Prince Naka-Mura Vasoo
From War Thread
Prince Naka-Mura Vasoo is the most famous leader of Fridengreese. Despite being a Prince, he rules with the power of a King. Most of his subjects love him, due to the fact that he consistently defeats the Krispy Kremes in their attempts to destroy or take over Fridengreese. He eventually formed the Fridengreese SpecOps section of the Fridengreese army in an effort to combat the Krispy Kremes more directly. He has superior combat abilities, and it is rumored that he has never been defeated in open combat. He is a caring leader, and tries to steer his country in line with his morals.
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Early Life
When he was an infant, King Vasoo, his father, decided that he needed a bodyguard. While in this quest, the King was attacked by a street hoodlum. A wandering traveler named Odger defeated the hoodlum, and, impressed with the travelers skills, immediately hired him on the spot as young Vasoo's bodyguard. Odger reluctantly accepted, and quickly foiled an attempt to murder Vasoo by a cadre of assassins - including the feared assassin Chocolate Vermooth. From that day forward, Vermooth had a blood vendetta against both Vasoo and Odger. Odger never told Vasoo about the early attempts on his life, but everybody figures that that's just because Odger isn't really in touch with reality.
Early Military Career
As Vasoo was coming of age, a very large war spread out across the entire continent of Foodlesia. The militant Fastfoden and Pudding formed an alliance, along with several other countries, and spread out on a war of domination. The Krispy Kreme Nation, Fridengreese, Pastryville, and Sundaeland allied together to repel the invaders.
Vasoo played a key role in defeating the Puddings, and, working with a Krispy Kreme soldier named Boss Krispy, helped to push the Fastfoden assault backwards until they reached the Fastfoden borders. Vasoo and Krispy scored dozens of victories against the Fastfoden, but no offensive could ever penetrate the border. A long war of attrition seemed inevitable, until a revolution inside the Krispy Kreme government placed Vasoo's old comrade Boss Krispy in charge.
Boss Krispy turned sides and joined the Krispy Kreme forces with those of the Fastfodenese. The two prepared an offensive that the Fridengreese and Pastryvillians could not defeat. So Vasoo helped to design a terrifying new weapon. It was a large artillery field-cannon that was designed to be incredibly easy to transport. It launched shells that held acid potent enough to devour flesh in instants and scour the countryside - which is precisely what they used it to do.
Vasoo lured the Fastfoden armies into a trap, and a single shot from his devastating new superweapon destroyed over half the Fastfoden armies. They quickly retreated to within their borders once more, and pressed for peace with their enemies. The peace was established, and to this day the border between Fridengreese and Fastfoden is intensely guarded. Peace has never been officially declared between Fridengreese and the Krispy Kremes.
War with the Krispy Kremes
Vasoo, furious at being betrayed by his former friend, would not pursue peace with the Krispy Kremes. After defeating the Fastfodens, he attacked the nearby Krispy Kreme army before they could escape. The battle raged for over 11 days before the Krispy Kremes retreated - more because Boss Krispy feared a secondary assault on his homeland than because he feared defeat at the hands of Vasoo.
When Krispy retreated, Vasoo was torn between pursuing and returning to fortify his own homeland. He chose to return, and was officially granted control of the country by his father. The war against Fastfoden had shown King Vasoo not only was he unable to properly steer the country in war time, but also that his son was more than capable of leading the country in war or in peace. Vasoo decided that their superweapon should never again be used - the single time it was used against the Fastfoden left a black mark on his conscience that he was never able to get rid of. He sealed away the formula for the acid they loaded in the weapon in a small jelly donut. There it stayed, safe for many years, until Krispy Kreme spies learned the location of the formula.
Boss Krispy personally broke into the safehouse guarding the Jelly Donut and stole it. When Vasoo learned, he was furious. By questioning the local Barkeep, Vasoo quickly deduced where Krispy was keeping the Donut, and infiltrated the base and reclaimed the donut as his own. He got into a brief showdown with Boss Krispy there, but escaped with the Donut before they could learn the formula. Krispy followed him back to Fridengreese, and there they fought once more. Vasoo managed to incapacitate Krispy with his trademark weapon - a nondescript block object - and thought that he had killed him. Awake to the danger posed by the Jelly Donut, Vasoo ate it. He is now the only one who knows the formula for the acid.
