
Together with the University, the city of Lund has invited Professor John Whitelegg, UK, to make a public lecture on Time and Transport at the City hall.
'''19th of September'''
=== Irpin ===
Lundahoj, the bicycle travelling centre by the Central Station in Lund, is promoted by a "walking quiz" that will show the public the different services that are provided around the station area.
'''20th of September'''
'''Title:''' CarFree day in Irpin'
The different administrations of the municipality; Office of Road and Traffic, Office of Parks and Nature, Office of Public Transport, Office of City Planning, Environmental Office and the City Council Executive Office are displaying their work and vision of Lund at Stortorget, the main square. The Mobility management Unit (a section of the Road and Traffic Office) is arranging a Clean Vehicle Exhibition on Mårtenstorget, the largest square. The exhibition contains cars, bikes and other vehicles, supplies and information about sustainable transports.
'''21st of September'''
'''Date:''' 20.09.09
Naturbussen, the recreational public transportation, is arranging tours on the theme Clean air for All.
'''22nd of September'''
'''Location:''' Shenchenko sqr - town streets - forest. Town of Irpin', Kyivska region, Ukraine
A bicycle parade is taking place in the city centre. Several spectacular bikes, from Lundahoj, are shown. Along with information signs on the theme "Thanks for walking, biking, going by public transportation" the parading bicyclists will have yellow helmets and reflector waistcoats to promote traffic safety.
'''Organizer:''' Lunds Kommun
'''Events planned so far:'''
1. Ceremonial part - music, greetings, speaches, officials, leaflets
2. Bike-parade
3. Cross-country competition at forest
'''Contact name:''' Mr Anders Söderberg
'''Organizer:''' JC Bike Club & "Irpins'kyi velorukh" (Irpin' Cycling Movement)
'''Contact email:'''
'''Contact person:''' Yuliya Makliuk
'''Contact tel:''' +46 46-35 69 83
'''Contact e-mail:''' 
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:''' []
== Switzerland ==
=== Basle / Basel ===
There's a sreect about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY
'''Titel:  Clever unterwegs - 1 Mal Basel autofrei'''
== United Kingdom ==
'''Datum:''' 20. September 2008
'''Link:''' []
=== Brighton ===
'''Veranstalter:''' VCS beider Basel, Grüne Basel-Stadt, Pro Velo beider Basel, Ökostadt Basel, Club des Autofreien (CAS), junges grünes bündnis, umverkehR, Greenpeace, BastA!
'''Title: Car Free Day - Streets for People'''
'''Details: [[Clever unterwegs - 1 Mal Basel autofrei]]'''
'''Date:''' Sunday 20 September 12:00 to 17:00
Am 20. September 2008 sind wir in der Basler Innenstadt clever unterwegs. Verschiedene Plätze und Strassenstücke stehen an diesem Aktionstag für die saubere, sichere und spassige Mobilität zur Verfügung.
'''Location:''' The Lanes, New Road, Jubilee Street and Jubilee Square
Dieses Jahr scheint die Stadt noch nicht ganz reif für ein autofreies Innenstadt-Ypsilon. Wir konnten aber ein grosses Gebiet um die Sankt-Alban-Vorstadt, den Birsigparkplatz, einen Teil der Hammer- und der Drahtzugstrasse für das Strassenfest "erobern". Wir bespielen auch die Claramatte, den Rümelinsplatz und die Rheinterrasse bei der Mittleren Brücke).
Um 12 Uhr findet auf der Rheinterrasse die Eröffnung statt. Hier kann jede/r auf dem 14m hohen SkyBIKE himmelwärts radeln. Auch frisch gewählte GrossrätInnen und RegierungsrätInnen werden für die umweltschonende Mobilität abheben.
'''Events planned so far:''' The Lanes, New Road, Jubilee Street and Jubilee Square will be transformed into pedestrian friendly spaces with live music, performances and activities for everyone to enjoy. We're creating a unique 'forest' in the Lanes and encouraging people to walk, cycle and get the bus to this annual free event. Free rickshaw rides along the seafront. Bicycle Alley. Woodland music stage. Poet Tree on New Road and much more.
Hier sind auch alle Infos zu den verschiedenen Aktionen erhältlich und die Stempelkarten für den Stadt-Parcours, der die Festplätze verbindet. Volle Stempelkarten nehmen an einer attraktiven Verlosung teil.
Weitere Highlight des Tages sind: Downhill Skateboard-Ripp am Mühleberg, Liegestuhloase auf der Hammerstrasse, Solarkino auf der Claramatte und ein Strassenfest mit Beizen, Musik, Wasserparcours und Mini-Eisenbahn auf dem Birsigparkplatz.
'''Organizer:''' Brighton & Hove City Council
Von 12 bis 18 Uhr finden Aktionen an den verschiedenen Orten statt. Von 20 bis 23 Uhr zeigt das Solarkino die Filme "The Immigrant" von Charlie Chaplin und den senegalesischen Film "TGV" von Moussa Touré.
'''Contact name:'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
=== St.Gallen ===
'''Web address:''' [ Journey On]
'''Titel:  St.Galler Strassenparade'''
'''Datum:''' 20. September 2008
'''Title: Streets For People Party'''  
'''Link:''' []
'''Date:''' Sunday 20 September 13:00 to 17:00 
'''Veranstalter:''' [ PRO VELO Region St.Gallen]
'''Location:''' Edinburgh Road and Community Garden, off Lewes Road
'''Details: [[StrasenParade 08 - Mobil ohne Auto]]'''
'''Events planned so far:''' The Lewes Road Streets For People Party will celebrate the launch of the new 'Lewes Road for Clean Air' campaign, and takes place in the Community Garden and Edinburgh Road, which will be closed to traffic. There'll be live music, market stalls, cakes, kids' activities, exhibitions, free Park & Ride and wacky cycle races. It costs nothing to set up a stall - though donations to our group are appreciated and encouraged! - and we'd love YOU to be there! Bring your bric-a-brac, baked goods, art, organically grown plants/vegetables, holistic therapies, energy-efficient inventions and anything else you'd like to sell at this uplifting, eco-friendly event.
Am 20. September findet die zweite St.Galler Strassenparade - Mobil ohne Auto statt. Ab 13.30 Uhr treffen wir uns auf dem Bahnhofplatz beim Lämmerbrunnen. Von da aus startet gegen 14.00 Uhr die fröhliche Kundgebung zum Blumenmarkt. Zu Fuss, oder mit dem Velo setzen wir ein Zeichen für die Mobilität ohne Auto. Originelle Ideen, Fahrradklingeln, Instrumente, geschmückte Velos, lustige Kostüme etc. sind willkommen. Hauptsache dabei sein und Spass haben.
'''Organizer:''' The Triangle Community Group
Nach dem Umzug, ab ca. 14.45 Uhr beginnt auf dem Blumenmarkt das Fest für eine lebenswerte Stadt. Das Konzert von [ SCHOEDO] und weitere Darbietungen sowie leckeres Essen und erfrischende Getränke von der Velochuchi laden zum Verweilen ein. Das Fest dauert bis ca. 18.00 Uhr. Für die Kinder gibt es auf dem Festplatz eine Spielecke.
'''Contact e-mail:''' [ Contact page]
'''Web address:''' [ Triangle Community Group]
=== Zurich / Zürich ===
'''Titel:  Velodemo'''
'''Datum:''' 22. September 2008
'''Title: Picnic Walk back through 65 million years'''
'''Link:''' []
'''Date:''' Tuesday, September 22nd, 11am
'''Veranstalter:''' Junge Grüne Zürich
'''Location:''' Meet at the Brighton Marina Bus Stop at 11am (buses 7, 21, 25c, 47, 52 stop here)
'''Details:''' Wir treffen uns um 18.00 Uhr am Bürkliplatz zur grössten Velodemo der Schweiz! Check [] für mehr Information und drumherum. Schreib: bei Fragen und Anregungen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!
'''Events planned so far:''' A family friendly (buggy) short linear stroll along the 65 million year old undercliff to Rottingdean. Picnic on beach, pubs or tea rooms at end.  
'''Organizer:''' South Downs Society
'''Title: Zurich Multimobil'''  
'''Contact name:''' Jacquetta Fewster
'''Date:''' 28 September
'''Contact e-mail:''' downsmen-d @
'''Location:''' Zurich, Switzerland
'''Web address:''' [ South Downs Society]
