
From War Thread

The size of a small city and costing the annual GDP of a prosperous developing nation to maintain, the Arachnarox is the largest war machine ever designed or built. Consisting of a huge ovoid shape attached to a smaller flattened sphere with eight pneumatic suspension devices as long as the rear ovoid attached to underground support columns, the primary purpose of the stationary Arachnarox is to serve as the largest artillery device physically possible under current technology. The main cannon, capable of firing only when correctly established, fires shells at a distance limited only by the curvature of the Earth, and even then only slightly. The sheer amount of force required to propel a ten-tonne artillery shell at such a distance required the construction of the pneumatic support struts, which were later revealed to have an accidental secondary function. Through massive manipulations and calculations, the Arachnarox is capable of walking and even jumping, though the mechanics of either put a massive amount of strain on the vehicle. Precisely how the creator of the Arachnarox, Dr. Baron von Evilsatan, enabled this feature has yet to be revealed, as has any means through which such motion would even be physically possible. This bizarre impossibility extends throughout the entire frame, such as how it is able to support its own weight and how it is able to fire without destroying itself. The inventor of the device has never spoken of how he achieved this, and due to his recent death physicists and mages will likely never figure out just how the hell it works. The Arachnarox has a working crew of ten thousand including four thousand security personnel and the only known platoon of entsetzlichehunde, another of the Barons' illogical creations. Main armanent consists of one triple-barreled 160-inch rotary artillery device and secondary armanent two forward-mounted six-barreled 11-inch assault cannon and 56 forward-mounted heavy machine guns. Tertiary armanent icludes three hundred light machine gun firing stations, thirty anti-air platforms, one hundred and fifty fixed heavy sniper mounts, 4 mortar emplacements consisting of 20 mortar a position and several houndred mounts for lighter weapons stowed onboard the Arachnarox. The Arachnarox main cannon fires several standard shells, including high explosive (1 kiloton yield), incendiary (equivalent to twenty thousand litres of napalm), gas (twelve thousand litre (expanded capacity) and a variety of other more esoteric rounds, many of which are prototypes. At this stage the military value of the Arachnarox has yet to be proven, as there have been few occasions where the sheer power contained within it has been deemed appropriate for the situation.

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