[edit]First thing you need to do is dye your hair red. I don't mean red like a redhead. It has to be red like a fire truck for some reason. I'm not really sure why this is necessary but it is. Next you will need PILLS. I guess they can be really any kind of PILLS but PILLS are most certainly necessary if you wish to teleport between wards in a hospital. This only works at United States hospitals. Your mileage may vary if you are from other countries because this has not been tested really anywhere. Actually, I have only seen it work once in a U.S. hospital. Next, you will need to be standing somewhere and you need to say "Beam me up, PILLS." This is plural so you will need to have more than one PILL for this to work. Swallow the PILLS while saying "Beam me up, PILLS". Now all you need to do is wait. Soon you will find yourself walking through the same doors more than once without ever having come back out. It will be really cool. Also, this probably works better if the PILLS are some sort of hallucinogen or something, but I digress. Have fun teleporting in hospitals and freaking people the fuck out.