'''Events planned so far:''' Road closures. Public information about sustainable transport. Recycle stalls for drinks cans and bottles.
'''Additional comments:''' Family friendly (buggy) short walk. Linear stroll along 65 million year old undercliff to Rottingdean. Picnic on beach, pubs or tea rooms at end.
'''Organizer:''' City of Zurich
'''Contact name:''' Cordelia Oppliger
'''Web address:''' []
== Ukraine ==
'''Date:''' Sunday 20 September, 12:30-14:00
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Location:''' Meet 12:30 for 13:00 start, at the Peace Statue (on seafront by Hove Lawns, south of Waterloo Street BN3 1AQ). Map link: [ Multimap]
'''Location:''' Kyiv, Ukraine
'''Events planned so far:''' Share the joys of pedal power and mass cycling and bogying on a bike with some of the city's wackiest cycles, including tall bikes, long bikes, unicycles, trikes and trailers on a tour of city 'Streets For People' sites*. Route includes a circuit of the Vogue Gyratory - one of Brighton's notorious
car-crazy pollution hot-spots. Finish 14:00-ish at Lewes Road Community Garden, for start of Lewes Rd Street Party & Market, plus launch of Lewes Road For Clean Air campaign. Bring colour, music and your favourite wheels. Get on yer bike, join in and be the critical mass!
'''Events planned so far:''' Kyiv - city-park, not parking!
A people power PARK & RIDE service is being run by volunteers (with the Big Lemon Bus Company) to keep traffic off the Lewes Road and out of the city. We'll be waving cars off the Lewes Road at Brighton University's Mithras House car park and running free buses every 15 minutes to the Old Steine. If you can help to steward this, we could do with some more help from 2-4 or 4-6pm. More info at the Lewes Road Community Garden or contact Becky - 07809-723743.
'''Web address:'''  
'''Web address:''' [ ] 
'''Contact e-mail:'''
=== Bristol ===
== United Kingdom ==
'''Title: Spoke'n'Chain Cinema'''
'''Date:''' Saturday 19/20 September 19:30 to 23:00
=== Brighton and Hove ===
'''Location''' Sparke Evans Park St,Phillips Greenway, Outdoor Screening and the Cube Cinema
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Events Planned So Far:''' At the Streets Alive event in Corn Street when the  streets are transformed into carfree zone, Spoke'n'Chain will be there with their Carnival Bicycles, meet at Castle Park end of Bristol Bridge to follow the b-bike-a-lula to an outdoor screening of
'''Location:''' Brighton, England, UK
[Veer] a full-length documentary about the ever unfolding road map of underground bike culture in America, the fastest growing revolution in the world
'''Events planned so far:''' Free bicycle rickshaw rides, creation of a village green and beach in 'The Lanes', free bike doctor clinic and live music.
'Re~Cycle - The Journey of the Mighty Bike' a short documentary about 30,000 unwanted bicycles that have been collected and repaired by Re~Cycle volunteers and sent to Africa.
'''Organizer:''' Brighton & Hove City Council
'One Thing After Another'. a short animation featuring a man on a bicycle
'''Web address:''' [ Journey On Brighton & Hove] 
Spazrammer live bicycle powered microrave
'''Contact e-mail:'''
Come on a bicycle and light them up for the ride home
For details map etc.. go to
=== Bungay, Suffolk ===
Programme will be repeated at the Cube Cinema on Sunday night with special guesta Climate Rush Roadshow.
'''Title: Car-Free Day Bike-In'''
'''Organiser''' Spoke'n'Chain
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Contact Name'''Kevin Dennid
'''Location:''' Bungay, Suffolk, England, UK
'''Contact e-mail'''
'''Events planned so far:''' Attend the Car-Free Day Bike-In on foot, bike, scooter, roller-skates etc. for a chance to win cash prizes or a bike.
'''Web Address'''
'''Organizer:''' Sustainable Bungay
Monday 21st 5pm City Centre by the fountains there will be Critical Mass ride as part of world climate wake-up call
'''Web address:''' []
=== Derbyshire ===
=== Chichester ===
'''Title: Community Bike Ride'''
'''Title: Go Car Free'''  
'''Date:''' 20 September
'''Date:''' September 2009
'''Location:''' Derbyshire, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Organised bike ride to Derby
'''Events planned so far:''' European Mobility Week and International / World Car Free Day take place in September 2009 and Chichester District Council is encouraging everyone to leave their cars at home and walk or use public transport. You will have no carbon footprint, have a breath of fresh air, get the blood flowing and feel better in both health and knowledge that you're not adding to the air pollutants in your area.
'''Organizer:''' Choose Cycling
'''Organizer:''' Chichester District Council
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:'''  
=== Devon ===
=== Edinburgh ===
'''Title: Devon Car Free Day'''
'''Title: Park your bike - not your car!'''  
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Location:''' Devon, England, UK
'''Location:''' Davidsons Mains Primary School, Corbiehill Road, Edinburgh
'''Events planned so far:''' Competitions and a free cash prize draw aimed at local businesses to encourage staff to leave their cars at home and try an alternative way of travelling to work. Motorists which have no option but to drive for their commute to work are invited to do their bit for Devon Car Free Day by car sharing and will be entered into a free draw if they sign up to between September 8 - 22.
'''Events planned so far:''' Walk or cycle to school for the day. Adult-led cycle train into school along local cycle path. Win stickers and goodies!
'''Organizer:''' Devon County Council, Plymouth City Council and Torbay Council
'''Contact e-mail:''' to register entry to the free prize draw
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' [] []
'''Web address:'''
'''Additional comments:''' Companies interested in taking part in the competition can download the application form from the website.
'''Title: Cycling to school'''
=== Harrogate and Knaresborough, NorthYorkshire ===
'''Title: Car Free Day'''
'''Location:''' Wester Drylaw Drive Edinburgh (national cycle network Route no 1 north edinburgh)
'''Date:''' 24 September
'''Events planned so far:''' This is an event to promote safe travel routes to school for local children around Davidsons Mains/Silverknowes and Drylaw, using the National Cycle Network and adult let cycle train. Cycling to Davidsons Mains primary school using local cycle path not taking car along main roads
'''Location:''' Harrogate and Knaresborough, NorthYorkshire, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' This is the first such event planned in our towns, but preparations are going well. A joint car free day on the 24th of September 2008, with prize draws, free bus tickets, rickshaw rides, a large mass cycle ride etc.
'''Contact e-mail:''' 
'''Organizer:''' Harrogate and Knaresborough Car Free Day Committees
'''Web address:'''
'''Web address:''' []
=== Inverness ===
'''Title: Encourage car share, cycling and walking''' 
=== Hastings, East Sussex ===
'''Title: In Town Without My Car'''
'''Location:''' School and business car parks will be restricted to the private car
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Events planned so far:''' Cycling lessons, road share demonstrations. Electric vehicle re-charge station
'''Location:''' Robertson St, Hastings, East Sussex, England, UK
'''Organizer:''' Transport Development, The Old School House, Station Road, Ardersier. GB-IV2 7HG Inverness, +44 07765212608
'''Events planned so far:''' 11am-4pm, free Dr Bike tune-ups, stalls, bike displays, Awards ceremony at noon!
'''Contact person:''' Mr Jim McCreath 
'''Organizer:''' Hastings Urban Bikes
'''Web address:''' []
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
