
From War Thread

Representing the apotheosis of Dr. Baron von Evilsatan's biological ingenuity, the entsetzlichehunde are similar to humans, yet superior in almost every way. Unlike most attempts to create more destructive humans through processes of reanimalisation, the entsetzlichehunde are a result of the anthropomorphisation of German Sheperds. This alternate approach has yielded immense results, not only creating creatures of physical and mental perfection, but also endowing them with a loyalty impossible to humans. In addition, after significant chemical alteration, they have developed a hybrid form that increases their already impressive combat capacity to levels unreachable through any traditional technique, though it does result in some loss of rationality, and a dog form, inn which their mobility is significantly increased at the cost of most mental capacity. All entsetzlichehunde have been comprehensively educated in all the knowledge of this world Dr. Baron von Evilsatan could get his hands on, and have recieved training in every form of physical exertion plausible. the brilliance of these creatures combined with the extremely limited technologies under which they were constructed is expected to significantly accelerate the Baron's induction into the pandimensional aspect of the Evilsatan heirarchy. The notable features of the human form of the entsetzlichehunde are their impressive physical stature, light skin, blue eyes, and most notably their hair, which is mostly yellow-blonde with extensive black and brown patches.

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