Captain Homer

From War Thread

Captain Homer is a technomancer who learned early on about his magical ability, and also learned that magic users are not welcome in Mexicali, the nation he was born in. As part of the opressed "whitey" class, those descended from non-hispanic origins, he was already somewhat untouchable when his magical ability first manifested. His family soon became a target for anti-magic hysteria, even though Homer had left his home to live in the "magic underground," a loose collective of magic users that made residences in abandoned buildings and other old structures. His life was one of being constantly on the run, however, and he rarely had any friends.

His extraordinary talent showed just what it could do when he somehow made a spiritform complete with it's own personality and intelligence. He had created Helen at the age of eight, and the two have grown up together.

Homer and other magic users were hopeful that their yoke in Mexicali would be lightened when the First Family brokered a treaty with the emergent Nova Europa. They soon discovered that the deal would do them no favors as powerful, advanced weaponry was placed in the hands of escuadrillas del barrendero, government sponsored lynch mobs that targetted magic users and their families. Hearing through the rumor mill that San Diego was soon going to be sweapt by the escuadrillas, he went there as quickly as he could as that was the last place his family was living that he had heard about. He made it back just in time to see his parents gunned down. He managed to find out that his sister had survived and left for Nova Europa with a Europan soldier she had taken a fancy to.

Having witnessed his family murdered, he devoted his energies to bringing down the Mexicali government, learning how to construct weapons and learning ways to vary his spell-casting to gain maximum effect in a variety of ways.

Since his technomancy is based on yogamancy, he has an afinity for the undead and has created many of his own spells for dealing with them. While in the Magic Underground working to bring down Mexicali, he heard of and saw some of the work of Dr. Baron von Evilsatan and quickly developed a distaste for the mad scientist.

At the age of 21, Homer and Helen managed to escape Mexicali and began wandering the world, not knowing much about the world outside the dictator state they grew up in. They journeyed through the Vegas Wastes a bit, not staying too long due to the magical radiation, and made it into Deseret. After staying there a while, they ventured south-east, and stumbled upon Felina. After a running firefight with the xenophobic felines and destroying a couple of their genetic manipulation facilities, Homer and Helen managed to escape Felina to the north and into the Eastern Wastes. Wasting as little time there as possible, they worked their way north along the Continental Divide until they encountered a small military instalation for Gal Zabor. At first mistrustful, they quickly found themselves almost fanatically devoted to Gal Zabor and immediatly joined their war effort.

Homer was instrumental in the breaking of the seige of the First Battle of Citrus City, employing a devestating weapon that wiped out nearly the whole population of the city and had the identical effect of a firebomb. He hasn't yet made a duplicate of this weapon.

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