Boom shakalaka boom boom, prolebm solved.
=== Lewes, East Sussex ===
'''Title: Fume Free Friday'''
'''Title: 2 wheels rather than 4'''  
'''Date:''' 19 September
'''Location:''' Lewes, East Sussex, England, UK
'''Location:''' Road closure in action on the 19th of September all day on Worcester Street up to Bromsgrove Street and New Road junction
'''Events planned so far:''' Campaign encouraging people to car share, cycle, walk or use public transport. Individuals can make a sustainable travel pledge on website
'''Events planned so far:''' Reducing landfill through salvaging clothing. Using fuel efficient transport, 2 wheels rather than 4. Scooter ralley, vintage clothes market and reclaim your clothes workshops. Italian slow food market.  
'''Organizer:''' Lewes District Council
'''Organizer:''' Health & Sustainability, Duke House, Clensmore Street GB-DY10 2JX Worcester, +44 01562 732572
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact person:''' Ms Elaine Halford-Bishop
'''Web address:''' []  
'''Web address:''' []
=== London ===
=== London ===
'''Title: Screen on the Street'''
Holy concise data bmatan. Lol!
'''Date:''' 20 September
==== Richmond ====
'''Location:''' Islington, London, UK
'''Title: Smarter Travel Richmond upon Thames programme'''  
'''Events planned so far:''' Liverpool Road will be turfed over to create a green space for people to sit, picnic and watch scheduled films on a large cinema screen and listen to live music entertainment. 
'''Organizer:''' London Borough of Islington
'''Location:''' Richmond High Street, Richmond upon Thames
'''Contact name:''' John Robson
'''Events planned so far:''' A roadshow will be set up with three toblerone style stalls on walking, cycling and public transport. This event is being run as part of the Smarter Travel Richmond upon Thames programme. A 3 year programme run in partnership with Transport for London and Richmond Council. More information is available on the website.
Expert staff will be present to engage with the public, plan personalised journeys for them without their cars and advice, support and incentives will be given to people to try greener travel options when they can.
Pledges will be taken and various discounts and schemes will be promoted.
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Organizer:''' Transport for London, Richmond Council
'''Web address:''' []
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Title:  Give Your Car The Day Off Festival'''
==== Westminster ====
'''Date:''' 13 and 20 September
'''Title: Creation or enlargement of pedestrian areas in Westminster'''
'''Location:''' Richmond Green (13 September) and Barnes Green (20 September), South West London, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Attractions for children and families, including a bouncy castle, face painting and performance area with music, dance and sport.
'''Location:''' to be confirmed...  
'''Organizer:''' London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames Council
'''Events planned so far:''' Road closure to promote the climate change requirements with interactive exhibitions on cycling, walking, electric vehicles and healthy lifestyle. Will also support a nerly developed streetscape improvement scheme. Public exhibitions on wayfinding for pedestrians and cyclists. Bike checks and promotional interactive exhibitions on climate change and looking after the planet.
'''Contact name:''' Ellie Ridgeway
'''Organizer:''' Transportation department, Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street, GB-SW1E 6QP London
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact person:''' Mr Peter Wilson
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:'''
'''Title:  Car Free Day Festival'''
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Title: New 20 mph zones, cycle paths, bus lanes, traffic calming measures'''  
'''Location:''' Leytonstone, East London, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Street stalls, live music, dancing, public art, bike displays and children's entertainment.
'''Organizer:''' Waltham Forest Council
'''Events planned so far:''' Exhibition to promote / celebrate the implementation of permanant measures to enable transport mode transfer. The exhibition would include practical activities such as bike checks and security coding for bikes. The exhibition would promote awareness of sustainable travel schemes in Luton such as new designs to integrate rail, bus, cycling and walking within the town centre and also health walks, cycle training and cycle to work schemes.
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Organizer:''' Environment & Regeneration, Town Hall GB-LU1 2BQ Luton, +44 01582 546152
'''Web address:''' []
'''Contact person:''' Ms Vivien Bray 
'''Web address:''' []
'''Title:  London Freewheel'''
'''Date:''' 21 September
===Manchester Trafford===
'''Location:''' London, UK
'''Title: Launch of Walking journey planner'''  
'''Events planned so far:''' Bicycle ride through London. Carnival entertainment including music, cycling angels and jugglers.
'''Organizer:''' Sky Sports
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Events planned so far:''' Local and staff events including, commuter cycle rides, information events about Air Quality, launch of walking journey planner
'''Web address:''' []
'''Organizer:''' Environment Strategy, Level 2 Sale Waterside, Waterside House, GB-M33 7ZF Sale, +44 161 912 4312
'''Title: Car Free Day Music Jam'''
'''Contact person:''' Ms Filipina Moore 
'''Date:''' 28 September
'''Web address:''' []
'''Location:''' Wood Green High Road, North London, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Roads will be closed to all traffic. Stage with entertainment from local musicians and performing arts from schools and local public. Farmer's market, children's area, try a bike stall where you can practice your cycling skills, stunt BMX cycling, arts and painting space.
=== North Yorkshire ===
'''Organizer:''' Haringey Council
=== Harrogate ===
'''Web address:''' [] 
'''Title: Free Bike Hire '''
'''Date:''' 22 September 2009
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Location:''' Harrogate Railway Station between 7.00am - 6.30pm
'''Location:''' Hounslow, London, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Why not jump off the train on 22nd September and hire a bicycle to
complete your journey or simply to get around town - all free!
'''Events planned so far:''' Free smoothie made by pedal power, getting your bike fixed for free and saving on petrol by signing onto the London wide car sharing database.
This ‘Ride and Pedal’ scheme offers great opportunities not to use
your car. Bicycles can be collected and returned to Harrogate Railway
Station between 7.00am - 6.30pm.
'''Organizer:''' committee in partnership with Northern Rail, NYCC and the Rotary Club
of Harrogate
'''Organizer:''' Hounslow Council
'''Contact :''' Neil Jameson -
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:'''
'''Additional comments:'''We have organised several events for the day and various partners are
also doing the same [Visit Partner Activities]. Our events include:
'''Title: Give Your Car The Day Off: Isle of Dogs'''
Now shall I walk
or shall I ride?
"Ride," Pleasure said:
"Walk," Joy replied.
~W.H. Davies
'''Date:''' 22 September
Bike Ride through Town, 5pm
Join our bike ride through town, starting at Harrogate College
(leaving 5.30pm) and ending at St Peter’s Church. All ages welcomed as
stewards will be available. Route is Rayleigh Road, Hamilton Avenue,
Warwick, Crescent, St. James Drive, Stray Rein, South Park Road,
Victoria Avenue, Station Parade, West Park, Prospect Crescent, ending
at St. Peter’s Church.
