Battle of Valparaíso

From War Thread

The Battle of Valparaíso was one of the most important battles that happened in the history of Chilargentina. This was the first battle in which humans from Chilargentina and Foxkin refugees from Squatostan would fight together on the same side after an attack which was lead by Francisco de San Maria. This battle was also the first time that troops from both Squatostan and Chilargentina would fighht together on the same side.

This battle lasted for at least three weeks and saw heavy loses by both sides before San Maria ordered a pull back. The long term effects of this battle is that it drew not just the people of Chilargentina and the Foxkin together, but saw the start of the close relationship between the Chilargentina and Squatostan while also turning the nations of South America against them.



Backdrop to the battle

This battle took place in the days when Chilargentina was at it's weakest after the series of wars that had engulfed the region. When Chilargentina heard that Squatostan was looking for a home for the Foxkin, they used this as a chance to build an international allanice so as to protect their future.

The South American wars

From the mid-2050's, relations in South America broke down to the point that it was felt that the future of the continentm was one of war and ruin. By the time of this battle, things had become no better.

The Foxkin look for a home

Peru looks to destory Chilargentina for the final time


The First Fleet

When Chilargentina gave word that they would take in the Foxkin under the protection of the Squatostan Navy, a fleet was orgainzed that would transport them to the port city of Valparaíso. This was given the name The First Fleet by the media of Squatostan as a nod to the First Fleet of Australian history.

=Peruivan advance

As soon as the war started, Chilargentina found itself on the defensive in a war they had not been ready for. When word came to San Maria that the Foxkin Fleet was making it's way to Valparaíso, he ordered the Tercera Ejército de Tacna to advance as fast as they could to take the city. Due to a storm that came in off the Pacific Ocean which forced his army to wait three days until the roads became safe to move. As a result, the fleet made it before San Maria did.

San Marias first attack

The Seige of Valparaíso

San Marias second attack

San Marias final attack

San Maria orders the pullback

Impact of the battle

Chilargentina rise in power

A home for the Foxkin


See also

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