The Pastryville Incident
Several years later, Fridengreese was enjoying a period where no major Krispy Kreme incidents had occurred. This was because the Krispy Kremes had decided to focus on Fridengreese's ally, Pastryville. The Pastryvillians were losing this new war, and came to Vasoo for help. Vasoo leapt at the opportunity to strike at the Krispy Kremes, and infiltrated their main headquarters, whose location was supplied once more by the Barkeep. There he was astonished to find that Boss Krispy was alive, and was taken captive by Boss Krispy's new supersoldier - the Uberkrisp. With the help of a fellow prisoner, he broke free and killed the Uberkrisp. He confronted Boss Krispy once more, and this time Krispy ran instead of attempting to kill Vasoo. The Krispy Kreme offensive in Pastryville was at an end.
The Pudding Rebellion
Vasoo returned to Fridengreese to find that unrest had risen in his absence. The Pudding territories, the country Fridengreese annexed in the war, had begun to rebel. They resorted to terrorist activities - murdering innocents in cold blood. Eventually the conflict got out of hand, and Vasoo decided to intervene personally. Deciding to stick with the old ways, Vasoo went to question the Barkeep once more. However, the Barkeep fought back this time when he was caught with a Pudding rebel near his bar. Vasoo killed the rebel and chased down the Barkeep, coercing him to give him the information.
Taking him as a hostage to ensure that the Barkeep didn't try anything, Vasoo went to the Barkeep's contact. Vasoo got a disguise that would get him in with the Puddings, and snuck into a transaction where the Puddings were receiving their weapons. Vasoo was astonished to learn that, once more, the Krispy Kremes were behind his troubles, and were funding and arming the Pudding Rebels. The Krispy Kreme agent saw through Vasoo's disguise, and Vasoo was forced to fight his way through the Pudding territory to the nearest Pudding base. Luckily, he had learned via the Barkeep and his contact the location of the Pudding's base.
He and the Barkeep planned an assault on the Puddings. The assault was two-pronged: A SpecOps team, disguised as citizens and led by Lieutenant Glazing, would sneak into the base while Vasoo led a frontal assault as a distraction. The Puddings were relatively unprepared for an attack, though fought back viciously, killing most of the men on Vasoo's assault team. Vasoo himself was cornered by several Puddings and Krispy's and brought before the face of the rebellion, known only as Boss Pudding - clearly out of respect to their Krispy Kreme benefactors. Vasoo escaped detention and defeated Boss Pudding, and successfully snuffed out the rebellion.
The Krispifier Incident
A long time passed before more trouble arose. Vasoo came under attack by a lone assassin while in his summer home, and fought him through his territory. On his return to his summer home, a pair of assassins attacked. Vasoo killed one assassin, but the other managed to escape. Before Vasoo could pursue, a strange device attracted his attention. He claimed it, and returned home to examine it. Neither he nor Odger could figure it out, and while they were pondering it, yet another assassin attacked. Odger dispatched of this foe, and two more assassins made their presences known. Odger made short work of them, and Vasoo sent him to question the Barkeep about the mysterious object.
The Barkeep was very resistant to the royal summons, and Vasoo was forced to go to the Barkeep himself with the mysterious object. They were discussing it's nature when Vasoo overheard a patron describing a series of events that sounded identical to what happened to him with the second pair of assassins. When he turned to see who it was, he recognized the assassin that had escaped. Vasoo attacked, but once more the assassin escaped. He gave pursuit, but the incident incited the rest of the bar to riot. The Barkeep, enraged, took off after Vasoo.
The chase led the assassin to the Fastfoden border. Preferring to take his chances, he broke through a Fridengreese blockade and ran across the border. A single Fridengreese soldier took off after him. Both of them were quickly set upon by the feared Fastfoden Border Patrol. The beat both of them brutally, and dragged them away. Vasoo would not be held back, though. He used his diplomatic status to get into Fastfoden, and spoke with their ambassador. The Barkeep knocked the ambassador unconscious, and together they searched his office. It didn't take long for them to find that their soldier and the assassin were being held nearby. They conspired together to break the two out of prison and escaped across the border to Fridengreese. Fastfoden has been threatening retaliation ever since.