'''Location:''' Tower Hamlets, London, UK
Over 90 people participated in last years and we hoping for more this year!
'''Events planned so far:''' Road closures, street festival, tea party, information stalls, live music, BMX bike trials, organised walks, free bike repairs and free energy saving light bulbs.
Planning an event yourselves, then let us know via
'''Organizer:''' Tower Hamlets Council
Free Early Breakfast for Bus Commuters at the Bus Station, first thing
in the morning.
'''Web address:''' []
Educational Car in Schools
Schools will be receiving a visit from North Yorkshire County
Council’s Road Safety and Travelwise modified car, which contains a
laptop computer, a television – and a number of moving dummies with
thought-bubbles promoting the benefits of walking rather than using
the car. The car is designed to make people think about how they
Free Bike Hire on the day
=== Maidstone, Kent ===
You can register to hire a free bike on the day which can be collected
and returned from Harrogate Railway Station.
'''Title:  Maidstone Goes Green Week'''
Free Bus Tickets
'''Date:''' 15 - 19 September
Transdev Harrogate & District are giving away free day tickets. See
Special Offers for further details.
'''Location:''' Maidstone, Kent, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Prize draws throughout the week. Make your own pedal power fruit smoothie. Spot the car sharing superheroes. Reduced bus fares. Commuter challenge encouraging everyone who lives in Maidstone to go car free for the day and receive a free breakfast.
'''Organizer:''' Kent County Council
'''Title: Carfree Oxford
'''Web address:''' [] []
'''Date:''' 22 September 2009
'''Location:''' Little Clarendon Street Oxford
=== Manchester ===
'''Events planned so far:''' Closing a part of Little Clarendon Street, in the heart of town, from 10 am to 3 pm.
Oxford's Bike Bell Orchestra
'''Date:''' 20 September
// Bike Doctor // Poetry for kids // Breakfast and Snacks will be served by local shops at a lower price
'''Location:''' Manchester, England, UK
'''Organizer:''' Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford // Oxford Cycle Workshop
'''Events planned so far:''' Road closures. Exhibition and information stalls highlighting the health and environmental benefits to be gained from using travel alternatives to the car.  
'''Contact e-mail:''' // //
'''Organizer:''' Manchester City Council and Salford City Council
'''Web address:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Title: Carfree events'''
=== Newcastle Upon Tyne ===
'''Date: 22 September'''
'''Title: Leave Your Car At Home Day'''
'''Location:''' all across the city
'''Date:''' 22 September  
'''Events planned so far:''' This year's approach to Car Free day is as an educational marketing campaign targeting local employers and commuters about the ease and eco-friendliness of using alternative, sustainable modes of transport culminating in an event in the city centre on 22 September 2009.
'''Location:''' Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, UK
Business and schools will be invited to take support the campaign and will be able to offer staff a special ticket offering �£1 unlmited bus travel in the city on 22 September.
'''Events planned so far:''' Four walking buses to the town centre. People turning up at the event with a bus or Metro ticket valid for that day can claim a free pedometer. Exercise bike sessions from fitness instructors. Free bicycle checkups from a bike doctor. Public lecture covering issues around transport, particularly air quality and congestion.
There will be a series of pre Car Free Day events in the city centre leading up to the 22 September to get the general public and families involved.
'''Organizer:''' Chronicle Live and Newcastle City Council
On the day there will be an exhibition in the city centre including a car in a skip, information about green transport including a prescence from the Cycle Stoke team.
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Organizer:''' North Staffordshire Regeneration Partnership, Transport Planning Group, Civic Centre, Glebe Street
GB-ST4 1RF Stoke-on-Trent, +44 01782 234964
'''Web address:''' []
'''Contact person:''' Ms Gillian Cale 
'''Web address: ''' []
=== Reading ===
'''Date:''' 16 and 22 September 
This is the perfect way to break down this ifnomrtaion.
'''Location:''' Reading, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' 16 September information afternoon about cycling and using public transport, information about Reading's air quality, free basic health check, and a cycle powered smoothie. 22 September organised bike rides into town and business challenges.
'''Title: Events for Cyclists and pedestrians'''  
'''Organizer:''' Reading Borough Council
'''Date:''' 22 September
'''Web address:''' []
'''Events planned so far:''' The day will involve Cycling for Year 2 pupils, Pedestrian training for Year 1,3,4 as well as cycling
events held in schools and across the borough of Woking. In addition new cycle shelters will be opened in schools and the town
=== Scotland ===
'''Organizer:''' Safe And Smarter Travel, Grosvenor House London Square London Road Guildford, GB-GU1 1FA Guildford, +44 01483-519147
'''Title: Give your car a break during September'''
'''Contact person:''' Mr Roland Seber  
'''Date:''' 8 - 26 September
'''Location:''' West Lothian, Scotland, UK
'''Web address:'''
'''Events planned so far:''' 8 - 12 September is Travel Challenge week - individuals encouraged to use sustainable transport to work. 15 - 21 September is walking week - where you can join an organised walk led by experienced leaders. 22 to 26 September is West Lothian Cycle week - organised cycling to work. Email a travel pledge and you will be entered into a free prize draw.
'''Organizer:''' West Lothian Council
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Location:''' Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Dressed up bike parade, music, market, and a Village Fair.
'''Organizer:''' Portobello Energy Descent and Land Reform Group
'''Web address:'''
'''Contact e-mail:''' []
'''Title: People Park not Car Park'''
'''Date:''' 22 September  
'''Date:''' 22 September  
'''Location:''' Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
'''Location:''' Lawrence Street, York
'''Events planned so far:''' Free breakfast for travellers by subway, free goodie-bags for passengers on trains and live performers in stations.
'''Organizer:''' Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
'''Web address:''' []
=== Sheffield ===
'''Date:''' 16 - 22 September 
'''Location:''' Sheffield, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Community transport question time and environmental conference. Organised city walks. Family-friendly cycle ride. Free bike repairs. Green festival.
'''Organizer:''' Sheffield County Council
'''Web address:''' []
=== Walsall ===
'''Title:  Travel to Work Differently'''
'''Date:''' 16 - 22 September
'''Location:''' Walsall, England, UK
'''Events planned so far:''' Free attractions for children and families, including a bouncy castle. Information and offers on public transport. Competitions and discounts on bicycles.
''''Organizer:''' Walsall Council
'''Web address:''' []
=== Worthing ===
'''Date:''' 21 September
'''Events planned so far:''' Turf over a car parking space and transform it into a mini park for people.  8am, picnic breakfast.
'''Location:''' Worthing, England, UK
'''Organizer:''' John, Ivana, Candy and York In Transition
'''Events planned so far:''' A mass cycle ride around Worthing
'''Contact person:''' John Cossham 
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Contact e-mail:'''
'''Web address:''' []
'''Web address:'''

