Corporate sluts

From Vandalwiki

Don't even get me started. they'r all a bunch of sluts, just becuz you run with the big faggts doesn't mean you should be a stupid slut like that. Youre all selling your asses and for what? nothing that realy mattress to anybody. you just spend your tiem fuckin people ovr and being generaly arseholes that benfit no one, not even yourselvs becaus you're bullshit isn't goint to add up to anything. why don't you gt off your fuckin high whore and do somthing useful for a change to benefit the world. all you can do is sit ther fucking poeple over. does that even maek you feel good. munny can't buy a conscience and all that. you can take a bath in your munny and it's only gonna make you dirtier. munny is dirty and so are you. would you sell yer mum's soul for more munny? you prolly alrady done that because nothing matress to you in th things that actually mean anything. in the end, all you'v done is made munny and spent munny and done nothing else with your lives. it's tiem for a change you fucking worthlss slutbags. don't be that guy anymor ya fuckin faggot

[edit] SEE ALSO


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