While being interrogated, the assassin revealed that the company he worked for had been hired by Boss Krispy to kill Vasoo. Vasoo was hardly surprised, but continued pushing until the Barkeep and Odger were thrown into the jail with him by Fridengreese soldiers wearing Krispy Kreme uniforms. Vasoo was able to disable the assassin and kill the soldiers, and escaped along with Odger and the Barkeep. Having no other place to go, Vasoo spent the night at the Barkeep's apartment, figuring out what to do. The Barkeep mentioned having seen one of those strange devices Vasoo had in Gnomesville, so Vasoo that's where Vasoo headed.
In Gnomesville, Vasoo found the gnome who had made the strange object. He revealed that it was a Krispifier, whose main function was to turn people into Krispy Kreme drones. Vasoo, resolve hardened, decided to put a stop to this once and for all. Most of his army had been Krispified, and his headquarters had been overrun. Vasoo decided that that was where Boss Krispy would be, and moved for the attack. In the attack he was forced to fight another Uberkrisp, but quickly found Boss Krispy - and the assassin who had evaded him. Boss Krispy revealed that the assassin - whose name was Gingy - had become his apprentice, and commanded Gingy to kill Vasoo. The two fought while Krispy managed to escape. Vasoo managed to subdue Gingy without much trouble, through the use of new technology, and arrested Gingy, sending him to prison. Inexplicably, all of the Krispified Fridengreesens were de-Krispified.
Reel Cola Conspiracy
Peace reigned once more in Fridengreese, but naturally it was not to last. Krispy Kreme saboteurs snuck into the bottling facility of the Fridengreese soft drink, "Reel Cola", and poured a potion that their scientists had concocted - a potion designed to make everybody who drank it have an uncontrollable urge to kill Vasoo. Unfortunately for Vasoo, Reel Cola was the favorite drink of his butler, Odger, and Odger fell under the effects. Vasoo managed to escape Odger without hurting him, and went to the Barkeep's bar - where the Barkeep had just finished selling a round of Reel Cola to all the patrons. Vasoo was quickly attacked, but escaped with relative ease. The Barkeep decided to take Vasoo to his contact to try and find out what the problem was.
Unfortunately, the contact was also a fan of Reel Cola, and attacked Vasoo. Vasoo fought him off, but a squad of Krispy Kremes - annoyed that their plan had failed thus far - attacked him. Vasoo got rid of them, too, and returned to his palace with the Barkeep. There they found Odger again, but he was no longer under the effect of the potion. They tried to figure out what was going on, and, going over the events of the day, Vasoo deduced that there was something wrong with the Reel Cola. He headed off to the Reel Cola bottling facility, and blew it up.
Boss Krispy learned of this, and in a fit of rage, ordered the first open assault on Fridengreese territory since the Foodlesian War. Vasoo sent Colonel Glazing with his elite 1st Battalion to defeat the Krispy offensive, while he personally went to find Boss Krispy and finally end the war.
Vasoo found Boss Krispy in one of his Krispy Kreme Fortresses, and the two quickly engaged in battle. One of Boss Krispy's newest inventions - the Krispy Teleporter - went on the fritz, and randomly teleported the two throughout various locations in Fridengreese and Pudding as they fought. At one point they appeared in the Barkeep's bar, and the Barkeep, annoyed that they were once more trashing his bar, threw Vasoo's most valued weapon - a nondescript black object - at Boss Krispy. Vasoo recovered it and saved it for later use as they fought. Boss Krispy eventually cornered Vasoo, and pulled a gun on him. Vasoo dodged the shot, and hit Boss Krispy on the head with the nondescript black object. The object was thrown with sufficient force to kill him.
Post-Krispy Wars
Things have been quiet since the death of Boss Krispy. Officially, Fridengreese and the Krispy Kreme Nation are still in a state of war, but the chain of command is too disorganized with the sudden death of their leader to be any kind of a threat. As such, Vasoo has lived peacefully for several years - until the recent flare of the war between Svensylsquatostan and Gal-Zabor. Worried that it might spill out of the North American continent, Vasoo sent the Barkeep and Odger to Svensylsquatostan and Gal-Zabor, respectively, to keep a tab on the war and to show a sign to the leaders of the two countries that the world was watching them.