Current revision as of 12:58, 5 December 2012

Please include information under the following headings, please add countries missing from the list.


[edit] Czech Republic

[edit] Prague

Title: The streets without cars

Date: September 20, 2009

Location: Prague 2, Jugoslavska and Londanska incl. Nam. Miru

Events planned so far: On Sept 20, 2009 entire car traffic will be banned in these places in order to create a car-free zone pleasant and accommodating for pedestrians, kids, pets, cyclists, coffee shops, small restaurants and bistros, performances and YOUR activities /garage sales, used books sales, pet saloons, kids playgrounds etc/ ! We are not going to build large stages for pop stars or/and invite beer and sausage stands. We are interested in small local businesses serving /far trade, organic, shade grown/ coffee/tea on street, street musicians and artists and in YOUR IDEAS how to create our common space with exclusion of cars!

Organizer: The Prague based Auto-Mat association in collaboration with other NGOs, artists, cycling community, ped/ts and Prague citizens

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Title: Carbusters Fest

Date: September 22, 2009

Location: Bunkr Parukářka in Žižkov, Prague

Events planned so far: Carbusters Magazine is proud to present - as an antidote for you all "Autoholics Anonymous" and courageous Carfree Warriors out there - the after show party of World Carfree Day 09 celebrations CARBUSTERS FEST featuring live music from: Duchess and the Kittens (Soul/Jazz/Blues), White Stones (Rock&Roll/Soul), Plastic Ted (Jazz/Pop), Justin Lavash (Blues/Folk), Terror Incognita (Thrash Metal), DJ Dunstan Clarke (Reggae), DJ Pedro Pires (Electronic) with fun and games on offer: CARnival, Juggling, Bicycle Wheel of Fortune, Eco Action Fashion Show.

Join us on the World Carfree Day celebrations to remind the world that we don't have to accept our car-dominated society!

