Revision history of "BASTARD UNIVERSITY"

From Vandalwiki

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Legend: (cur) = difference with current version, (last) = difference with preceding version, M = minor edit.

  • (cur) (last) 06:18, 27 December 2014 Hydraton31 (Talk | contribs) (4,566 bytes) (um^&:ELIM&:LMI&L:M^om67L:M%UL:M^l;t4,l;wyl;,3yl5,'u,;'6,i;'<',',@<+~)9<*PO(T@U<:S@EYmL:HMls;5hl;5msLMUKLWK^IN^W:NI^$L:UN^L:$WNL:%YNK£QNKL$NKLQNT¬NL:NL:"£RNKLN£KL:NL:NL:TNKLNFKL:NYL:N%L:KNKL$MNY:L:MN^L)
(Latest | Earliest) View (newer 50) (older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
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