Organizer: Carbusters together with World Carfree Network, Auto*Mat, Greenpeace CZ, DUHA, Arnika, Nesehnuti, Nadace Partnerství

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Estonia

[edit] France

[edit] General

Title: Journée mondiale sans voitures

Date: September 22th

Location: France

Events planned so far: French carfree day

Organizer: Carfree France

Contact name: Marcel

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Additional comments:

[edit] Paris

Title: Critical Mass

Date: September 22th

Location: Place de l'étoile

Events planned so far: Riding around the triumph arch

Organizer: Vélorution Paris

Contact name: Vélorution

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Additional comments:

[edit] Grenoble

Title: Liberate this parking !

Date: September 22th, between noon and 2pm

Location: Place Jean Achard

Events planned so far: We will liberate a parking : as soon as the cars will leave their parking places, we will park one bike on it and start living in the free space : live music, apéritif, bagmington, kids games...

Organizer: association uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête

Contact name: top secret

Contact e-mail:

Web address: uN p'Tit véLo dAnS La Tête

Additional comments:

[edit] Germany

[edit] Berlin

Title: CARambolagen "PARK(ing) Day" action

Date: Friday, 18. September 2009, 16pm

Location: vom Mauerpark zum Helmholtplatz

Activities planed so far:CARambolagen startet am Helmholtzplatz an diesem Tag die Kampagne "AG Autofreier Helnholtzplatz"

Web address:

Title: autofrei leben! World Carfree Day

Date: 22/09/2009

Organiser: autofrei leben! e.V., Berlin section

Title: Aktionstag "Zu Fuss zur Schule und zum Kindergarten - Mobil ohne Auto"

Date: 22. September 2008

Organizer: Arbeitskreis Mobilitätserziehung Berlin (ADFC-Berlin; Fuss e.V.; BUND-Berlin; Per Pedes; VCD-Nordost e.V.)

Contact e-mail:;;

Web address: [1]

[edit] Munich

Title: Streetlife-Festival

Date: 12-13 September 2009

Web address & contacts:

Title: PARK(ing) DAY

Date: 18. September 2009

Location: Tal, Munich

Actions planed so far:17 Parkplätze werden am Aktionstag in PARKs, Ausstellungsräume, Leseecken und Lounges verwandelt.

Organizer: Green City e.V.

Web address & contacts:

[edit] Greece

[edit] Hungary

[edit] Budapest

Title: Critical Mass Budapest

Date: 22 September 2009

Location: Town Hall (near Deák Ferenc Square)

Events planned so far: demonstrating around the town hall, then cycling in town, returning and hold-up :)

Web address: [2]

[edit] Iceland

I'm not wotrhy to be in the same forum. ROTFL

A piece of eudrtioin unlike any other!

[edit] Latvia

God, I feel like I suhlod be takin notes! Great work

[edit] Luxembourg

[edit] Macedonia

[edit] Malta

I told my granmdother how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”

[edit] Monaco

[edit] Montenegro

Knocked my socks off with kownldege!

I had no idea how to approach this before-now I'm locked and loeadd.

[edit] Poland

[edit] Portugal

Please keep trhoiwng these posts up they help tons.

[edit] Russia

IMHO you've got the right anewsr!

[edit] Serbia

Date: 22 September. 10:00am - 1:00pm

Location: Novi Sad

Events planned so far: bike ride across the city, press-conference in City hall, Round table discusion about cycling in Novi Sad and current problems and solutions.

Organizer: Cycling club "Novi Sad" ^ City of Novi Sad

Web address:

Way to use the itenrnet to help people solve problems!

Your cranium must be prtoceintg some very valuable brains.

[edit] Spain

[edit] Basque Country


Title: Car free day event

Date: Tuesday, September 22nd

Location: In front of La Perla (on Paseo de la Concha)

Events planned so far: In recognition of “World Carfree Day”, Kalapie, the Urban Cyclists Association of San Sebastian, is going to offer snacks and bicycle bells to all urban cyclists, between 17:00 and 20:00. Open invitation to all cyclists.

Organizer: KALAPIE, the Urban Cyclists Association of San Sebastian

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Sweden

On the 22th of september 2009 the Swedish environmental action group Klimax, the 40 years old environmental and urban planning organization Alternativ Stad (=Alternative City) and the public transport activists in are creating a car free zone in the center of Stockholm. The action is also a protest against all the new road projects like Förbifart Stockholm and Södertörnsleden which are planned in the Stockholm area. Our demand is investments in public transport instead of more crazy road projects!

Time and localisation for the action is 22/9, shortly before 5 PM at the crossroad of Sergels torg and Hamngatan in the center of Stockholm.

Join us! Together we create a social space without noise and air pollusion!

[edit] Switzerland

[edit] Geneva

Title: Journée Sans Voiture : CycloParade & Parking Day

Date: 22/09/09

Location: Place du Cirque

Events planned so far: CycloParade : RDV Pl. du Cirque 17h • Depart 17h15, ParkingDay : Pl. du Cirque 18h

Organizer: ROC - Reseau Objection de Croissance

Contact e-mail: Thibault Schneeberger,

Web address:

[edit] Zurich

Title: Velodemo 2009

Date: 22 September

Location: Buerkliplatz, Zurich

Events planned so far: Demonstration by bike trough the city

Organizer: Junge Gruene

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Ukraine

[edit] Irpin

Title: CarFree day in Irpin'

Date: 20.09.09

Location: Shenchenko sqr - town streets - forest. Town of Irpin', Kyivska region, Ukraine

Events planned so far: 1. Ceremonial part - music, greetings, speaches, officials, leaflets 2. Bike-parade 3. Cross-country competition at forest

Organizer: JC Bike Club & "Irpins'kyi velorukh" (Irpin' Cycling Movement)

Contact person: Yuliya Makliuk

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

There's a sreect about your post. ICTYBTIHTKY

[edit] United Kingdom

[edit] Brighton

Title: Car Free Day - Streets for People

Date: Sunday 20 September 12:00 to 17:00

Location: The Lanes, New Road, Jubilee Street and Jubilee Square

Events planned so far: The Lanes, New Road, Jubilee Street and Jubilee Square will be transformed into pedestrian friendly spaces with live music, performances and activities for everyone to enjoy. We're creating a unique 'forest' in the Lanes and encouraging people to walk, cycle and get the bus to this annual free event. Free rickshaw rides along the seafront. Bicycle Alley. Woodland music stage. Poet Tree on New Road and much more.

Organizer: Brighton & Hove City Council

Contact name:

Contact e-mail:

Web address: Journey On

Title: Streets For People Party

Date: Sunday 20 September 13:00 to 17:00

Location: Edinburgh Road and Community Garden, off Lewes Road

Events planned so far: The Lewes Road Streets For People Party will celebrate the launch of the new 'Lewes Road for Clean Air' campaign, and takes place in the Community Garden and Edinburgh Road, which will be closed to traffic. There'll be live music, market stalls, cakes, kids' activities, exhibitions, free Park & Ride and wacky cycle races. It costs nothing to set up a stall - though donations to our group are appreciated and encouraged! - and we'd love YOU to be there! Bring your bric-a-brac, baked goods, art, organically grown plants/vegetables, holistic therapies, energy-efficient inventions and anything else you'd like to sell at this uplifting, eco-friendly event.

Organizer: The Triangle Community Group

Contact e-mail: Contact page

Web address: Triangle Community Group

Title: Picnic Walk back through 65 million years

Date: Tuesday, September 22nd, 11am

Location: Meet at the Brighton Marina Bus Stop at 11am (buses 7, 21, 25c, 47, 52 stop here)

Events planned so far: A family friendly (buggy) short linear stroll along the 65 million year old undercliff to Rottingdean. Picnic on beach, pubs or tea rooms at end.

Organizer: South Downs Society

Contact name: Jacquetta Fewster

Contact e-mail: downsmen-d @

Web address: South Downs Society

Additional comments: Family friendly (buggy) short walk. Linear stroll along 65 million year old undercliff to Rottingdean. Picnic on beach, pubs or tea rooms at end.


Date: Sunday 20 September, 12:30-14:00

Location: Meet 12:30 for 13:00 start, at the Peace Statue (on seafront by Hove Lawns, south of Waterloo Street BN3 1AQ). Map link: Multimap

Events planned so far: Share the joys of pedal power and mass cycling and bogying on a bike with some of the city's wackiest cycles, including tall bikes, long bikes, unicycles, trikes and trailers on a tour of city 'Streets For People' sites*. Route includes a circuit of the Vogue Gyratory - one of Brighton's notorious car-crazy pollution hot-spots. Finish 14:00-ish at Lewes Road Community Garden, for start of Lewes Rd Street Party & Market, plus launch of Lewes Road For Clean Air campaign. Bring colour, music and your favourite wheels. Get on yer bike, join in and be the critical mass!

A people power PARK & RIDE service is being run by volunteers (with the Big Lemon Bus Company) to keep traffic off the Lewes Road and out of the city. We'll be waving cars off the Lewes Road at Brighton University's Mithras House car park and running free buses every 15 minutes to the Old Steine. If you can help to steward this, we could do with some more help from 2-4 or 4-6pm. More info at the Lewes Road Community Garden or contact Becky - 07809-723743.

Web address:

[edit] Bristol

Title: Spoke'n'Chain Cinema

Date: Saturday 19/20 September 19:30 to 23:00

Location Sparke Evans Park St,Phillips Greenway, Outdoor Screening and the Cube Cinema

Events Planned So Far: At the Streets Alive event in Corn Street when the streets are transformed into carfree zone, Spoke'n'Chain will be there with their Carnival Bicycles, meet at Castle Park end of Bristol Bridge to follow the b-bike-a-lula to an outdoor screening of

[Veer] a full-length documentary about the ever unfolding road map of underground bike culture in America, the fastest growing revolution in the world

'Re~Cycle - The Journey of the Mighty Bike' a short documentary about 30,000 unwanted bicycles that have been collected and repaired by Re~Cycle volunteers and sent to Africa.

'One Thing After Another'. a short animation featuring a man on a bicycle

Spazrammer live bicycle powered microrave

Come on a bicycle and light them up for the ride home

For details map etc.. go to

Programme will be repeated at the Cube Cinema on Sunday night with special guesta Climate Rush Roadshow.

Organiser Spoke'n'Chain

Contact NameKevin Dennid

Contact e-mail

Web Address

Monday 21st 5pm City Centre by the fountains there will be Critical Mass ride as part of world climate wake-up call

[edit] Chichester

Title: Go Car Free

Date: September 2009


Events planned so far: European Mobility Week and International / World Car Free Day take place in September 2009 and Chichester District Council is encouraging everyone to leave their cars at home and walk or use public transport. You will have no carbon footprint, have a breath of fresh air, get the blood flowing and feel better in both health and knowledge that you're not adding to the air pollutants in your area.

Organizer: Chichester District Council

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Edinburgh

Title: Park your bike - not your car!


Location: Davidsons Mains Primary School, Corbiehill Road, Edinburgh

Events planned so far: Walk or cycle to school for the day. Adult-led cycle train into school along local cycle path. Win stickers and goodies!


Contact e-mail:

Web address:

Title: Cycling to school


Location: Wester Drylaw Drive Edinburgh (national cycle network Route no 1 north edinburgh)

Events planned so far: This is an event to promote safe travel routes to school for local children around Davidsons Mains/Silverknowes and Drylaw, using the National Cycle Network and adult let cycle train. Cycling to Davidsons Mains primary school using local cycle path not taking car along main roads


Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Inverness

Title: Encourage car share, cycling and walking


Location: School and business car parks will be restricted to the private car

Events planned so far: Cycling lessons, road share demonstrations. Electric vehicle re-charge station

Organizer: Transport Development, The Old School House, Station Road, Ardersier. GB-IV2 7HG Inverness, +44 07765212608

Contact person: Mr Jim McCreath

Web address:

Boom shakalaka boom boom, prolebm solved.

[edit] Kidderminster

Title: 2 wheels rather than 4


Location: Road closure in action on the 19th of September all day on Worcester Street up to Bromsgrove Street and New Road junction

Events planned so far: Reducing landfill through salvaging clothing. Using fuel efficient transport, 2 wheels rather than 4. Scooter ralley, vintage clothes market and reclaim your clothes workshops. Italian slow food market.

Organizer: Health & Sustainability, Duke House, Clensmore Street GB-DY10 2JX Worcester, +44 01562 732572

Contact person: Ms Elaine Halford-Bishop

Web address:

[edit] London

Holy concise data bmatan. Lol!

[edit] Richmond

Title: Smarter Travel Richmond upon Thames programme


Location: Richmond High Street, Richmond upon Thames

Events planned so far: A roadshow will be set up with three toblerone style stalls on walking, cycling and public transport. This event is being run as part of the Smarter Travel Richmond upon Thames programme. A 3 year programme run in partnership with Transport for London and Richmond Council. More information is available on the website. Expert staff will be present to engage with the public, plan personalised journeys for them without their cars and advice, support and incentives will be given to people to try greener travel options when they can. Pledges will be taken and various discounts and schemes will be promoted.

Organizer: Transport for London, Richmond Council

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

[edit] Westminster

Title: Creation or enlargement of pedestrian areas in Westminster


Location: to be confirmed...

Events planned so far: Road closure to promote the climate change requirements with interactive exhibitions on cycling, walking, electric vehicles and healthy lifestyle. Will also support a nerly developed streetscape improvement scheme. Public exhibitions on wayfinding for pedestrians and cyclists. Bike checks and promotional interactive exhibitions on climate change and looking after the planet.

Organizer: Transportation department, Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street, GB-SW1E 6QP London

Contact person: Mr Peter Wilson

Web address:

[edit] Luton

Title: New 20 mph zones, cycle paths, bus lanes, traffic calming measures



Events planned so far: Exhibition to promote / celebrate the implementation of permanant measures to enable transport mode transfer. The exhibition would include practical activities such as bike checks and security coding for bikes. The exhibition would promote awareness of sustainable travel schemes in Luton such as new designs to integrate rail, bus, cycling and walking within the town centre and also health walks, cycle training and cycle to work schemes.

Organizer: Environment & Regeneration, Town Hall GB-LU1 2BQ Luton, +44 01582 546152

Contact person: Ms Vivien Bray

Web address:

[edit] Manchester Trafford

Title: Launch of Walking journey planner



Events planned so far: Local and staff events including, commuter cycle rides, information events about Air Quality, launch of walking journey planner

Organizer: Environment Strategy, Level 2 Sale Waterside, Waterside House, GB-M33 7ZF Sale, +44 161 912 4312

Contact person: Ms Filipina Moore

Web address:

[edit] North Yorkshire

[edit] Harrogate

Title: Free Bike Hire

Date: 22 September 2009

Location: Harrogate Railway Station between 7.00am - 6.30pm

Events planned so far: Why not jump off the train on 22nd September and hire a bicycle to complete your journey or simply to get around town - all free!

This ‘Ride and Pedal’ scheme offers great opportunities not to use your car. Bicycles can be collected and returned to Harrogate Railway Station between 7.00am - 6.30pm.

Organizer: committee in partnership with Northern Rail, NYCC and the Rotary Club of Harrogate

Contact : Neil Jameson -

Web address:

Additional comments:We have organised several events for the day and various partners are also doing the same [Visit Partner Activities]. Our events include:

Now shall I walk or shall I ride? "Ride," Pleasure said: "Walk," Joy replied. ~W.H. Davies

Bike Ride through Town, 5pm Join our bike ride through town, starting at Harrogate College (leaving 5.30pm) and ending at St Peter’s Church. All ages welcomed as stewards will be available. Route is Rayleigh Road, Hamilton Avenue, Warwick, Crescent, St. James Drive, Stray Rein, South Park Road, Victoria Avenue, Station Parade, West Park, Prospect Crescent, ending at St. Peter’s Church.

Over 90 people participated in last years and we hoping for more this year!

Planning an event yourselves, then let us know via

Free Early Breakfast for Bus Commuters at the Bus Station, first thing in the morning.

Educational Car in Schools Schools will be receiving a visit from North Yorkshire County Council’s Road Safety and Travelwise modified car, which contains a laptop computer, a television – and a number of moving dummies with thought-bubbles promoting the benefits of walking rather than using the car. The car is designed to make people think about how they travel.

Free Bike Hire on the day

You can register to hire a free bike on the day which can be collected and returned from Harrogate Railway Station.

Free Bus Tickets

Transdev Harrogate & District are giving away free day tickets. See Special Offers for further details.

[edit] Oxford

Title: Carfree Oxford

Date: 22 September 2009

Location: Little Clarendon Street Oxford

Events planned so far: Closing a part of Little Clarendon Street, in the heart of town, from 10 am to 3 pm. Oxford's Bike Bell Orchestra // Bike Doctor // Poetry for kids // Breakfast and Snacks will be served by local shops at a lower price

Organizer: Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford // Oxford Cycle Workshop

Contact e-mail: // //

Web address:

[edit] Stoke-on-Trent

Title: Carfree events

Date: 22 September

Location: all across the city

Events planned so far: This year's approach to Car Free day is as an educational marketing campaign targeting local employers and commuters about the ease and eco-friendliness of using alternative, sustainable modes of transport culminating in an event in the city centre on 22 September 2009.

Business and schools will be invited to take support the campaign and will be able to offer staff a special ticket offering �£1 unlmited bus travel in the city on 22 September.

There will be a series of pre Car Free Day events in the city centre leading up to the 22 September to get the general public and families involved.

On the day there will be an exhibition in the city centre including a car in a skip, information about green transport including a prescence from the Cycle Stoke team.

Organizer: North Staffordshire Regeneration Partnership, Transport Planning Group, Civic Centre, Glebe Street GB-ST4 1RF Stoke-on-Trent, +44 01782 234964

Contact person: Ms Gillian Cale

Web address:

This is the perfect way to break down this ifnomrtaion.

[edit] Woking

Title: Events for Cyclists and pedestrians

Date: 22 September


Events planned so far: The day will involve Cycling for Year 2 pupils, Pedestrian training for Year 1,3,4 as well as cycling events held in schools and across the borough of Woking. In addition new cycle shelters will be opened in schools and the town centre

Organizer: Safe And Smarter Travel, Grosvenor House London Square London Road Guildford, GB-GU1 1FA Guildford, +44 01483-519147

Contact person: Mr Roland Seber

Web address:

[edit] York

Title: People Park not Car Park

Date: 22 September

Location: Lawrence Street, York

Events planned so far: Turf over a car parking space and transform it into a mini park for people. 8am, picnic breakfast.

Organizer: John, Ivana, Candy and York In Transition

Contact person: John Cossham

Contact e-mail:

Web address:

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